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  • SparceSparce Member Posts: 110
    edited February 2010
    Ok, I am ready for tonight.  Good luck to all the TP'ers! think me and yippee r kicking of at 7pm.

    Oh and i saw Wicked yesterday for a belated valentines day.  Dont think legally blonde would be my thing.

    Have fun everyone

  • AceAceBabyAceAceBaby Member Posts: 77
    edited February 2010
    Gl every1 2nite. that round robin table looks like easy money if a non tper could enter haha looking foward to watching GL
  • IRISHROVERIRISHROVER Member Posts: 7,606
    edited February 2010
    gl to all in battlestar galactica  .
  • TP_Phil12TP_Phil12 Member Posts: 18
    edited February 2010
    I'm home!!!!!!!!!!!! GL all
  • Grimstar30Grimstar30 Member Posts: 1,400
    edited February 2010
    I'm home!!!!!!!!!!!! GL all
    Posted by TP_Phil12
    Perfect timing - let's get this on!
  • EdGiddinsEdGiddins Member Posts: 245
    edited February 2010
    Ok, I am ready for tonight.  Good luck to all the TP'ers! think me and yippee r kicking of at 7pm. Oh and i saw Wicked yesterday for a belated valentines day.  Dont think legally blonde would be my thing. Have fun everyone XXXXXXXXXX
    Posted by Sparce

    Now this will be worth watching,  guys/girls  they are sat at the 50/£1 tables salford and sandford.
  • DAVID_TDAVID_T Member Posts: 43
    edited February 2010
    Excellent job to all the TP's....

    My guys work on what we've discussed...send me emails, PMs and we'll chat during the week. I am so not looking forward to Saturday!

    I've been so impressed with the play from all of my guys - I don't know who will go forward, but my guys rock and should certainly represent Sky! I'd be proud to say that any of them represent me.

  • TP_YipeeYTP_YipeeY Member Posts: 8
    edited February 2010
    if the whole match could get shown live it'd be really good, i finished 500 down.  Was really gutted with this result because felt my edge was growing and growing but just kept losing every all in.  He played ok but before the match i thought he was a really really good player, but by about half way through i felt like he was decent at best.  Was quite frustrating he wouldn't play deep as this is where i thought i could punish the leaks in his game that i had discovered.  Good bankroll management by him tho i guess.

    Really disappointing result, but there's always tomorrow :P
    gl at the tables all, yipee
  • Seagull158Seagull158 Member Posts: 1,100
    edited February 2010
    In Response to Re: OFFICIAL TOTAL PLAYER THREAD - hu match:
    if the whole match could get shown live it'd be really good, i finished 500 down.  Was really gutted with this result because felt my edge was growing and growing but just kept losing every all in.  He played ok but before the match i thought he was a really really good player, but by about half way through i felt like he was decent at best.  Was quite frustrating he wouldn't play deep as this is where i thought i could punish the leaks in his game that i had discovered.  Good bankroll management by him tho i guess. Really disappointing result, but there's always tomorrow :P gl at the tables all, yipee
    Posted by TP_YipeeY
    I see you follow the mantra "show me a good loser and I'll show you a loser". This reads as a very disrespectful post but i don't suppose you are bothered by that.
  • SharksbiteSharksbite Member Posts: 146
    edited February 2010

    Reporting in For Phase 2, evening 1.

    Was an eventful night starting with the 6 handed SNG for group 1.

    I started well, everyone seemed to be quite cautious, and I found a few spots to make some small steals.  I was then fortunate enough to hit a set vs. Nutter’s FD. I turned a FH and he rivered his flush, so came up nicely with a good stack.  A little later on I was using my position well, and once the blinds were worth stealing, I pretty much raised every hand, I had noticed a couple of times My BB, who was Dohhh, had 3 bet my button raise a couple of times, and this time did the same, I was sure he was on a re steal so re popped him for around 3.5k, this left him 1k behind him and myself 3.2k ish. The BB I think was 150 at this point. (I am unable to find the HH for the tourney at the moment, so apologies if this is not completely accurate)

    Now Dohhh Instant shoved my 4 bet, and although yes I was getting 9/1 here, and many people had said you have to call all day, regardless, I had such Junk  (Q8os) and was pretty sure he definitely had Tens or better, it was unlikely to be a smaller PP or a strong ace just by the instant shove, he didn’t really need to think about it, it seemed he  wasn’t at all put off by my 4 bet(1st time I had made this move) at all. So there it was, I folded and Dohh took a monster pot, wp DohhJ Was this a fundamental mistake, I’m not sure, It was bad timing to make the move and yes probably should have called because of the pot odds, but most of the time I think I am getting this move through unless He has a strong hand. It went downhill from then on and found myself with around 11 BBS with 5 left and blinds were now 200, and had decided to try and take the blinds with any picture. 1st button I get k6 and ran into Nutters AT, GG me lol! Out I came 5th....Always tomorrow.

    I also Played 2 HU SNGS @£42.  Won both of these so that was a little better.

    Then for the Primo. Had a good start and built a good stack for the 1st hour until I raised the Button(I do like my Button) with AT and get called by k7, I hit top pair he hits bottom pair, I ¾ bet pot until the river, when he now has his runner runner flush! Lovely!

    I also Played the 1.5BH sadly not cashing in this either.

    Finally For Cash, this was just silly tonight and I couldn’t get a hand through, I ran KK into AK  for a back door st8, for a full buy in @50nl, and so on, I played well though in cash  as with the Primo so no complaints really, all in all was an enjoyable night.

    SNGS     Profit    £76.00

    MTT       Loss       £11.00

    CASH     Loss       £125.62

    End BR                  £823.62

    Good night all...Beauty sleep needed for a refreshing start to Phase 2 Day 2!



  • MereNoviceMereNovice Member Posts: 4,364
    edited February 2010
    In Response to Re: OFFICIAL TOTAL PLAYER THREAD - hu match:
    if the whole match could get shown live it'd be really good, i finished 500 down.  Was really gutted with this result because felt my edge was growing and growing but just kept losing every all in.  He played ok but before the match i thought he was a really really good player, but by about half way through i felt like he was decent at best.  Was quite frustrating he wouldn't play deep as this is where i thought i could punish the leaks in his game that i had discovered.  Good bankroll management by him tho i guess. Really disappointing result, but there's always tomorrow :P gl at the tables all, yipee
    Posted by TP_YipeeY
    I may be mistaken but on the table that I was watching you seemed to bust sparce's AA with JJ aipf and river a flush to crack his flopped two pairs to get most of your stack early.  You then got pegged back gradually. It was you who didn't want to play deep and sparce graciously agreed to your request(s).
    I'm sure you'll correct me if I'm wrong.
  • TP_Phil12TP_Phil12 Member Posts: 18
    edited February 2010
    Okey dokey gonna log off now as been a long night..........

    Made a profit of £160 tonight with a finish of 35th out of 513 in Primo helping:)

    A big thx to all the railers, who included Sparce, who SHOWED HIS CLASS by coming to rail and encourage whilst still also in.

    BR now £740
  • TP_GliterBTP_GliterB Member Posts: 17
    edited February 2010
    WOW, What an event that SNG was, a big thank you to all the railers and of course to all the other guys who were involved.  I can truly say that was one big battle and a very hard fought contest as everyone wanted to impress.  WP Nutter who eventually came out on top of me in the HU battle, I was relived to have put DOHHHHHH to bed as  his constant raising was taking my moves away.

    Overall tonight I was going about my business very quietly, I wanted to put all my energy into the SNG which almost paid off..

    Primo never really got going for me finishing 140th, grinded away on 2  cash tables for around 2 hours for a little profit and played 2* DYM's cashing in 1..

    Started phase 2 with £638
    Finishing Day1 with   £697

    £59 Profit, Could have been better but I'm well happy with how I played.

    Looking forward to the next SNG tomorrow this time NUTTER is

    Hope everyone enjoyed the games tonight.

    Good luck for tomorrow

  • TP_NutterTP_Nutter Member Posts: 38
    edited February 2010
    Hello guys :P

    So tonights report will be brief as i have a banging headache. Tonights plan was to play cash only + sng and primo.

    The Sng was very cagey and nothing big was kicking off at all for a long time. As you will see if the thing is shown on tv i hit absolutly everything and could i no wrong. I delievered a cooler on james but i think the hand played its self. I did take a hit early and grinded my way back up hitting the nuts everyhand :). I ended up HU with Gliterbabe and managed to grab the win.

    Cash tonight was good to with my hitting everything on site but last hand of the night i dropped 100 with KK vs AA which was bad timing. Overall though i think my cash game is improving abit over the last few weeks.

    SNG - Won for £90
    Cash - +379 i think
    Mtt - 0 cash in primo

    Bankroll £1371

    been a good night railing people to and ran good - 
  • TP_SparceTP_Sparce Member Posts: 30
    edited February 2010
    Ok my night has come to an end and I am pretty tired.  Had a long weekend and was playing on redbull lol!  I am not completely happy with how I played tonight, made a couple of muppety calls but played ok.  Having gone behind early i tightened it up and got into a few good spots, then towards the end of the game won a couple of important 50:50s which took the sway my way. Not much in it tbh. Sorry, yippee, thought we agreed to split before the game so we could keep it 3 tables? but probably some miscommunication there... i am happy to play deeper tomorrow if it comes to that. though i must admit i was a bit muppety today. Ul Yippy gg.

    As for amounts i ended up 400 off him, and rake took 100.     

    Primo went ok.  Played pretty tight most the game, and stepped up the aggression late, but eventually shoved k3dd on the button 22k stack on 1.5/3 and ran into kk.   Finished 29th so cashed £100. Very happy with that.  Also saw James and Phil Cashed, very well done them!!! there is lots of quality in this comp!!

    Final Broll of the night is 1750.

    Also i watched a bit of the sit and go and thought they all played well with a couple of races knocking out good players.  How it finished with glitter vs nutter and nutter taking it home was very interesting to watch! very well played to those two, espec nutter for taking it down.  

    Anyways, i am shattered and off to bed now, looking forward to tomorrow!

    Have fun everyone,

  • TP_ljameslTP_ljamesl Member Posts: 14
    edited February 2010
    Hello Everyone!

    I started tonight with my Itsy-bitsy-teeny-weeny-yellow-polka-dot-bikini-Bankroll of £247. I decided to play 4 mtts tonight (Primo, Velocity, 2 x Bounty Hunters) I cashed in both the Primo and the velocity. Unfortunately it was only for £60 (Primo) and £8 (Velocity). Although I'm happy to continue my deep runs in the Sky Poker main event MTT's 3 out of 4 now :-D. 

    On Cash I felt I played a good solid game won around £82 could of been alot more but a wins a win.

    The Sit n go with the other TP-ers was really fun. Although I feel I was UL to exit in 4th when my QQ was no good against Bens K-10 on the 10-8-6 flop x 3 spades. Don't you hate it when you make the right read and still lose :-).

    I'm going to go on and mention another topic that has arose some comments about yippee-yappee. I will hold my hands up and say I have personally criticised his challenges in the past but this time he proved me and alot of others wrong he battled to the death with sparce who you must remember is a HU Specialist. Yippee knew that and still took him on and was perhaps UL to lose £500 was it? Wp to sparce very nice work again. 

    I would also like to mention dohhh and yippees play in the sit n go. Having never played with either of these two before I felt they both played a good game and were perhaps ul to have not gone further also. Yippee had one questionable hand against me where I felt he had pocket 10s (Open-ended and a pair) on a Jack high flop (J-9-8) and thought perhaps a flop reraise and turn bet would make him pass his hand it turned out my 7s were good :-D. It was fun to play with you both and congrats to Ben for sealing the deal and also Glitterbabe for 2nd (GLITTER YOU ROCK!) :-D

    Overall I'm happy with my game for tonight and hopefully things will just keep going up and up until Tuesday night. Feeling upbeat and hoping to make a huge turn around! Would like to thank everyone who supported me in the MTTs and SNGs tonight really appreciate it :-)

    Starting Bankroll Tonight - £247

    Final Bankroll Tonight  - £397 (Profit  +£150)
  • TP_DohhhhTP_Dohhhh Member Posts: 26
    edited February 2010
    I'm shattered!

    Focus tonight, like everyone involved, was the sng V the other TP's! - Unlike the rest, Im not a big multi table player, so decided to give it my all whilst playing a cash table tighttttttt.

    My sng strategy, as the structure was not go out on the bubble! - more about that later ;) lol

    Nah I thought Id settle into it, play drawing hands in position, try n make the nuts, win a big pot early on, otherwise not really get too involved. It was going ok, one hand V nutter first level I it a double gutter straight draw along with the nut flush draw, and the ace as an overcard- does that count? ;) lol

    Anyway decided not to get too jiggy with it once I was check raised. Too deep to go crackers early doors. Missed than, and then missed another nut draw V sharky 10 mins later.

    Then won a decent pot V sharky to get bak to even. Then lost abit, then won abit, then lost abit then waffled...

    Anyway, I had 3/4 battles against sharky and nutter. I got the better of sharky, and nutter crushed me to be fair. H says he ran sick, but who knows. And it doesn't really matter. 

    Got to the bubble and I was yo-yo ing. Had 2 1 on 1 battles with nutter and Gbabe, I was involved in most pots. Gb raised once as the short sack (although very playable), decided to take a stand and set him in with J7 SUITED, its gotta be a tough call alot of the time (unless he has AK) and Im rarely THAT far behind. Anyway, the rest is history.

    Up n down for a few rounds when GB raises from the button again. A9 in the BB here is auto shove, and unfortunately GB shows AT. I sure if the hands are reversed, the result is the same anyway. 

    I flop a 9, but the best hand holds in the end. I really enjoyed playing this sng against the best, and believe I ore than held my own. My tactics were correct IMO, and I implemented them well. Was just unlucky to bubble.

    The primo unfortunately was 2nd priority tonight, I would have rather had a night off the sng's to play this, rather than the BH tomorrow (yuk). But hung in whilst pretty card dead, ended up busting with QKs to a TJ off limp caller UTG? each to their own.

    Onto cash, I played tight fo the first hour, whilst concentrating on the SNG, won 35 quid I think on the 1 table, nothing spectacular, just standard position play, abc stuff. After I bust the SNG, played a NL80 table, good table selection IMO, away from the rest of the TPers ;) - ended a buy in up there, despite having AKs cracked by ...wait for it ...Q7 off for 40 quid. 

    Played 1 HU sng, 3-1 chips lead when on a 2 4 5 flop, my 66 got called ten binked by J2 :( nvm - more of those tomorrow. 

    As with my first day last time, nothing spectacular, just steady stuff, and happy wth the £95 profit to give me a final Broll of £866


    Edit - sticky keyboard + tired mind = typos! lol its easier to apologise here than go thru and correct them all! - night all

  • TP_DantbTP_Dantb Member Posts: 58
    edited February 2010
    What a roller coaster!!!

    I decided to try and get all the cash requirements out of the way as soon as possible, to allow me to focus on the round robin sit an goes on monday and tuesday.

    i quickly managed to drop £300 on 5 tables!!!

    The majority of this was on a 100nl HU table, when i couldnt fold aces on a q98 board. ( the action pre flop was fierce by the way) Oppo obv had j10, and i was off to the worst possible start imaginable!

    Then, after a couple of coolers i dropped another £100 and began to think it wasnt my day! (for obvious reasons!!)

    Cash definately wasnt working for me so i decided to play some heads up sit and goes. This is where i found my groove, although not finding many hands, i was finding good situations to exploit.

    I played 13 in total and won 9, which gave me abit of confidence back.

    So as the night was drawing to an end, i decided to give the £300 bounty hunter a spin as i felt i had to do something more!

    As the table loads, who am i sat with....... dohx7 and nutter!!lol    I knew this would be interesting!

    I started abit fast, splashing in and out, up and down, and then used my irratic image to get paid off when i found a hand later in the tourny when the pots were alot bigger and i managed to find some good situations.

    After a long battle on the final table i managed to win the whole thing!! Including heads i won around £120(including stake), which was a timely boost to my bankroll when i needed a result.

    I didnt even look how much first prize was, or what places got paid, as my sole focus was to win the tournament.

    Im thrilled to have won the tournament, and after seeing all the other tp'ers doing so well, felt i needed to prove myself even more.

    So i started the night with £777

    Cash - dropped around £390 (oh well, theres always tomorrow!)
    STT - up around £210
    MTT - busted primo, busted another £10 entry, and at the end of the night won the £300 bounty hunter for around £110.

    My final balance is £686, which is a loss for the night, but could have been much worse if i had tilted after such a horrific start.

    Well done to all other tp'ers on your results, this competition is really something else, and i feel priviledged to be apart of it!

    Thanks to all the railers aswell, if i didnt respond its because im on mini view the majority of the time.

    GL all, bring on tomorrow.


  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,888
    edited February 2010

    Oh my word, sounds like quite some night for the TP-ers! Trust me to miss all the fun, but I had some stuff to attend to, then some Live Poker to play.

    A lot of good solid performances, & everyone seems to be hitting their stride. 

    The played to cashed ratio of the TP-ers in the 8pm Main Events is really quite something, & another "regular" Tourney fell to a TP-er last night.

    That SNG looked a right purler, I wish I'd Railed that, with everyone seemingly going for the win. Presumably, that must have been the "hottest" SNG ever on Sky Poker.

    This whole thing is panning out quite beautifully, for both the TP-ers & the Community, & I'm loving seeing our players give such wonderful accounts of themselves.

    More of the same!
  • IRISHROVERIRISHROVER Member Posts: 7,606
    edited February 2010
    Ok my night has come to an end and I am pretty tired.  Had a long weekend and was playing on redbull lol!  I am not completely happy with how I played tonight, made a couple of muppety calls but played ok.  Having gone behind early i tightened it up and got into a few good spots, then towards the end of the game won a couple of important 50:50s which took the sway my way. Not much in it tbh. Sorry, yippee, thought we agreed to split before the game so we could keep it 3 tables? but probably some miscommunication there... i am happy to play deeper tomorrow if it comes to that. though i must admit i was a bit muppety today. Ul Yippy gg. As for amounts i ended up 400 off him, and rake took 100.      Primo went ok.  Played pretty tight most the game, and stepped up the aggression late, but eventually shoved k3dd on the button 22k stack on 1.5/3 and ran into kk.   Finished 29th so cashed £100. Very happy with that.  Also saw James and Phil Cashed, very well done them!!! there is lots of quality in this comp!! Final Broll of the night is 1750. Also i watched a bit of the sit and go and thought they all played well with a couple of races knocking out good players.  How it finished with glitter vs nutter and nutter taking it home was very interesting to watch! very well played to those two, espec nutter for taking it down.   Anyways, i am shattered and off to bed now, looking forward to tomorrow! Have fun everyone, XXX
    Posted by TP_Sparce
    can i please buy shares in your poker head sparticus !

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