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  • IMAROCKIMAROCK Member Posts: 135
    edited February 2010
    yes mabsue,, if there is any justise for james not winning it,, then sparce will be the victor!!! 

    and if anyone can say theres a better player left than sparce,, they are delusional 
  • hurst05hurst05 Member Posts: 1,567
    edited February 2010

    lol people been banned for swearing before havent they? im offended :)

    @IMAROCK - i agree with you in the sense that james has better pedigree but the stats dont lie and if he had done a better job and made good profit like sharks and sparce then he would have been picked, matt could hardly have dropped 2 players that had performed the best. and i also believe that some players that should have been considered werent at the start of the show etc

    @seagull - he tightens up in relation to the tv tables 'alot' im not saying he becomes a rock lol

  • joemorrisjoemorris Member Posts: 3
    edited February 2010
    nice one dohhhhh
    back to your best there well done on gettin thru
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited February 2010
    Im obviously gonna be annoyed, that my selection is being crushed.

    No1 was more surprised than me, but they arent daft. 

    To come on and read this thread, and be slaughtered for doing well, is soul crushing. People of course are entitled to disagree with the decision, but to slate me publicly, is wrong, especially as theres other guys who deserve congratulations/commiserations.

    U guys setting out to crush me, I fell for it, and its probably cost me. clap clap

  • MBroughtonMBroughton Member Posts: 101
    edited February 2010
    Im obviously gonna be annoyed, that my selection is being crushed. No1 was more surprised than me, but they arent daft.  To come on and read this thread, and be slaughtered for doing well, is soul crushing. People of course are entitled to disagree with the decision, but to slate me publicly, is wrong, especially as theres other guys who deserve congratulations/commiserations. U guys setting out to crush me, I fell for it, and its probably cost me. clap clap DOHH 
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH
    Hey DOHHHH. The previous comment got deleted, so once again - congratulations. ^__^

  • hurst05hurst05 Member Posts: 1,567
    edited February 2010
    had to remove dohhhhhh's little rant from my quote, chill out, you were talking about how you need to stop blowing up, because you end up doing your money, from that little post you tilt very easily. why not just laugh it off? if you believe the response is a load of rubbish why not just ignore it?
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited February 2010
    Because its not funny - Scathing personal attack, when, once again, Its not about me tonight.

  • hurst05hurst05 Member Posts: 1,567
    edited February 2010
    TOTAL PLAYERs, Keep your heads, do not respond to trolls - It really isn't worth it. There will be scrutiny of IMAROCK's forum posts and chat box banter this evening and as with everything there will be consequences. Please don't fall foul of the forum rules yourselves. Kind Regards Aisling
    Posted by Sky_Ling
    i cant speak for his chat comments but is it not just an airing of someones opinions? he hasnt actually sworn or anything. adds to the banter. 
  • hurst05hurst05 Member Posts: 1,567
    edited February 2010
    Because its not funny - Scathing personal attack, when, once again, Its not about me tonight.
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH
    which is why an ignore button is there i believe? 
  • Sky_LingSky_Ling Member Posts: 317
    edited February 2010
    In Response to Re: OFFICIAL TOTAL PLAYER THREAD : i cant speak for his chat comments but is it not just an airing of someones opinions? he hasnt actually sworn or anything. adds to the banter. 
    Posted by hurst05
    Hi Hurst05,

    I agree, opinions are welcomed in forums... That's what makes them come alive - however Sky Poker does have specific rules to protect their customers - and trolling is generally frowned upon.

    Support of fellow posters is definietly a quality we like to foster: However, I would hasten to say that lending support without having access to the full facts can result in support being "misdirected."
  • Sky_DesSky_Des Member Posts: 351
    edited February 2010
    The thread is reopened now everyone and thanks for your understanding.  I hope Sunday morning feels better than Saturday night.


  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,888
    edited February 2010

    Good morning!

    Last night saw the conclusion of Boot-Camp Phase 2, & each of the Mentors were required to make the near impossible task of reducing their Teams from 3 to 2.

    Below are the Surviving Six, by Mentor Team.

    Team Gidzo.



    Team Matt



    Team Tuck



    Many congratulatrions from me personally to all 6 of them - none of them could have been confident of going through, but all of them had every reason & right to feel they would.

    Well done them!
  • lJAMESllJAMESl Member Posts: 591
    edited February 2010
    Hello guys have a few comments to make on some subjects that arose in the Total player thread. I am obviously gutted not to go through but it wasn't suprising. 
    Matt said my head dropped but I think it had a valid reason too. Knowing once I made a loss twice it is literally impossible for him to pick me. Firstly it wouldn't be fair on Naomi and Sparce who had done so brilliantly in the phases and also even if he selected me with two losses the weight on my shoulders would be ridiculous, along with some people may turn against me or Matt for selecting some one who lost twice. 
    Obviously in the 2nd phase it was only one pot that decided I made a loss for phase 2 and it was a big pot but most of the viewers wouldn't know that and jump to conclusions. I think Matt has got two fanastic players in Sparce and Naomi, David who I would say is a similar player to myself breaks down hands and thinks about the game on a different level to most of the other contestants. This is a big part of our edge in the game. Naomi who has a fantastic allround game and who is a brilliant MTT player. Both are more than deserving to of gone through. If I won a SNG and had made a decent profit in cash I would of been alot more gutted to of not of gone through. I would of perhaps felt robbed but this wasn't the case these 2 are both good players and will do Sky proud if either win. 
    On the case of dohhhhh I have to say he is the player that impressed me the most in the competition that I hadn't played before. I could understand why Tuckman chose him. He has some leaks, but he is a very brave player and I think he has a good chance in the competition.
    Best of luck to everyone left in Total player!
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,888
    edited February 2010

    Sadly, but inevitably, they had to lose three players last night.

    They were.....

    Team Gidzo


    Team Matt


    Team Tuck


    My heart goes out to all three of them.

    Yipee was much misunderstood imo. He decided to "bet the shop" in an attempt to find an "angle", & in my view, for that, he was very brave. I would not have dared do it, nor would many others. The gamble failed, either because his oppo was better than he thought, or he ran bad, or maybe he is not as good as he thought he was. Whatever, it was a courageous decision, & he has my continued respect.  

    James. Many have said he was the best player in TP, & he might have been. He just run bad at the wrong tiime, & gave his Mentor an unimaginably difficult decision. I shall have more to say on James shortly. He is a friend of mine, as are many of the TP-ers, & my respect for him has grown due to the way he has handled himself in TP. It's safe to say that the other TP-ers, in a strange way, will be relieved that James is out for all the best reaasons, because James is a stunningly talented player.

    Phil. Oh my word, what to say. As "the moment" approached, I had pencilled his name in as an "looks very likely" to have got through. Ity knocked the wind out of me a bit when he was dropped, it really did. Not bcause it was a right or wrong decision, but because I know what this meant to Phil, who has been a Sky Poker friend of mine for 3 years now - he was probably my first friend in this Community, & he's a good man.

    I wrote to Phil yesterday morning (I wrote to all 9 TP-ers actually) to wish him luck, & though it's not usually right to quote personal replies, here is part of his reply to me.....

    "....Getting all my school work done today as either way Im not gonna be in the mood tomorrow - either too elated and buzzing or too deflated!...."

    Today, therefore, he must be hurting real bad, "deflated" to use his words. I'm 100% confident that this Community, we together, will be respectful & understanding towards Phil, he must be devestated. But that's the nature of TP, & poker. Highs & lows. How we handle them both shows our real character.

    Anyway, to all three who came to the end of their TP adventure last night, unlucky guys. Next time, eh? 
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,888
    edited February 2010
    Hello guys have a few comments to make on some subjects that arose in the Total player thread. I am obviously gutted not to go through but it wasn't suprising.  Matt said my head dropped but I think it had a valid reason too. Knowing once I made a loss twice it is literally impossible for him to pick me. Firstly it wouldn't be fair on Naomi and Sparce who had done so brilliantly in the phases and also even if he selected me with two losses the weight on my shoulders would be ridiculous, along with some people may turn against me or Matt for selecting some one who lost twice.  Obviously in the 2nd phase it was only one pot that decided I made a loss for phase 2 and it was a big pot but most of the viewers wouldn't know that and jump to conclusions. I think Matt has got two fanastic players in Sparce and Naomi, David who I would say is a similar player to myself breaks down hands and thinks about the game on a different level to most of the other contestants. This is a big part of our edge in the game. Naomi who has a fantastic allround game and who is a brilliant MTT player. Both are more than deserving to of gone through. If I won a SNG and had made a decent profit in cash I would of been alot more gutted to of not of gone through. I would of perhaps felt robbed but this wasn't the case these 2 are both good players and will do Sky proud if either win.  On the case of dohhhhh I have to say he is the player that impressed me the most in the competition that I hadn't played before. I could understand why Tuckman chose him. He has some leaks, but he is a very brave player and I think he has a good chance in the competition. Best of luck to everyone left in Total player! lJAMESl
    Posted by lJAMESl
    Good morning James.

    Firstly, thank you for copying this Post across to the TP thread after it re-opened - you saved me a job. It's too good to be lost to the TP thread.

    As to the Post, all I can say, is that under ther circumstances, it's one of the best Posts I've ever seen.

    People point fingers at me sometimes, because I'm proud of my friends in poker, I choose them with great care, & I'm not ashamed to mention them. It will always be so, I have no reason not to.

    James & I are good friends, have been for a long time, & will remain so. In the grand scheme of things, this setback is nothing.

    Today, because of how he has handled himself in TP, particularly in that Post, I'm incredibly grateful to count him as a friend.

    You have a very wise head on those young shoulders James. I'm very proud of you mate.
  • goodylad21goodylad21 Member Posts: 693
    edited February 2010

    Just a quick question when does the next round of TP start ?

    Well done all that got through last night, personally thought 5/6 contestants were pretty much guaranteed to qualify, with it being a toss up between dohhhhhhh and phil for the last remaining spot, so very unlucky phil !!!

  • phil12ukphil12uk Member Posts: 2,856
    edited February 2010
    This will probably be the hardest post for me to write on this forum........if it comes across as negative, I apologise in advance but I'm hurting today.

    Going into this phase of the competition, I knew it was going to be tough....8 great opponents and 2 super tough ones within my team.  After starting the phase behind on bankrolls vs Nutter and Dohhhhh, I knew I needed to make a statement (although Tuck said that the br meant nothing to him).

    As Tikay mentioned last night on the show, I made profit in 5/6 TP nights and was ahead in all 3 disciplines - something I thought would help show that I am a good, well rounded player.  I also managed to win my first TP sng and, for a river card, could have won the second too.  Sparce has stated that he found me very tricky to play against and that he's 'glad' im out as I was a threat to him.........I take these comments as massive compliments and know that my game has improved greatly for someone of his skill seeing me as a threat.

    Within the first phase I made £80. In the second phase I made £240 (3x as much), with second phase percentages of 50% cash success in mtts and 100% cash success in sngs. On top of that, I don't think I made any mistakes within the 2 TP sngs and put forward a really good showing.

    I know both Ben and Dohhhhh are great players and I am not bitter towards either of them in the slightest - I hope one of them goes on to win.  Unfortunately I feel let down at the moment as I cannot see where my VERY HARD WORK was looked at.  David chatted to me for my first 50 minutes on the first night - that was it, no further help, no e mail replies to support, nothing.  I realise that this was also the case for Ben and JJ but made me very frustrated.  How was I to know what I was doing right or wrong? 

    IMO - and this is only my opinion - my group's final choice has already been made and no matter what I did, it wasn't going to make any difference.  A 35th in Primo as well should have shown my mtt credentials.......or so I thought.

    The reasons given last night also got me. Suddenly Ben's br was a factor and my potential (something quoted as massive in the last phase) was now replaced with a judgement of me being 'good'.  I do feel crushed and I am hurting. I feel I put soooooo much into this competition and process and the 3 days last week were irrelevant as the judgement had already been made and i may as well have spent the evenings supporting my wife with her work rather than her run around for me whilst I'm playing games that my mentor showed me no interest in wanting to know about.

    So, onwards and upwards for me.  Total Player has shown me that I have the skills to play against the best players on this site. Thank you to Charlie, Naomi, Dave, Mick, Dylan, Tony and all the others who have given me such support with their kind words over the last 12 hours.  See you all in Luton.  Good luck all still in - may the best man (or lady) win.
  • Action_DanAction_Dan Member Posts: 341
    edited February 2010
    I'm glad the spirit of TP hasn't been damaged by the rubbish posted last night - everyone's entitled to their opinion but taking cheap shots at those involved in the competition seemed nothing but sour grapes and completely against what TP and Sky Poker's about! Just want to congratulate those who got through and commiserations to those who missed out...

    James - everyone knows you're a quality player and class act so will continue to go from strength to strength but unfortunately this time, the poker gods decided it wasn't for you!
    Yipee - you stirred things up on the forum and site recently with your challenge and for that I commend you...I'm sure you'll learn from this experience and continue to rise through the ranks!
    Phil - you've done yourself, your school kids and the forum've shown you're an excellent player so there will be plenty more opportunities to come in the future! Hopefully Spurs can win today to make you feel somewhat better!
  • acetenololacetenolol Member Posts: 62
    edited February 2010
    I just want to say how much Ive enjoyed David Tuckman on this show .

    He's been absolutely fantastic (as he is on the pstars commentary (I prefer the english guy though)).

    Judgement second to none.

    May the losers "Go in the muck" long live the Tuck.

  • SharksbiteSharksbite Member Posts: 146
    edited February 2010
    First of all, thanks so much to Matt for seeing the potential in me to see me through to the next round and congrats to the others that also made it. The support and well wishes have been phenomenal. I wish Sparticus and the other 4 the best of luck nex week another tough night on saturday to come.
    Secondly my thoughts go out to James, Phil, and Yip. James and Phil what class you have shown in your post, I am gutted for you guys and theres nothing really I can say that hasnt already been said except, heres to 2 fantastic players who I know will go far in their future poker careers.
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