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Sunday's Primo with Hartigan & Stapes (***OFFICIAL LIVE SHOW THREAD***)

J-HartiganJ-Hartigan Member Posts: 2,756
edited September 2013 in Poker Chat
Hi everyone,

I'm back from Barcelona, and back on 861 this weekend, with everyone's favourite bandit...

We'll be focussing on the Primo, with four hours of live action between 8pm and midnight. But make sure you're watching from the very beginning (7pm) for 60 minutes of Master Cash coverage, and for details on how you can win FREE entry to next Thursday's £12k Sky Sports Bounty Hunter in...


All will be explained in the first hour of Sunday's show. By the way, I trust everyone had a good time at SPT Newcastle last weekend? Did anyone have to travel more than 250 miles to get there? I love stories of epic SPT voyages, like GREGHOGG's super-cheap bus ride to Glasgow, and The_Don90's 12-hour, overnight coach ride to Birmingham. Out of interest...

What's the longest you've travelled, or the most ridiculous journey you've made, in order to play a game of poker?

Twitter:  #SkyPokerTV

See you on Sunday at 7pm!



  • RICHORFORDRICHORFORD Member Posts: 5,571
    edited September 2013
    A 300 mile, 6 hour round-trip. Interrupted by 10 minutes of poker.

    SPT Cardiff 2012

  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited September 2013
    to play poker i would say cardiff would be the furthest. Birmingham the most frustrating with a 9 hour bus journey each way. 

    Probably the most redic, and technically not to play poker. I used to work for a well known poker league. Anyways i was at a venue one day, and after was promised a lift. The lift let me down and i was left with an 18 mile hike through country roads (1am in the morning) to get home. Given my lack of cash at the time this meant i had no choice. 
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited September 2013
    My journey from Oxfordshire to Newcastle last weekend was pretty much dead on 250 miles each way. The plan was to take turns of driving with Emma but it ended up being much closer to 80/20 than 50/50. Best part of 5 hours each way.
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited September 2013
    SPT Luton last year was a bit of a 'journey' for me. Myself and my mate (both from York) qualified, so he drove down on the morning. So far, so normal you may think. However, I'd been working nights in the build up to it. So I got up at 4.30pm as normal on the Friday to do my 12 hour night shift (6-6), home for about 6.30am on the Saturday morning. Killed a couple of hours before we set off about 9am. Played SPT (busted about 4 hours in), played the side event, watched almost all the final table of the ME, then we set off back up to York about 2am, getting back for around 5ish.

    Suffice to say, after 36 hours with no sleep, I was a zombie! I really don't recommend playing a tournament after 12 hours of work and no sleep, not great prep!
  • MachkaMachka Member Posts: 4,627
    edited September 2013
    In Response to Re: Sunday's Primo with Hartigan & Stapes (***OFFICIAL LIVE SHOW THREAD***):
    A 300 mile, 6 hour round-trip. Interrupted by  10 minutes of poker. SPT Cardiff 2012 :-(
    Posted by RICHORFORD
    Don't exaggerate, it was never 10 minutes.

    Edit: Reminds me of the post knock-out, pre-tournament interview.  Now there's a first!
  • gazza127gazza127 Member Posts: 2,156
    edited September 2013
    Ive only ever been to one poker live event... and that was SPT Nottingham.  Still an interesting journey.

    I was using my SatNav on my phone and just as I got into Nottingham my phone died.  I kind of knew how to get to my hotel (Pah - I say hotel - Travelodge) so after about 20 minutes skirting around Nottingham I stumbled on the industrial park where I thought the travelodge was... but there was noone around and I couldnt see it.  So after driving about trying to find a sign or an indication I was in the right place I decided I was in the wrong park.  I drove off and just started guessing as to where I was supposed to go.  I ended up in a cul-de-sac where I met a guy walking his dog and asked him where I should be going.  He pointed me back to the same park I had just been to.  Turns out I was parked out the travelodge for 20 mins without even realising.  Still maintain it wasn't my fault... there wasn't any signs for a travelodge... just for the local pub!  Northern priorities eh?

    Thats an hour of my life I'm not getting back.
  • J-HartiganJ-Hartigan Member Posts: 2,756
    edited September 2013
    In Response to Re: Sunday's Primo with Hartigan & Stapes (***OFFICIAL LIVE SHOW THREAD***):
    A 300 mile, 6 hour round-trip. Interrupted by  10 minutes of poker. SPT Cardiff 2012 :-(
    Posted by RICHORFORD
    As far as the 'distance travelled' vs 'amount of poker played' ratio is concerned, this one's gonna be hard to beat!

  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited September 2013
    A few years back i went with my girlfriend to Balckpool to see a cpl of mates. We got playing poker and she soon got bored so we arranged to meet at the bus stop for the last bus at 10.45pm.

    I lost at poker but I was a cpl of minutes early  for the bus as we had return tickets back to Lancaster. Unfortanetly my girlfriend wasn,t anywhere in sight.

    The bus came and for a split second i thought about geting it and leaving her as we hadn,t been seeing each other that long anyway. Been the gent i am I waited. A cpl of minutes later she emerged from a pub over the road after she,d popped in to use the loo.

    I can,t repeat what i said but we had a nice 28 mile walk home back to Lancaster. We split up shortly after. Should have left her in Blackpool but we live and learn

    Have a good show guys

  • J-HartiganJ-Hartigan Member Posts: 2,756
    edited September 2013

    Has anyone ever travelled to a different country to play poker...and come back the same day?

  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,667
    edited September 2013
    In Response to Re: Sunday's Primo with Hartigan & Stapes (***OFFICIAL LIVE SHOW THREAD***):
    Has anyone ever travelled to a different country to play poker...and come back the same day?
    Posted by J-Hartigan

    Please see Richard Oxford's post above.
  • SoLackSoLack Member Posts: 2,737
    edited September 2013
    There used to be a forum reg called Hjaitland who was from the Shetlands and who came to the Manchester SPT a couple of years ago - took him about 3 days to get there I think and he was out before the first break.
  • scwuffy54scwuffy54 Member Posts: 180
    edited September 2013
    longest for me was spt birmingham 6 hour drive both ways. pick up few players on the way journey down was ok, driving back a tad rough and everybody else sleeping in car not as much fun
  • POKEY2011POKEY2011 Member Posts: 311
    edited September 2013

    Longest distance to date I have travelled to play poker was from my home last week in South Bristol to Newcastle for the SPT - a distance which from my house is 302.0 miles one way (door to door) - I had options, drive, train or plane - not being pig-headed the choice of the "plane" was simple as I live 5 mins from Bristol Airport, cost me £95 return and took 1 hour 5minutes .. and on a more important note my return date of Monday 9th Sept meant an early morning flight (After leaving aspers at 2am) to ensure I was back before my son (Lewis) woke up (2nd birthday) and ironically my daughter Amy's first day at school - rest assured I caught my flight and got home around 8am with the assistance of 5 alarm clocks + snooze I might add,  otherwise I think I would had to have stayed in Newcastle and be currently looking for a new home and a new job lol

    Playing main and mini, plus donating to cash :)

    Good Luck all


  • GREGHOGGGREGHOGG Member Posts: 7,155
    edited September 2013
    Thought id contribute a nit fold... hopefully correct.. MC4... cant see him not have a flush here... meh
    card blockers maybe...
    I should prob call riv, i am such a nit
  • FCHDFCHD Member Posts: 3,178
    edited September 2013
    In Response to Re: Sunday's Primo with Hartigan & Stapes (***OFFICIAL LIVE SHOW THREAD***):
    There used to be a forum reg called Hjaitland who was from the Shetlands and who came to the Manchester SPT a couple of years ago - took him about 3 days to get there I think and he was out before the first break.
    Posted by SoLack
    Coincidentally that player has just appeared on the Primo leader board
  • memfnomemfno Member Posts: 461
    edited September 2013

    Gl 2 moro in the Sky Presenters Tournament

    A piece of advice from a non poker movie
    "Why do the Yankees Always win? Because the opposition can't stop looking at their pinstripes"

    Be careful not to have the same problem looking at Anna and Sarah. They maybe, ahem, dressed to impress if you know what i mean !

    Right back to concentrating on my last longer bet!

  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited September 2013
    Any chance of getting a list of players involved in the last longer? I hope my email got through!
  • Sky_LouisSky_Louis Member Posts: 701
    edited September 2013
    Players still in the Primo last longer!

  • watto84watto84 Member Posts: 172
    edited September 2013
    Hey Louie did you not get my email!?

    I emailed at 7.26 if that helps.
  • FlyingDaggFlyingDagg Member Posts: 4,146
    edited September 2013
    Quads yet again Mr Stapleton? i'm guessing you've been reading a certain forum thread?
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