was watching wsope ft live stream & they was chatting about what is going on with 6 max cash games where 4 pros will sit at a table waiting for amateur players to sit down to take there money & even if the fish sits out to go to bathroom they will sit out & await his return... & when he leaves the game they will all sit out awaiting a new fish to take his seat ... BEWARE
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Only people who dont have to do this in life are people on the public sector gravy train. They force people to spend their money.
@ ajs - this is not a business, you may be pro but the people that spend money are playing for fun - why make it not fun for them -
Can you imgaine this happening on a live table ? The busisness man goes to the toilet and everyone stops playing
or businessman quits the game then all the pros quit
Everyone knows that hunting value goes on but why make it so obvious !
I have been here from start and seen how different decisions have affected games on the site. By far the worse thing to happen to the site was allowing everyone to multi table. Pre download the games where fun people chatted, recreational players kept coming back as their money lasted ages as very few regs. Then the download hit the games have been in decline since. People are no longer coming back as every table is infested with regs and their depsoits are lasting less and less. Need to stop allowing regs to replicate themselves and therefore the tables will once again become a friendly place to play.
The sites have a mistaken belief that regs pay a lot in rake they dont. Regs dont pay a penny in rake the rake comes from people spending money.
teddybloat - as for public sector comment. I used to work in accounts in the public sector. I know exactly what happens with public money in this country and it is utterly discusting. I used to go to work get utterly overpaid get utterly underworked and have a ridiculous pension on top. People think gambling industry is immoral. But having made a living in both. In my experience the public sector is much more immoral sector. Thats a different debate that I cant be bothered to get into. By the way I dont read the daily mail (or any newspaper) and am not political in any way just speaking from first hand experience.
Problem with multi tabling is people who are good obviously replicate themselves to make more money. Therefore making games really tough. Therefore a recreational player is stepping into shark infested waters. They dont get value for money and stop spending money on poker. If people stop spending money on poker there is no poker.
Something needs to be done but the problem is sites have a flawed managment accounting system. That shows multitablers to be spending loads on rake. But we dont spend a penny on rake. The money comes from people depositing x% of their disposable income each and every month.
I love multitabling but it is killing online poker.
It would bring new regs to the site, spreading out onto here, but wouldn't necessarily make the games better.
Only saying what I have seen happen. Mass multi tabling is destroying online poker. Seen the effect it has had on games on this site.
I will guarantee you one thing, it would be way more profitable to 4 table sky 2009 than 12 table sky 2013.
Borinloner has a good point that I have thought about. Multi tabling is easy as the majority of tables you have open its the same faces on each table. Playing accross different sites there will be different regs and different software it would become difficult to play eg 3 sites 6 tables on each. So i think it would be ulikly to happen playing multiple sites.
888 limited multitabling to 6, offer no c4p/rakeback and I believe they are the only site to show genuine growth year on year.
People talk about stars but you cant compare them to any other site. As they didnt play by the rules they gained a huge monopoly in 2006 by offering poker to illegal markets. They created a huge monopoly so the long term affects of mass multitabling arnt going to affect them as quickly because of their size.
Iv said it numerous times when I see people chasing stupid point gimmicks or saying regs pay lots of rake and are most important part of a site. The money a site/regs earn come from people getting their plastic out and depositing. There is no magic c4p money tree, it comes from people spending their money. These people arnt getting value for money so they will stop depositing, hence poker is in decline.
roullette/blackjack is popular as it is a tiny edge. roullette is 36/1 but pays 35/1. if casino started offering 20/1 people would stop playing because they dont get value for money. Need to enable gamblers to get value for money, as they fund the poker economy not poker players.