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Sunday's Super Roller - with Hartigan & Stapes (***OFFICIAL LIVE SHOW THREAD***)

J-HartiganJ-Hartigan Member Posts: 2,756
edited September 2013 in Poker Chat
And so, it begins...

A crazy couple of weeks in London, as the world's greatest city becomes the poker capital of the world, with the UKIPT and EPT festivals back-to-back. I'll be working for most of the fortnight, but get to play the £250 UKIPT Series event this weekend. Woo-hoo!

Don't panic - Stapes and I will be back in the 861 studio on Sunday night to bring you live coverage of September's...

Remember, "You don't have to be a balla to play the Roller." Check out the many satellites on offer in the tournament lobby.

We'll be following the Roller for most of the night. If you're playing the game, we'd love to analyse your Hold'em skillz, so please e-mail your Hand IDs to

And don't forget to tweet your progress: #SkyPokerTV

I believe Stapes has some 'Race Situations' lined-up for the live show, which he'll be posting in this thread. If you're lucky, we might have a prize to give away.

Have a good weekend - and we'll see you on Sunday at 7pm.



  • SlipwaterSlipwater Member Posts: 3,709
    edited September 2013
    Hi guys,

    James - are you sure you will be 'back in the 861 studio' if you take down the UKIPT event on the weekend? I would have thought the party would be in full swing by 7pm on Sunday if you do. Go on - do it for Sky Poker: just apply the commentator's knowledge to the felt and take it down! :)
  • JoeStapesJoeStapes Member Posts: 5
    edited September 2013
    Boy, nothing gets me out of bed at the crack of 10 on a Sunday morning like a hangover and a brand new batch RACE SITUATIONS for tonight's show.  For the N00Bz:

    Race situations occur in poker when two hands are pitted in a virtual statistical coinflip.  Usually something like a pair versus two over cards.  In these situations, one hand has a SLIGHT mathematical advantage over the other.  Usually something like 52% v. 49%.  Well, these situations don't just occur in poker.  They occur in every day real life.  Below I will list several of these situations.  

    Your job: detemine which of the two has the SLIGHT mathematical advantage (and why).  Don't feel like you have to answer them all.  Pick a few, and make your reasons good so we read them on the air.




    And remember, there is at least ONE domination hidden in the mix (AK vs. AQ).

    Good luck.  We're all counting on you.

    Cappuccino vs. Flat White

    Breaking Bad vs. The Sopranos

    Connery vs. Moore

    Jaegerbombs vs. Carbombs

    Infinity Pool vs. Jacuzzi

    Funny YouTube Videos vs. Funny Memes

    Tiramisu vs. Creme Brulee

    Rivering a Flush vs. Turning a Set

    Let the Right One in vs. Let me In

    XBOX vs. PS3

    Oxford Circus vs. Piccadilly Circus

    Canada vs. A Hole in the Ground

    Sex vs. Food

    Stubbing Your Toe vs. A Hangnail

    Maxim vs. FHM

    Koalas vs.  Penguins

    Salty/Buttered Popcorn vs. Sweet Popcorn

    Hot Dogs vs. Hamburgers

    Soccer vs. Watching Paint Dry

    P once De Leon vs. Vasco De Gama

    Waking up in a panic and realizing it's Saturday vs. Finding a twenty in a pair of pants

    Katy Perry vs. Kelly Clarkson

    Air Conditioning vs. Television

    Shampoo vs. Conditioner 

    Fishnets vs. Stilettos

    Also - feel free to tweet us some of your own during the show.  If we like them, we'll use them!

  • memfnomemfno Member Posts: 461
    edited September 2013
    Love it Stapes, Love it


    Breaking Bad v The Sopranos
    Its The Sopranos, and it isnt even close, its like BB = AK and TS = KK. The fact is The Sopranos had longevity, and multiple storylines over different seasons, plus movie actors dropping in in major and minor roles, Joey Pants and Steve Buscemi in the majors and Ben Kingsley and Anette Bening in the minors. Really Breaking Bad only has one storyline, he makes Crystal Meth and the complexities that surround that. The Ace advantage that Breaking Bad does have, that it might hit on the river, is that I'm expecting a better ending, hopefully i wont just be met by a blank screen at the end of BB !

    Connery v Moore
    Come on, he's licened to kill ! How is moore going to kill you, cleanly, neatly. quietly with a smirk and a gun. How is Connery going to kill you? With anything that comes to hand, statue, house brick, steam bath, consequently his kill rate must be higher and therefore best.

    Let The Right One In v Let Me In, obviously the scandanavian original, the second is but a poor facsimile, has no cats scene, no wierd dad scene, and was ultimately made purely for lazy americans who don't want to read subtitles.

    Missionary v reverse Cowgirl, RC means i get somewhere to lean my laptop against

    Hoping to play 2nite, trying to satellite, will be watching either way,

    Have a good one

  • LewispLewisp Member Posts: 9
    edited September 2013
    In Response to Re: Sunday's Super Roller - with Hartigan & Stapes (***OFFICIAL LIVE SHOW THREAD***):
    Love it Stapes, Love it Ok Breaking Bad v The Sopranos Its The Sopranos, and it isnt even close, its like BB = AK and TS = KK. The fact is The Sopranos had longevity, and multiple storylines over different seasons, plus movie actors dropping in in major and minor roles, Joey Pants and Steve Buscemi in the majors and Ben Kingsley and Anette Bening in the minors. Really Breaking Bad only has one storyline, he makes Crystal Meth and the complexities that surround that. The Ace advantage that Breaking Bad does have, that it might hit on the river, is that I'm expecting a better ending, hopefully i wont just be met by a blank screen at the end of BB ! Connery v Moore Come on, he's licened to kill ! How is moore going to kill you, cleanly, neatly. quietly with a smirk and a gun. How is Connery going to kill you? With anything that comes to hand, statue, house brick, steam bath, consequently his kill rate must be higher and therefore best. Let The Right One In v Let Me In, obviously the scandanavian original, the second is but a poor facsimile, has no cats scene, no wierd dad scene, and was ultimately made purely for lazy americans who don't want to read subtitles. Missionary v reverse Cowgirl, RC means i get somewhere to lean my laptop against Hoping to play 2nite, trying to satellite, will be watching either way, Have a good one memfno
    Posted by memfno
    Memfno you sad sad little man get a life u stupid c#nt
  • FCHDFCHD Member Posts: 3,178
    edited September 2013
    Penguins definitely domiinate koalas. Even the chocolate buscuit Penguins dominate koalas.
  • cenachavcenachav Member Posts: 2,682
    edited September 2013
    Oxford circus v Piccadilly Circus. Depends on which one has the best clowns at the moment

    Baseball v rounders. That's like 72 v 72. Split pot most of the time

    Obviously the ps3 dominates the xbox like aces dominate my whole range

    Got to be turning a set over everything. There is nothing like  cbetting with 22 then seeing that brick like 2 on the turn
  • TeddyBloatTeddyBloat Member Posts: 1,419
    edited September 2013
    Infinity Pool vs. Jacuzzi

    let's be honest we all thought people chunnering about jacuzzi's were the epitome of pretentious fake-tan-faced nouveau riche dullards; then came the infinity pool. jacuzzi wins by default.

  • FCHDFCHD Member Posts: 3,178
    edited September 2013
    Canada vs Hole In The Ground

    Well a hole in the ground can be either round or square, so points to it for that, but the clincher is that you can't get maple syrup out of a hole in the ground, so Canada wins. Just.
  • J-HartiganJ-Hartigan Member Posts: 2,756
    edited September 2013
    Great stuff so far!

    Keep 'em comin' - along with your own suggestions for race situations...

  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
    edited September 2013
    Fishnets vs. Stilettos

    Fishnets are good for laddering whereas you can only limp in stilettos!
  • J-HartiganJ-Hartigan Member Posts: 2,756
    edited September 2013
    How about...

    Last empty seat on a train vs emergency exit (extra legroom) seat on a plane
  • FCHDFCHD Member Posts: 3,178
    edited September 2013
    How about

    The Queen v Preisdent Obama
  • 19walker8819walker88 Member Posts: 59
    edited September 2013
    Evening all, 

    Going to try my last qualifier at 6pm, If i get entry to the 25k tonight then 50% of all winning will be going to Macmillan Cancer support. After losing my mother to cancer at quite a young age i want to give back as much as i can. 

    Fingers crossed for tonight. 

    Good luck at the tables all!

  • 19walker8819walker88 Member Posts: 59
    edited September 2013
    Crashed out to a poor beat Calls a Re-Raise Shove all in with AA, Player 2 turns over 10 3 off suit. Flop comes down 10,10,3.........Drawing dead! :(
  • SoLackSoLack Member Posts: 2,737
    edited September 2013
    Canada vs. A Hole in the Ground

    Canada has Daniel Negreanu, Jennifer Tilly, Bryan Adams, Celine Dion, Keanu Reevesamd Avril Lavigne

    A hole in the ground has Bernard Cribbins

    The latter wins hands down obv
  • POKEY2011POKEY2011 Member Posts: 311
    edited September 2013
    How about....

    Joe Stapleton v The Crazy Frog lol

  • alimayalimay Member Posts: 37
    edited September 2013
    how about 

    50/50 FLIP

  • SlipwaterSlipwater Member Posts: 3,709
    edited September 2013
    Hi guys,

    Tiramisu totally beats creme brulee; in the same way that Italian women dominate French women.
  • jmmlfc88jmmlfc88 Member Posts: 1
    edited September 2013
    Stapes vs The 40 year old virgin?

    split pot ...... both had AJ in there hand

  • MK1979MK1979 Member Posts: 3
    edited September 2013

    How about    ICE CREAM v CUSTARD with dessert i can never choose
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