Bit of a random topic. What sort of mouse do people use when playing on their laptop/desktops. Ive just got a small wireless one currently but after long seshions i end up having to switch to my left hand!! As i said bit random but any recommendations? Posted by Sidarlokin
im surprised u guys use a wireless mouse, what if the battery dies , i know its abit dramatic but if ur mouse goes half way through a hand and u've got the nuts ur gonna be well annoyed right?
im surprised u guys use a wireless mouse, what if the battery dies , i know its abit dramatic but if ur mouse goes half way through a hand and u've got the nuts ur gonna be well annoyed right? Posted by RLT16
Lol yeah that's true, but I have spare batteries. Also, my current setup is my laptop with another monitor attached so if all goes wrong I've got the laptop touchpad to fall back on.
read a story awhile ago about a high stakes player,think he was finish,who was playin heads up cash and his opponent jammed all in on the river and all he had to do was call coz he had the nuts but his wireless mouse batteries died,there was over $100,000 in the pot,he was runin round the room lookin for something with batteries in it but couldnt find might find the full story if you try a google search.
Wireless mouse Battery doesnt just die, you get a while to replace it, all that happens initially is the pointer gradually gets less sensitive. Posted by calcalfold
Battery doesnt just die, you get a while to replace it, all that happens initially is the pointer gradually gets less sensitive.
Even my nan doesn't listen to it any more.
I always use wired and the current one is a G400.
Those top two on that list may be a better shape for you if you're experiencing problems using your current mouse.
I'd go and try them out in PC World first though. They usually have some on display so you can feel what they're like to hold.