More bemused with customer services different answers each time you ask the same questions when speaking to a different operator
1 operter : Erm i don,t think it works all the time on google Chrome
Me - Why?
operator Erm Not sure - think tech support are looking into it
Me (for 3rd time ) Download client not working from either browser - Do you want th error message - Erm - think tech support are looking into it
Me - How do you know if your not even asking me what the error message is
Operator - Oh ok - whats the message - 2 seconds later - yeah i,ve got that and i,ll pass it onto tech support -
Me - What you wrote it down in a few seconds - Erm no but i,ll tell tech support - 10 minutes later and getting nowhere
Operator - Ok - I,ve now documented all that on the computer system . I,ve written the error messsages into the computer and our converstaion and will now send it to tech support who will contact you shortly -
Next day - another operator - oh sorry love theres nothing on the system saying you,ve had any problems
Next day - same
Rant Over - there are some good operators but some extra training wouldn,t go a miss on some people
Get Beneah working in customer services - tech support
Ps - i don,t know if anyone can clrify this - But apparantly its a common problem on Google chrome - tornaments not launching and tech support are aware of this (operator 1,s words)
Cash tables are ok but as stated earlier still can,,t download the download client from either browser and no answers from tech support even with the error message
If you join a waiting list I think it remembers which version of the software you last played on that specific table.