It just occurred to me when someone mentioned in another thread about Sly being the Lance Armstrong of the tour.
Have you ever considered doing some kind of 'player of the tour/year' or a leaderboard of sorts? It's obviously too late for this year but maybe something to include for the SPT 2014 season.
Some kind of points system for each leg of the tour. Not sure how the WSOP player of the year (and the like) things work, whether they only count cashes or what not but however you feel best to calculate it.
Maybe the 'Player of the Year' gets free entry to 1 SPT of their choice for the following season? Maybe smaller prizes for 2nd and 3rd on the leaderboard, maybe a £110 UKOPS seat.
Might encourage people to not want to miss out on any SPTs, especially if there in with a shout of finishing top 3.
Anyone like the idea or hate it?
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The six highest point scorers were invited into an exclusive online STT with some nice money available, but at least one player (I think the Grand Final winner) didn't play and just blinded out.
Whatever it is, sure Sky can set up decent prizes
As I found out when I tried to do a UKOPS league it's impossible to keep everyone happy
We did try this a couple of seasons or so ago after a few people asked for it.
It wasn't really that popular TBH and it's unlikely we'll do it again soon for that reason.
But yeah, there are loads of ways of calculating it and I dunno which one is best. Although WSOP manage to do a player of the year thing every year so it's not like it's impossible, just copy their points system.
I'd imagine something like 1st gets 100 points, 2nd place gets 80 points, and a sliding scale down for all people that cash. Maybe points would have to be weighted either by field size or BI size, I dunno.
Sigh Greg, didn't realise it was last year that it got done. Meh, maybe there isn't the interest, maybe they could make it more exciting this time by offering some really sexy package for the winner.
EDIT: Just saw Sky's reply, fair enough.
Unforch, one or two thought the comment was serious, but it was just intended as a joke.
Maybe he whooshed me, but he seemed to suggest it was "not good to be compared to Lance Armstrong"......!