The format for the Turbo games has been completely changed.
Under the new format, blind levels start at 10/20, where it used to be 15/30. There's also other levels that have been added.
These games no longer play the same - they take far longer. I used to love playing these games, but the new format is far to slow.
I know there was a thread recently about HU S n Go's, though i didn't expect the format for Turbo games would be totally overhauled.
The old structure was far superior in my opinion, it would be good if this could be restored.
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Larsson the old turbo format still exists, it was the same as a hyper.
The turbo structure needed changing because it was almost identical to the hyper structure, as explained below.
HU hyper....500 chips
110.00 / 20.002215.00 / 30.002320.00 / 40.002425.00 / 50.002530.00 / 60.002640.00 / 80.002750.00 / 100.002
After 8 mins, 10xbb effective.
Turbo..... 1k starting stack..........
115.00 / 30.002225.00 / 50.002340.00 / 80.002450.00 / 100.002
After 8 mins = 10xbb effective.
As you can see there was barely any difference.
Now the turbo structure fits nicely inbetween a hyper and a speed.
If people still want the very fast paced action and a game that lasts as long as the old turbos, then they can still get it by playing hypers.
As Dohhh said, if you wanna play the old version of the Turbos it's still there... it's called a Hyper. Structures were almost identical in terms of how they play.
I was gonna put in a week of grinding Turbos this week but zero chance of me doing that if the structures get changed back (ruined).
Hypers are over rapid, in a couple of minutes.
The old turbos were sweet, and not too long. Taking about 5-7 mins maximum.
No way would a hyper ever last 5-7 minutes. Under the new format, Turbo games are going to take so much longer, hardly a turbo.
There already is an option for a long game if some one wants to start with millions of big blinds.
The critical part is the first few levels, which is gone with the new turbos. As both players have way to many big blinds.
Level 1 - A bit deeper in the old turbo but for 2 mins (what, like 10 hands max?)
Level 2 - virtually identical
Level 3 - virtually identical
Level 4 - identical.
Ignore the fact one starts with 1000 and one has 500, if you just look at stack depths in terms of BBs, they are VERY close and should take a very similar amount of time and have a very similar amount of play.
< 5% of hypers I played ended within 2 minutes (level 1, twenty five bbs effective)
1k starting stack, 2 min levels
Before that, i take it the structure was similiar to what it is now, and why you are glad it's back to a longer format.
I have played 3 games under the new structure, and it's nothing what-so-ever like the old system it's way to slow.
I know where you and Dohhh are coming from about it being very similiar in the format to blinds to chipstack.
However the 1st 3 levels are crucial and in my opinion you're not comparing apples with apples.
In my eperience Hypers are over a lot quicker than Turbo's (as the turbos used to be).
If you are going to be grinding these this week, surely you would want the games to go a bit quicker to get more volume in. Where as at the moment your amount of games will be greatly reduced by the extended time it's going to take to play these due to the format.
The thing is, this IS comparing apples with apples. The only way you can compare is to compare the number of BBs effective in each. If you got 10xBB it doesn't matter if that's 100 chips or 100,000 chips, so it really is apples with apples.
FWIW, yes the current Turbo is what it used to be and I have no idea why they ever changed it cos they changed it to something which was virtually identical to a Hyper (hence Dohhhh's recent thread).
I agree with you, the new Turbos are slower, but that's cos Turbos are supposed to be slower than Hypers but quick than Speeds (which they now are).
Would you prefer Dohhh's structure above?
Larson, I think we should run with this, we can have a chat about this on Skype today.
Paul, the new turbo struc isn't the same as it used to be its slower with a few added layers. I used to play 10 games an hour a few years ago, now its 6-8 sometimes less.
I am going to have a word with prio today, it would be nice to be in agreement so that we can present a united opinion. I am happy to compromise and agree this new structure, JJ to his credit in this suggestion has.
You obv want to be playing Hypers if you like this structure, because they're the same as what Turbos were a few weeks ago.
Well I'm gonna be grinding HU SnGs this week with these new (improved imo) Turbo structures, if they change them back to essentually Hypers then I won't be playing any. Either way though, it's just better for the entire site overall to have better structures.
I've doubled the chips, and doubled the levels of a hyper as it is now.
Amazing. Genuinely, amazing.
Paul you played turbos under the old model, and now you are saying you would just stop playing them if they reverted back to what it was a couple of weeks ago?
It wouldn't be as bad if it was a halfway house between what it was, and what it is now.
They could take out a few of the blind levels.
Dohhhh and Paul would you be against them tweaking this to make it a bit faster than as the case just now?
Once this week is past with of course.
Myself and others have said on the initial thread that we'd feedback to skydave and sky about maybe tweaking a level or 2 after a few weeks of playing them.
The main talking point being a 20/40 level, wether it should be added, and if so should it replace an existing level or not.
I'm still undecided.
I think adding 20/40 and removing 10/20 might work.
No major changes required though, it's bang in the middle of a hyper and a speed at the moment.
Much slower and it's too much like a speed, much faster and it's too much like a hyper.
The reason I wouldn't play them is cos I'm looking to play HU games that are a bit lower variance and have a bigger skill edge, that's why I aint playing Hypers this week. Just got sick of the swings in Hypers tbh and the old structure of Turbos will be very similar in swingyness