Just played tonites 500 fr and came across a weird situation never seen it b4, about halfway through, a hand was folded around to the sb who promptly went all in. while the BB was making up their mind the sb posted qq in the chatbox and the BB folded. I immediately thought that's not right and I was going to post a reply, but I got thinking maybe they knew each other or he was being nice or something. I moved table shortly after and finished the tourney but it has been bugging me since because if it was malicious then I have no time for a person like that . I am sure we have all tried it on with our mates sitting around a table at xmas but online? I have tried to find some sky poker rules but I am new on the forums so thought a post would get the best advice. I have the hand id if someone wants to check but I suppose I am just looking for the etiquette in that situation ,
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Nice name!
I'd be sure to have that name if i lived in the wild west 200 years ago ! Wildbill, Harrygundo and Jesse James
It was a freeroll, i wouldn't worry about it to much.
Whether it's wrong, or bad etiquette, probably.
Doubt they had QQ, maybe they did, most likely just wanted a fold. Highly dought it would be there mate or collusion, people can say they have any hand in the chatbox, the truth is probably quite different!
It just bugs me if someone is cheating, most of us are trying to have some fun and it is hard enough without that crack, thanks for the reply hope all ur luck is good.
"i think they should be taken outside and shot in front of their families." Jeremy Clarkson.
a) a poker lie
b) collusion
Surely, if you're in a hand with one other person, you can say whatever you like regarding the two cards you are holding. You can tell him you have queens, hoping he will fold, or you can tell him you are raising a complete airball. I would have thought this is entirely acceptable.
If it's b) we have a problem. Unfortunately, it's impossible to tell.
We take collusion and any type of fraud very seriously so if you see anything you think looks suspicious, you should contact customer care with details such as time, table id, aliases etc.. and it will then be investigated by our fraud team.