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New SkyPoker Layout - Suggestions and Comments here please

Kiwini4uKiwini4u Member Posts: 3,830
WOW signed on this morning and was amazed at the new layout of the site, its going to take some getting used to but excellently done.

Something I have noticed is that on the game registration page the time doesn't show fully with the last two digits partially obscured, not sure if I have to tweek my system for that to show properly so any advise would be welcome.

Secondly, is it possible that on the forum pages we have the old "jump to top" button back to save having to scroll up the page every time I have finished reading a discussion.

I'm sure that there will be other minor glitches to the new pages but on first viewing I am VERY impressed with all the hard work that has gone into improving the site, keep up the good work.



  • Sky_DaveSky_Dave Member Posts: 3,288
    edited December 2009

    Thanks a lot for the comments. Something I want to say to anyone in the forums is please do let us know your thoughts, comments and opinions. We're trying to make this the very best site possible and your feedback is invaluable. Keep them coming, keep it constructive and we'll keep listening.

    Cheers and have fun on the new site.


    EDIT: Hope you don't mind Steve, but edited the title of your opening post to help encourage people into the right thread :)
  • thomas1962thomas1962 Member Posts: 22
    edited December 2009
    lovin the new lay-out, just 1 niggle, on the tourney_satalite page, no mention of the tourney date/ time your playin for, would help in plannin your poker week
  • tierceltiercel Member Posts: 325
    edited December 2009
    Put this below but again why is text so washed out and grey. Black would be better.
  • tierceltiercel Member Posts: 325
    edited December 2009
    The playing window is far better . I don't have to squint to read the chipstacks
  • sikassikas Member Posts: 857
    edited December 2009
    great improvements sky, looks great, Omaha's great addition aswell

    still some stuff id like to see tho (i know ppl have mentioned them b4):

    more options to spend poker points (more satellites to more tourneys), or a shop mayb?
    options to track my progress, profit graph or something, stats VPIP% etc...
    like to see how many hands played and how many poker points i've accumulated in any 1 session
    mayb a VIP scheme for top 2-3% of players

  • SwansFCSwansFC Member Posts: 308
    edited December 2009
    I think the new layout is looking slick, looks a lot more professional and omaha being brought onto the site is a bonus, cheers sky!
  • DiggerManDiggerMan Member Posts: 1,027
    edited December 2009

    hi, Just a little, not even that, more of a hinderance, the page navigation buttons have disappeared from the bottom of the threads.
    Other than that, it's an amazing upgrade so well done to all involved!! A+ and 25million house points!!

    PS I originally put this post on the "bug" thread but this seems the better place for it! lol

  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,654
    edited December 2009

    Just noticed while scolling through posts on threads you have to go back to the top to go to the next page. I think 'pages' used to be at the bottom of pages aswell before the upgrade?
  • TouscouruTouscouru Member Posts: 8
    edited December 2009
    A very nice surprise - the Sky Poker main page is now loading much quicker on my PC.
    Please do not use flash ads etc on the main page.

  • TEOTDTEOTD Member Posts: 4
    edited December 2009

    What hve you done to the tornament lobby?
    All the information was on one page now its over 3!

    Well done for introducing Omaha but a freeroll or 2 for those of us who havn't played it before would be nice.

    more options for using your poker points would be nice as i have thousands!!!!!  
  • s-one-es-one-e Member Posts: 5
    edited December 2009
    logged on 2nite to see the new layout and found most touches ok but found that i was missing a lot of bets playin multiple tables. (i hope it is'nt just my eyes)chat box is a bit bright aswell. is it just me?? maybe it'll just take a bit of gettin use 2.
  • SHEWAZSHEWAZ Member Posts: 167
    edited December 2009

    think its a bit to bright, and dnt like the new tourny lobby if u want to look whos in a tounry you hv to bring a page up, not like b4 and why is there only £5.50 tournaments for omaha should hv lower ones

  • tierceltiercel Member Posts: 325
    edited December 2009
    Don't agree its too bright at all. For me that is good  and you can adjust brightness and contrast on your machine to suit. But the table lobby box does have an issue. I can't see the last figure of the tourney time. I know its only a ten minute variance but it is an irritation.
  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,654
    edited December 2009

    There is still no way of loking at your completed tournaments/sit n go's etc by DATE
  • bigstack23bigstack23 Member Posts: 1
    edited December 2009

    I am getting a bit sick of connection problems and i think this needs to be sorted out asap.

  • paddytrinipaddytrini Member Posts: 23
    edited December 2009
    Are there any plans to make this site compatible to poker tracking software/
  • bandy72bandy72 Member Posts: 10
    edited December 2009
    Hi all not whinging but what i would like to see on the site is the ability to unregister from tourneys after qualifying in satilites and get the buy in for that i found out the other day i got a phone call and had to unregister from both tourneys i had qualified for and got no refund or voucher offer any suggestions please?
    thanks beforehand Andy
  • Sky_RichSky_Rich Member Posts: 3,837
    edited December 2009
    In Response to Re: New SkyPoker Layout - Suggestions and Comments here please:
    Hi all not whinging but what i would like to see on the site is the ability to unregister from tourneys after qualifying in satilites and get the buy in for that i found out the other day i got a phone call and had to unregister from both tourneys i had qualified for and got no refund or voucher offer any suggestions please? thanks beforehand Andy
    Posted by bandy72

    the best advice i can give you is to get in contact with the customer care team. if you explain your predicament they may be able to give you entry into a equivalent tournament.

    hopefully that helps you slightly.
  • bandy72bandy72 Member Posts: 10
    edited December 2009
    in Response to Re: New SkyPoker Layout - Suggestions and Comments here please:
    In Response to Re: New SkyPoker Layout - Suggestions and Comments here please : the best advice i can give you is to get in contact with the customer care team . if you explain your predicament they may be able to give you entry into a equivalent tournament. hopefully that helps you slightly.
    Posted by Sky_Rich
    Thanks Rich i tried the help line but they said they dont do refunds or cash alternatives or in other words 'tough luck'..what i did do was send in a message that read something like this "i think it would be considerate of sky poker to at least warn people who qualifie in saterlites that if they unregister for the qualified event they would lose thier money any kind of message before or after sat would be welcome...i'm not bothered about it myself but there may be some who dont know"..
    thanks Andy
  • Sky_RichSky_Rich Member Posts: 3,837
    edited December 2009
    In Response to Re: New SkyPoker Layout - Suggestions and Comments here please:
    in Response to Re: New SkyPoker Layout - Suggestions and Comments here please : Thanks Rich i tried the help line but they said they dont do refunds or cash alternatives or in other words 'tough luck'..what i did do was send in a message that read something like this "i think it would be considerate of sky poker to at least warn people who qualifie in saterlites that if they unregister for the qualified event they would lose thier money any kind of message before or after sat would be welcome...i'm not bothered about it myself but there may be some who dont know".. thanks Andy
    Posted by bandy72

    i'll send you a Private message about this and see if we work out a solution for you.
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