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  • ChirpyChipChirpyChip Member Posts: 556
    edited March 2010
    Well Done Dan! What An Achievement!! David and Ben you guys were great and deserved it just as much......... I'm sure you guys will get your turn soon enough! :)
  • dylan12dylan12 Member Posts: 2,343
    edited March 2010

    Message from mickjenn1 to you guys -


  • Sky_DaveSky_Dave Member Posts: 3,288
    edited March 2010
    As one of the guys from 'behind the scenes', I just wanted to say well done to Dan - a worthy winner of Total Player and one who, when he does board that plane to Las Vegas, has a GREAT chance of going the whole way.

    I also wanted to commend Ben and David on how well they took it. Poker is an emotionally tough game. It doesn't matter if it's the case card that turns up on the river or finding out that this wasn't quite your time, the job of a poker player is to do the best they can, get it in good, and hope the rest of it works for you. When those beats come, you have to brush it off and remember it's part of the game. The best players in the world know their time will come and don't let the adversity of *this* moment set them backwards. Ben and David showed the class, dignity and most of all poker talent which - as Tikay and Richard rightly pointed out on several occasions tonight - will get them a long, long way in poker.

    Lastly, I hope the Community joins me in congratulating Des and all of the team for bringing a genuinely innovative show format to Sky Poker. Total Player has been bold, compelling and of the highest quality from the first show to the last. 

    Sky Poker: one of the greatest poker communities out there - fact.
    Home of some awesome, awesome players - fact.
    Dan Brown - congratulations. You can now go and win even bigger prizes - fact.

    Sky Dave

  • SUPERNOVASUPERNOVA Member Posts: 403
    edited March 2010

    Huge congrats to Dan and heartfelt commiserations to Ben and David, whilst the journey for Dan continues in the public eye I have a feeling that if the WSOP is deep in the hearts of not only Ben and David, but in any of the TP'ers then it could be a **** of a reunion come June and July - that would be truly awesome!

    gl gl wp gr8 game all -xXx-


  • DELTADELTA Member Posts: 639
    edited March 2010
    very well done dan.unlucky ben and david.del
  • pod1pod1 Member Posts: 4,377
    edited March 2010
    would just like to remind dan what he said. " if i win wsop i will put up 500k freeroll for everyone who voted for me" hold you to that. well done to all 3 of you, and go get em dan
  • jakallyjakally Member Posts: 421
    edited March 2010

    Awesome Dan - well deserved.
    Liked the understated response - you are too cool. :).

    Feel for Ben and near yet.. etc...

  • 35suited35suited Member Posts: 2,332
    edited March 2010
    would just like to remind dan what he said. " if i win wsop i will put up 500k freeroll for everyone who voted for me" hold you to that. well done to all 3 of you, and go get em dan
    Posted by pod1
    Hope by then sky have lost the record of who voted for him because i voted for sparce lol.......seriously well done to all 3, fasntastic achievment getting this far, I expect to see both nutter and sparce at the wsop anyway.
  • hurst05hurst05 Member Posts: 1,567
    edited March 2010
    blimey 500k glad i voted for him, now all he has to do is get past 7,000+ people :) gl
  • NoseyBonkNoseyBonk Member Posts: 6,186
    edited March 2010
    David and Ben I feel for you but, like others have said, I'm sure we'll see you in Las Vegas one way or the other.

    Huge congratulations to Dan and all the best for the rest of your journey.
  • scrumdownscrumdown Member Posts: 1,609
    edited March 2010
    very well done dan hope u do well in vegas good luck ulucky sparce and nutter
  • Grimstar30Grimstar30 Member Posts: 1,400
    edited March 2010
    Well done Dan - You got my vote and I hope you go all the way. Dave
  • lJAMESllJAMESl Member Posts: 591
    edited March 2010
    Congratulations Dan Good luck in Vegas mate, Unlucky Ben and David! I really feel for Ben the most, it was like his heart had been ripped out when they announced it :-( You both took it so well though! Hopefully still get through on the Sattellite route!

  • dav1964dav1964 Member Posts: 2,526
    edited March 2010
  • stokefcstokefc Member Posts: 7,932
    edited March 2010
    well done dan hope you cash at the wsop,congrats again m8
  • Nutter5932Nutter5932 Member Posts: 349
    edited March 2010
    First one in the thread from last night,

    I'd like to say congratulations to Dan on here even if we have spent the last 24 hours within 10 feet of each other ! We all went of after and had a good chat in funky Buddha ?? wow this wasn't a place for the normal class. 

    I have to honestly say I knew it was gong to be Dan all along because he comes across so well in person and when the camera's are pointing at him unlike me :). I gave my self a glimmer of hope though when quite a few told me they voted for me so I would like to thank those people from the bottom of my heart.

    The reveal was absolutely cringe worthy with those lights I hated it and the fact is I don't like losing at anything full stop which will only spur me on in the future. I am 100% already over it because its better to look forward than backwards and tonight i shall play the primo and get my self into the Vegas semi.

    Grabbing an hours sleep and i'll be on later :)
  • EdGiddinsEdGiddins Member Posts: 245
    edited March 2010
    First one in the thread from last night, I'd like to say congratulations to Dan on here even if we have spent the last 24 hours within 10 feet of each other ! We all went of after and had a good chat in funky Buddha ?? wow this wasn't a place for the normal class.  I have to honestly say I knew it was gong to be Dan all along because he comes across so well in person and when the camera's are pointing at him unlike me :). I gave my self a glimmer of hope though when quite a few told me they voted for me so I would like to thank those people from the bottom of my heart. The reveal was absolutely cringe worthy with those lights I hated it and the fact is I don't like losing at anything full stop which will only spur me on in the future. I am 100% already over it because its better to look forward than backwards and tonight i shall play the primo and get my self into the Vegas semi. Grabbing an hours sleep and i'll be on later :)
    Posted by Nutter5932
    Much Respect Ben,

    Whether it is poker, sport or buisness the people who get to the top get there by getting over many obstacles in their way. The people who get someway near to the top get over some of the obstacles.

    Today you have flown over one of those obstacles.
  • enjoy247enjoy247 Member Posts: 7
    edited March 2010
    Congratulations Dan. Best of luck for the future. Unlucky, Ben and Dave, however like Ed says ur all winners on the way to the top. GL
  • dantb10dantb10 Member Posts: 583
    edited March 2010
    Hey guys, thank you for all your kind words! It really means alot!

    I will post up a blog tomorrow about last night in more detail.

    Just a quick word to sparce and nutter, u are both winners and awesome poker players, but more importantly i consider you really good mates!

    I know you will both get out to vegas this year and join me in the main event.

    p.s what a night out after the show!!! I can barely lift my head at the min!
  • Eagle26Eagle26 Member Posts: 431
    edited March 2010
    congrats on the win Dan the right player won in my opinion! unlucky to sparce and nutter but im pretty sure you will both end up in vegas as your both excellent players! Dan now go over and make sure you at least cash now mate! congrats and goodluck!
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