Good morning all,
I've been dabbling in PLO & PLO8 DYM's for a couple of months now with mixed fortunes.
I have read a lot about Omaha being a drawing game, but can this really apply to DYM's as the key to these is survival and preserving your chips.
You can quite easily throw away too many chips chasing draws that don't hit that often.
I usually see a few flops early on whilst blinds are low, but invariably at this stage you can only win small pots.
Any thoughts / advice please.
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Position is important in NLHE and from what I hear, it's even more important in PLO, this allows us to be able to decide whether we wanna take free cards on flop/turn or not.
First of all couple of very good points by lambert there. Position is vital in PLO. And the less well known point about river value. In nlhe you can get 4 streets of value from someone but normally in PLO it is only 3 because they normally shut down on a river brick.
As far as the drawing aspect is concerned. It is very much a drawing game but the common mistake is for people to have only one draw going. The most important key here is the word and. You dont want to be playing with just an oesd or just the nfd. You should be looking more for things like oesd and top 2. Oesd and the nfd. This way you are likely to be favourite even against a made hand. Also the thing to avoid is calling on a draw. Calling like that flags our hand to the opponent and means we are not liable to get paid when we hit because all draws coming in are quite visible. So it is better to bet or raise on the draw which as always gives us the 2 chances of winning.
For this to happen we need to be focusing on our starting hands and be looking for hands that work together very well. Avoiding hands that just have a pair or just a couple of disconnected draws.
Good hands are AAKQds 9TJQds so many ways of winning and so many boards that can be hit.
Caution hands are KK83r QQ72r. Look pretty but unless we flop set then run away and even then might not be good.
Bad hands are. K722r AK76r. Very hard to hit these big enough to win and will just cost chips to chase.
To further my point. If you have a hand of As Kd Ts 9d and the flop comes down Js Qs 2d. I would not be calling any bet her but trying desperatelt to get every chip i have over the line and would not care about opponents holding, gladly taking on top set here.
An ideal flop in omaha gives you the nuts plus extensions plus redraws but this doesnt happen often enough so just make sure you have as much of the deck working for you as possible and if you can lots of draws going at the same time.
Easiest example is being dealt kk,
In holdem you are looking to get it all in as soon as possible
In omaha it is simply a top set draw. Its also a easy fold pre if you are dealt say kk84 rainbow
We fold K-K-8-4 pre-flop unless we are in the BB & get to see the flop for free.
Effectively, we need to hit a 2 outer to win with this. You'd need to be pretty brave to call a river shove with 1 pair in Omaha.
In truth, a shallow-stacked DYM is NOT the ideal vehicle for PLO or PLO8 simply because the very nature of those 2 games requires us to play "deep" so that we can realise the equity of our hands by playing them optimally.
You cannot really do this beyond Level 4 or 5 of a DYM, when we have an average stack which is likely to be 5 or 6 Bigs. However.....the fact we play so shallow means that ANYONE can win these, because playing shallow changes everything. So that's a good thing.
This is what i was trying to get to the bottom of, playing Omaha in DYM's.
Playing deep, we ALWAYS take a flop with Q-J-9-8 DS, & we let go if we don't flop well. Playing shallow, no, be tough to CALL with that sort of hand, because we are playing too shallow.
A-A-6-5 (no suits) would be only a very tiny favourite (51%-49%) over Q-J-9-8 DS. I'd prefer to have the 10 in my hand though, we can't make a straight unless a 10 (or 5) appears somewhere.
nice post Talon
shame we can't get more cash tables running - viva la revolution