Yes sorry we have been focusing heavily on sats into the £16k bounty hunter tonight, there are some directs up now for you for the £4k BH though.
There should be some room for all-in sats to the £4k too, i'll monitor this and put them up in the lobby a bit later if that is the case.
We'll review it all tomorrow and look to bring more regular sats back into the schedule for the rest of the week once we have a clear picture of demand across the schedule.
There should be some satellites up shortly (if not already). With the big guarantee main events, there will be a LOT more satellites running around the clock so you'll find we're constantly reviewing and adding which ones are on offer. Hopefully you're happy with those on offer
Hey Chew, There should be some satellites up shortly (if not already). With the big guarantee main events, there will be a LOT more satellites running around the clock so you'll find we're constantly reviewing and adding which ones are on offer. Hopefully you're happy with those on offer Thanks, Dave Posted by Sky_Dave
Ok Dave ive just seen the sats for the deepstack. Thanks for your help. Mick.
Hi Adam
Is there any chance of having any sats for the £22 deepstack today, as there werent any yesterday either.
Ok Dave ive just seen the sats for the deepstack.
Thanks for your help.