If you don't know if you're OOP, or are struggling to figure out if you're in the CO, reading some of the threads on this forum can be a daunting stop-start affair, that possibly puts some people off commenting. Nobody wants to look like an idiot, and it is very easy to get lost in the maze of phrases that are thrown about... God forbid you don't understand what EV or ICM is!
What we need is a thread (akin to a FAQ) where all the acronyms and poker related terminology is collected and broken down for the new recruits who may not be as hip as the rest of us
What is a wet board, or a rainbow flop, and what do you do if you have TPTK here?
Whaddya reckon?
Anyway a quick google of "poker terms" brings up a nice list.
And why is abbreviations such a long word?