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  • FlashFlushFlashFlush Member Posts: 4,494
    edited December 2009
    A lot of players have PM'd me today, wanting to know how they can best optimise their chances. Just play as well as you can, that's all. That's how the Mentors will find you. I will reply to the PM's soonest (I'm a bit overwhelmed today), but that'll be my reply. When should you "start"? Err, NOW!
    Posted by Tikay10
    How many of them have offered you cash rewards? LOL

     This is a great idea from Sky it gets the 2 thumbs up award from me. As to how sky will shortlist only 50 players from the whole site.. well rather them than me! At least in my favour I have been on the site for a long time and played many of the presenters and backroom staff before, so they know who I am and how I play. (maybe thats a bad thing). If I was to be chosen this would be amazing, as iv always said, I picked up the basics of poker by watching the show and everything after that is "Self taught" through trial and error so to have a mentor to show different ideas to situations can only be a positive thing!.

    Goodluck to everyone and fingers crossed.
  • MachkaMachka Member Posts: 4,627
    edited December 2009
    In Response to Re: OFFICIAL TOTAL PLAYER THREAD : Well lets look at that slightly differently. Who will win this? The one who gets most votes. And who will be doing the Voting? The players on the Site, & Posters on this Forum. That's YOU guys. So I know if I were able to enter this, & I wanted peeps to vote for me, I'd try to raise my profile a bit, by puttting my name about on the Forum, & trying to get the community onside. The winner will be the player who OUR PLAYERS vote for.
    Posted by Tikay10
    Fair point Tikay, to be honest although I watched the programme live I was somewhat distracted by Richards jumper so my mind kept wandering so I missed the finer points.  Sky+ is my friend.
  • SherlockSherlock Member Posts: 109
    edited December 2009
    Loved the line from 'Matt" ...  "In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king"   classic :))
    Posted by bennydip2

    It’s a quote from the Adagia, a work by the Dutch philosopher Desiderius Erasmus (1466 - 1536)

    "In regione caecorum rex est luscus."
    "In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king."

    All the best

  • MBroughtonMBroughton Member Posts: 101
    edited December 2009
    Did my eyes decieve me or did matt reveal the third mentor in his interview
    Posted by karlluke
    LOL. There's always one sharp knife in the drawer... ;)
  • MBroughtonMBroughton Member Posts: 101
    edited December 2009
    So from what i have seen so far then, even though i stick to 30p & 60p DYM because of BRM i am still in with a possible chance at this competion?
    Posted by margatemaf
    Absoultely! The level you play at won't matter - just how well you play. Good luck!

    Matt B
  • MBroughtonMBroughton Member Posts: 101
    edited December 2009
    In Response to Re: OFFICIAL TOTAL PLAYER THREAD : yeah he did lol, i noticed that too!! ;) A bit confused can someone clear this up? Ed - sit n go mentor Matt - MTT mentor David - Cash mentor this right? or am i way off base?
    Posted by margatemaf
    Hi all - we're not mentoring individual disciplines, I think they just wanted to establish that between us we know what we're doing. TBH I play as much MTT as I play SNG as I play CASH, so don't confuse that we'll ONLY be juding the subjects we've been identified as 'experts' on. We'll all be looking for EXACTLY the same thing - good players regardless of it being cash/mtt/sng. Whatever you prefer to play, you'll have an equal chance of moving forward.

    Good luck.

  • MBroughtonMBroughton Member Posts: 101
    edited December 2009
    thanks loki ;) so it looks like i gotta impress Ed, who to be honest i know nothing about ;) excpt Norman Pace taught him!
    Posted by margatemaf
    Just to clear it up - you have to impress ALL of us. Just becuase I've been put forward as an 'MTT Expert' doesn't mean i'm going to be looking at MTT players only. I could very well end up with only CASH players in my group if those are the players that impress me most...

    Hopefully all we become much clearer as we progress. In a nutshell, play whatever you think you are strongest at, and between we 3 mentors and the backroom team we'll see you - don't worry.

    Good luck!

  • Nutter5932Nutter5932 Member Posts: 349
    edited December 2009
    Just watched the re-run and looks pretty good should keep the forums / community buzzing for the
    next X amount fo weeks :)

    Gl to all ;)
  • MBroughtonMBroughton Member Posts: 101
    edited December 2009
    CashMonkey wrote...... "Hi Guys, If all the prizes are Tournament Packages, aren't the Tournament only players going to be picked bv the Mentors? What about us cash players - will the Mentors bother looking at the Cash Games? Thanks a lot, CashMonkey". No - players from ALL disciplines will be selected & judged. It's just the PRIZE that is for Tournaments. You can rest assured that the Mentors WILL be looking very closely at the Cash Games, AND the STT's, DYM's, as well as MTT's. EVERY PLAYER, no matter what they play, has the chance to win this.
    Posted by Tikay10
    Hi all - just to reinforce what TK is saying, believe me I want the BEST ALL-ROUND player, so I will be looking JUST as hard at cash and SNG results as MTTs.

    In my eyes, the TOTAL PLAYER can handle himself heads-up, short-handed, cash, MTT, SNG, Turbo, Deep Stack, etc etc, so please don't think you have to stick to one style to impress us!

    Good luck!

    Matt B
  • wynne1938wynne1938 Member Posts: 20,573
    edited December 2009
    TKO Poker
    Dreams Come True Poker
    Hook the Big One
    Fishing For Sharks
  • supersmithsupersmith Member Posts: 32
    edited December 2009
    well what a prize! Only just seen this thanks to Goodylad. Just hope whoever wins does the site proud in the tournaments. Good luck to everyone.
  • Hobbes16Hobbes16 Member Posts: 12
    edited December 2009

    Hey guys, love the show, watch it all the time; well actually as long as it doesn’t interfere with ‘Strictly Come Dancing’.


    Been on the site for a while, been away, and seen what the world has to offer (pokering wise) and come back home. I think it’s a really good idea but just remember there are some really good players on 4p8p who only play there because their wives would kill them if they played any higher and lost!!!

  • margatemafmargatemaf Member Posts: 849
    edited December 2009
    In Response to Re: OFFICIAL TOTAL PLAYER THREAD : Good read! If I had a Vote - & I probably don't - I'd want to select a Player who could not only play well, but who played within their bankroll, did not tilt, & had scope to improve. So, if we applied those criteria to Rich Orford, just for example, he'd only gets one tick - "scope to improve"......;)
    Posted by Tikay10

    hhhmmm, i tick all those boxes ;) ...... well nearly all ..... last one maybe a problem :( lol looking forward to this ;)
  • shanker197shanker197 Member Posts: 85
    edited December 2009
    I played as the telephone home player last night in the Primo, Folded K Q with a flop K Q 4 Turn J, guy went all in and i FOLDED 2 pair?? Folded I tell you.....

    Turns out when the table was shown on the TV he had the Str8,,   I must have a 6th sense or summin like that.

    ED thought it was a massive lay down and put my name in the box to watch out for oooooo lol

    Oh ended up in 90th place after having pocket QQ, I raised guy went all in with A Q and yep hit his Ace

  • ryan1988ryan1988 Member Posts: 11
    edited December 2009
    give me just one shot at the big time and i will explode...literally

    i love poker but i can't afford to play big money games, usually i enter small cash tournaments for 2-3 pounds and i started off with 10 pounds and now got just under 100.

    to infinity and beyond.

    p.s. loving the new format.
  • DeuceAK_47DeuceAK_47 Member Posts: 381
    edited December 2009

    On the show they said they would pick the best players at each levels for cash, mmt's and sit and go's.
    Once they have the best players from low/mid/high cash for example, how are they going to prove who is the best? (Its alot easier to beat nl10 and a complete differently strategy than nl200)

    Brilliant prize by sky and hopefully they find the best player to represent sky.....not me lol ;-)
  • FlashFlushFlashFlush Member Posts: 4,494
    edited December 2009
    OK  I think iv got this right but correct me if im wrong. Sky staff shortlist the 50 players from all types of formats on the site as this would be impossible for the montors to do themselves. Then the mentors pick 2 lots of 3 each, making 18 finalists. Will the shortlisted 50 be made public or just the top 18?


  • ryan1988ryan1988 Member Posts: 11
    edited December 2009
    another tournament win ;)
  • Sky_DesSky_Des Member Posts: 351
    edited December 2009
    The top 50 will be produced every week for the Mentors.  10 or so of those will be pre-selected and called by one of the production staff, prior to the Mentor finalising their chosen players ahead of each show.  The only players who will be made public are the final Mentor choices. 
  • kirstiikirstii Member Posts: 787
    edited December 2009
    Hats off to the big wigs at sky this is an excellent idea. Hopefully it can improve the players all round, would love to see Sky guys clean up at the WSOP. All good as long as there are still a few juicy fish out there!
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