hi their if you haven't shown that other hand just leave it because I have a hand which I am even more questioned about would a donk bet have worked better on the flop than to do a check raise Hand History #702479106
Thanks for the tourney entry Rich and Ryan, hopefully I'll put it to good use, I'm taking it as a lucky omen before the Spt Grand Final and the fantastic upcoming UKOPS series.
I feel we've bonded over this pronunciation stuff, Richard. It's been good and clearly a popular topic. Maybe channel 5 will make a show about it... Get your agent on that one.
I know this is a recorded segment, but would also like to point out that James Hartigan called the floor on me when I got up to have a wee at SPT Birmingham, not realising that when I came back my hand would be dead. This was my 3rd live MTT and I wasn't even arguing.
would a donk bet have worked better on the flop than to do a check raise
Hand History #702479106
The "a" should be pronounced in the same way as in the word Master. The right way - The Northern way! There is no "r" in there.
Seriously. Latte should not have an "r" sound.
It is pronounced GLEN-ROTH-ESS
I am English btw.
Get more educated please
I know this is a recorded segment, but would also like to point out that James Hartigan called the floor on me when I got up to have a wee at SPT Birmingham, not realising that when I came back my hand would be dead. This was my 3rd live MTT and I wasn't even arguing.