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  • steveburkesteveburke Member Posts: 34
    edited December 2009
    really speaking , i think i only play like micro stakes on here, due to being sponsored to play heads up else where, i might play like 5p - 10p or 15p -30p or so.... but i still made ed giddins last 10 players.

    so it is possible.... he can only pick 10 tho thats the hard part....

  • PokerPartyPokerParty Member Posts: 84
    edited December 2009
    Something that has occured to me, how much better are the mentors v the best playesr picked?
    I don't know much about the mentors past results but I bet there isn't a lot they could teach Will as he is already a poker pro ;)

  • BIGSHANNBIGSHANN Member Posts: 433
    edited December 2009
    Just like to say well done to 3 picks.

    Obv Will and Naomi are great players and prove it on a regular basis.  Cowgoomoo is a regular on the cash tables and has a decent game.  Good luck to all.
  • SharksbiteSharksbite Member Posts: 146
    edited December 2009
    Just like to say well done to 3 picks. Obv Will and Naomi are great players and prove it on a regular basis.  Cowgoomoo is a regular on the cash tables and has a decent game.  Good luck to all.
    Posted by BIGSHANN
     Thanks very much shann, really appreciate all the support :)
  • freechips1freechips1 Member Posts: 861
    edited December 2009
    Something that has occured to me, how much better are the mentors v the best playesr picked? I don't know much about the mentors past results but I bet there isn't a lot they could teach Will as he is already a poker pro ;)
    Posted by PokerParty
    i would love to see lolufold get picked, i bet none of the mentors could teach him anything, he would be teaching them.
  • Eagle26Eagle26 Member Posts: 431
    edited December 2009
    In Response to Re: OFFICIAL TOTAL PLAYER THREAD : i would love to see lolufold get picked, i bet none of the mentors could teach him anything, he would be teaching them.
    Posted by freechips1

    when this whole thing started i had a list in my mind of the players who i thought would be picked and lolufold was at the top of it....the list consisted of


    3 of them have made it already and im pretty sure u will see a few more off that list get picked at some point!
    but im sorry if lolufold aint selected its a bit of a joke!
  • diablo_pezdiablo_pez Member Posts: 1,392
    edited December 2009
    does echoAKQ still play....he was good....?
  • mr_mbromr_mbro Member Posts: 1,152
    edited December 2009
    Hi Tony and Sky Suity people,

    Is the Total Player going to be the only player to represent Sky in the main event of the WSOP or are you going to run a Viva Las Vegas type thingy again?

  • skicowboysskicowboys Member Posts: 163
    edited December 2009

    Hi Tikay, guys.
    Just a couple of questions and observations.

    1. I think this is a great idea and has already promoted a lot of interest and discussion and is truly a prize worth winning and the best of luck to the guys and girls already chosen

    2. I've waited for ages for OMAHA and now it's here!! Is OMAHA being considered in Total Poker?

    3. If it is, how will the guys view/mark OMAHA. At the moment there is only basically one type of MTT, being a £5 Pot Limit. As you know i'm pretty much a tourney only guy having played 36 MTT's with a 71% ROI i'm delighted (especially vs my 7% ROI in hold em). I'm sure this will get harder as the guys improve their starting hand selection and bet sizing.

    4. If an OMAHA player can get selected, presumably this person will have to play Holdem and be at a disadvantage vs the likes of Ben and the other hold-em players?

    5. I'm not sure about future developments at SKY, but maybe next year if we have Stud, Hi-Lo, HORSE events etc then we really might get towards a Total Poker player.

    I'd be interested as ever to hear your comments/advice

  • Nutter5932Nutter5932 Member Posts: 349
    edited December 2009
    Hello Adrian

    Yes omaha does count towards being considered for the total player top 10 as they stated it the other night live. However as it is a different game to the prizes expect a little bias towards hold-em players with slightly worse results for that very reason :)

    Seen as i think im called Ben more than most on here i'm not in Total Player and won't be if i keep playing the way i am :( !
  • lJAMESllJAMESl Member Posts: 591
    edited December 2009
    Being a player who started at the very bottom of the cash stakes around 2.5 years ago I can relate to some of these posts which show a certain disappointment from the lower stakes players. About 2.5 years ago I began my poker journey which consisted of 5c-10c (the equivalent of 2p-4p nowadays) 6max holdem cash on another site which I wont mention due to advertising issues. At these stakes it is fair to say the poker is a lower standard of play than say £2.5/5 NLHE 6max but now and again a player(s) will dominate these stakes, the luckiest players at this standard? I think not. I saw the total player episode which showed a player called SteveBurke, he reminded me of myself back then where I would make the most incredible tight folds/laydowns but seem to mostly be right, I was genuinely amazed with the AK laydown Steve made on a AK4 (2 diamond believe it was the Ace and King that were diamonds) flop, I can honestly tell you now, today I would never be able to pass top two on a flush draw flop in a cash game as you move up the stakes you realise that it is unprofitable to make these passes against players who are willing to get in combo draws such as QJdd/J10dd/54dd and if they have 44 for the set or aces or kings its just a total cooler, but back then like Steve I would of convinced myself this guy had aces or kings even though I have the Ace and king blockers in my hand, was just the way I thought back then. I am honestly taking no credit away from Steves amazing laydown because I genuinely couldn't believe someone playing so low could of made such a great pass wp Steve.

    Players must understand although you are frustrated at the players being chosen being higher stakes players, its not going to help your case by coming on here complaining about it, would you really want to be picked out of sympathy because you kicked up a fuss? Or because you were a talent that shone through all the other lower stakes players? I'm sure the mentors and team at sky poker are doing their best to scout everyone in such a short space of time and if you are a player who has the ability to play higher you will get spotted theirs still plenty of time left so don't get disheartened so early on.

    Having played on and off at Sky poker for the last 2 years or so, I have played with 4 of the 6 players chosen some who I have become friends with off the poker tables. The 4 I have played with are Cottlad, Dantb10, Sharksbite and Pokerbcity two of whom are my friends, these players have good game and are without doubt worthy choices the other 2 (cowmagoo and penguin7) I have never heard of and like I said I've been on here a long time so the researchers must be doing something right spotting these players for their poker skills.

    Goodluck to everyone going for Total player I myself will be giving it a go too

  • Nutter5932Nutter5932 Member Posts: 349
    edited December 2009
    Great post james :)

    I think people needs to stop focusing on why other people are being selected and play thier own game and hope its good enough to be selected. IF i was to gain entry and lose to you james for example i would not bear any grudges despite you playing higher than me...because you would have earned it !

    Infact it would spurr me on so much more in future Vegas sats to get out thier with the sky team ! Everyone needs a few knock backs now and then to re-evaluate and come back stronger. Now your stepping it up to i can't say the fields going tto get any easier - Good Luck all 
  • mr_mbromr_mbro Member Posts: 1,152
    edited December 2009
    Hi James,
    I have said in other posts that i think that, given the original brief on the site, that lower stakes players should be given a chance. if the concept is flawed, in that, mainly higher stakes players are making it through and it will be a forum vote that will decide the winner, then why all the fuss, just put a list of players on the forum and let US decide the nominations for that week.
    The only time i have given a case for myself is in reply to someones post, which in parts i agreed with and in others i disagreed. I am not playing enough and dont expect to get choosen, thats fine, but imo it is a question of how this looks to whole of the playing community.
    I do wish the choosen players all the best in this endeavour.

  • the_gibbthe_gibb Member Posts: 105
    edited December 2009
    James, great post! I think all the sky analysts are fair and they will pick the pleyers who they see fit, as after all there is a 20k sponsorship package!

    They must get the right person who can hopefully do well at the live events in the Uk and the Wsop 2010 after all your going to need some game to do well at the Wsop , or your name is jamie gold!

    I hope they do pick some low stakes players who play alot , who take their poker serious but play ofor the enjoyment!

    I was close to top 10 this week so hopefully next week (me and u james :)

    Good luck all


  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,888
    edited December 2009

    Morning all.

    Just back at my desk after 2 days Offline. I'll pick up all the questions a bit later, (as I have some stuff to sort out first), unless one of my colleagues does.

    Good to see so many Community-spirited folks posting support for the Mentor Picks thus far.

    It's a bit like the FA Cup this - in the FA Cup, every team in the land has the same chance, & there are often giant-killing upsets. Most years, though, it goes to the best Team.

    Total Player will be decided by the Players, not the Mentors, but I fancy it will be won by the player they consider to be the best.
  • Sky_LingSky_Ling Member Posts: 317
    edited December 2009
    In Response to Re: OFFICIAL TOTAL PLAYER THREAD : i was not going to post further on this but cant let this silliness go, look what 5p /10p cash player none , what 5 pound mtt player none, what 5 pound sit and go player none , come off the  the stage guys,   you not going to pick anyone from the low levels , so stop repeating it , and trying to fool us low level players, and saying we will be watching .
    Posted by IRISHROVER
    Hi Irish,

    I appreciate the fact that you are excited about the competition, otherwise you would not be posting on the thread with such passion.

    I would however like to dispel your assertion that none of the players picked so far play the low levels such as £5 SnG / £5 MTT.

    We have selected two players each week, based on results, to represent the low limit cash grinders and low limit SnG and MTT players in TOTAL PLAYER.

    I can also confirm that the "low stakes" players are ALREADY represented in the next stage. I hope that this helps to assuage / dispel any concerns that you have over our transparency.

    Kindest regards

  • mr_mbromr_mbro Member Posts: 1,152
    edited December 2009
    In Response to Re: OFFICIAL TOTAL PLAYER THREAD : Hi Irish, I appreciate the fact that you are excited about the competition, otherwise you would not be posting on the thread with such passion. I would however like to dispel your assertion that none of the players picked so far play the low levels such as £5 SnG / £5 MTT. We have selected two players each week, based on results, to represent the low limit cash grinders and low limit SnG and MTT players in TOTAL PLAYER. I can also confirm that the "low stakes" players are ALREADY represented in the next stage. I hope that this helps to assuage / dispel any concerns that you have over our transparency. Kindest regards Aisling
    Posted by Sky_Ling
    Hi Ling,
    I think the main problem, for some people, is that the two players last week were playing 25/50 and that most view lower stakes tables to be 2/4p up to 5/10p, mid levels 10/20 to 25/50 and high levels to be above those.
    Please dont get me wrong i dont mind who wins, as i believe that it will be someone like Will or Dan.

    It may be wise to re submit the rules and levels to be looked at to stop anymore of this uncertainty and unrest, as i firmly believe that if there is any question or perceived favouritism, then it should be squashed by being totally open, even if we/you think that is what was happening.

    Also, is this player going to be the only official Sky player at the WSOP this year?

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,888
    edited December 2009
    In Response to Re: OFFICIAL TOTAL PLAYER THREAD : Hi Ling, I think the main problem, for some people, is that the two players last week were playing 25/50 and that most view lower stakes tables to be 2/4p up to 5/10p, mid levels 10/20 to 25/50 and high levels to be above those. Please dont get me wrong i dont mind who wins, as i believe that it will be someone like Will or Dan. It may be wise to re submit the rules and levels to be looked at to stop anymore of this uncertainty and unrest, as i firmly believe that if there is any question or perceived favouritism, then it should be squashed by being totally open, even if we/you think that is what was happening. Also, is this player going to be the only official Sky player at the WSOP this year? Regards Col
    Posted by mr_mbro
    That (the Low-Level Player issue) is factually & wholly incorrect Col, but Sky-Ling will reply.

    As to......

    "....then it should be squashed by being totally open....."

    What exactly do you think we have not been totally open about? Do you really think we are capable of being disingenuos? (Rhetotical!)
  • Sky_LingSky_Ling Member Posts: 317
    edited December 2009
    In Response to Re: OFFICIAL TOTAL PLAYER THREAD : Hi Ling, I think the main problem, for some people, is that the two players last week were playing 25/50 and that most view lower stakes tables to be 2/4p up to 5/10p, mid levels 10/20 to 25/50 and high levels to be above those. Please dont get me wrong i dont mind who wins, as i believe that it will be someone like Will or Dan. It may be wise to re submit the rules and levels to be looked at to stop anymore of this uncertainty and unrest, as i firmly believe that if there is any question or perceived favouritism, then it should be squashed by being totally open, even if we/you think that is what was happening. Also, is this player going to be the only official Sky player at the WSOP this year? Regards Col
    Posted by mr_mbro
    Hi Col,

    Players choose the hands that they feel show off their strengths; They provide the hand histories and ID numbers - It is imperative that we allow them this freedom otherwise we could be accused of favouritism - no matter how unfounded.

    What I can confirm is that those listed as low limit cash players, are players who have performed in the top ten in limits up to 15p /30p as shown on the TV and in the T's and C's.

    In my personal opinion I feel we are being as transparent as possible: I firmly believe that it would be a mistake to resubmit T's and C's as the rules remain the same and have been followed by all parties who have entered the 'competition' thus far.


  • robert1941robert1941 Member Posts: 5
    edited December 2009
    the 10 occlock special  or saturday night special
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