Thought I'd get a sneaky last double point STT in this morning and reg'ed.
Was looking around the forum - just dawned on me it hadn't started then I saw this...
Is there a time limit on STTs? Only ever seen MTTs cancel for not reaching minimum.
Tournament CancelledCancelled at 2013-10-21 08:55:05Registered1 / 6
0 ·
Only guessing, but I would guess that they need to reset the Reward Points software for STT's at 0900 promptly, as the DOUBLE REWARD Points ends then, so if one was WAITING to start at 0855, it would be unlikely to commence before 0900.
They would then all re-open for entries a few minutes later, & proceed as per.
As explained earlier, this is a bit like when the clocks go back/forward, or VAT/petrol/ciggies increase at Midnight, it causes a few furrowed brows & headaches either side of the time.
Cost me a whole extra poker point that! [don't worry sky I can let that one go]
...wish I'd reg'd for a £220 DYM now ;-)