In Response to Re: MTT Forum Challenge : Yep, mine after last night should be 11 played, 5 cash, 1 FT, 6pts. I think FT's and wins should get more points for greater number MTTs, but I know it's just a bit of fun! Posted by bbMike
Yeah mate would make sense, but it keeps it simple.
lol just 3 pts, playin dyms and everything for golden ticket promo ! Posted by LARSON7
yeah think as long u play 1 dym,hu stt,cash(15pts),main,mini play 4 ot the 5 you get SUPER DRAW ticket and yesterday I was goin out so could not play main or mini so just regged mini and was away the whole time since I was out getting smashed lol.
Ended up playing 3 mtts, cashed in a BH, then bluff jammed the river with ace high, after waller checked the turn with his FH, gg! Liamboi played 5, 3points, 1 win Larson, played 8,6 points, 1 win 3cashes bbmike, played 11, 6 points, 5cashes (including ft) flashflush, played 8, 5points, 5cashes scwuffy, played 14, 5 points, 3 cashes (inclding 2xft) don, played 4, 1 points cenachav, played 4, 3 points, 2cashes (including ft) flashjonny, Posted by LARSON7
Last night was looking like it was going to be a disaster again. Registered for my usual 5 tournaments (only 4 counted because the omaha game was below 50 runners as usual), hadn't cashed in any and was getting bored and didn't want to play. Luckily though the 1 I was left in was the main, and I managed to get 10th. So I actually doubled by buyins and made £60, but for this challenge a poor night again.
Is just a bit of fun! but Sky has agreed to give the top 3 places a seat into a Thursday night Bounty Hunter once it's completed. Good luck everyone Posted by LARSON7
awesome news nice one larson and sky.
Might actually have to put the GTA V down and play now lol
Played 14, 7 points, 6 cashes.
We stop at 20 games right?
Running total for me is Played 15, 9 Points, 7 cashes
Liamboi played 5, 3points, 1 win
Larson, played 8,6 points, 1 win 3cashes
bbmike, played 15, 9 points, 7cashes (including 2xft)
flashflush, played 12, 6points, 6cashes
scwuffy, played 14, 5 points, 3 cashes (inclding 2xft)
don, played 7, 4 points
cenachav, played 4, 3 points, 2cashes (including ft)
Some fantastic results so far by everyone! Yeah Mike, finishes at 20 games.
"will I count that then as 6mtts played mate?"
lol if you regd and didn't play we won't count that, but when you win the jackpot on golden tickets after regin for it, then drinks are on you:P
Is just a bit of fun! but Sky has agreed to give the top 3 places a seat into a Thursday night Bounty Hunter once it's completed.
Good luck everyone
Any MTT with 50 plus runners, excluding free rolls and timed tournies.
17, 9pts
Played 2 2night, out and out!
Liamboi played 8, 4points, 1 cash 1 win
Larson, played 10,6 points, 1 win 3cashes
bbmike, played 17, 9 points, 7cashes (including 2xft)
flashflush, played 12, 6points, 6cashes
scwuffy, played 14, 5 points, 3 cashes (inclding 2xft)
don, played 7, 4 points
cenachav, played 4, 3 points, 2cashes (including ft)