You need 55% equity vs a range to get it all in profitably at 4NL? That means if you get it in pre-flop with QQ against AKs you are losing money. And vs offsuit you are only making a tiny bit!
You need 55% equity vs a range to get it all in profitably at 4NL? That means if you get it in pre-flop with QQ against AKs you are losing money. And vs offsuit you are only making a tiny bit! Anyone else with any good "Did you know" things? Posted by F_Ivanovic
Been reading your diary today! GREAT READ!
Did you know..if Yoyo misses the set on know the rest!
Did you know every continent starts and ends with the same letter?
In Response to Did you know.... : Been reading your diary today! GREAT READ! Did you know..if Yoyo misses the set on know the rest! Did you know every continent starts and ends with the same letter? pad Posted by Glenelg
In Response to Did you know.... : Been reading your diary today! GREAT READ! Did you know..if Yoyo misses the set on know the rest! Did you know every continent starts and ends with the same letter? pad Posted by Glenelg
Aren't South America and North America continents?
In Response to Re: Did you know.... : Aren't South America and North America continents? Posted by Lambert180
in sciene they are just classed as america
think its technically the americas but lets not argue over that.
the one i will argue is recently they have merged europe and asia. Thus its got a different name, cant mind it off the top of my head but its something like Euraisa
.............ways to shuffle/arrange a standard deck of 52 cards.
To put this in perspective (at the time of writing) a mere 705,558,066 hands have been dealt on Sky Poker since it launched. Each random shuffle is essentially unique, there are so many possible combinations it is extremely unlikely any deck of 52 cards has ever, or will ever, be arranged in exactly the same sequence again.
In Response to Re: Did you know....: Did you know there are......... 80,658,175,170,943,878,571,660,636,856,403,766,975,289,505,440,883,277,824,000,000,000,000 .............ways to shuffle/arrange a standard deck of 52 cards. To put this in perspective (at the time of writing) a mere 705,558,066 hands have been dealt on Sky Poker since it launched. Each random shuffle is essentially unique, there are so many possible combinations it is extremely unlikely any deck of 52 cards has ever, or will ever, be arranged in exactly the same sequence again. Posted by GaryQQQ
You need 55% equity vs a range to get it all in profitably at 4NL? That means if you get it in pre-flop with QQ against AKs you are losing money. And vs offsuit you are only making a tiny bit! Anyone else with any good "Did you know" things? Posted by F_Ivanovic
this is actually totally dependant on stack sizes and how te betting goes
You'll be losing money at most levels getting it in just QQ v AKs all day but obv it doesn't go 'open ship 100xBB />>> call'. So once you 3/4bet QQ it's obv not losing money to get it in.
In Response to Re: Did you know.... : in sciene they are just classed as america think its technically the americas but lets not argue over that. the one i will argue is recently they have merged europe and asia. Thus its got a different name, cant mind it off the top of my head but its something like Euraisa Posted by The_Don90
If you put a leech into a maze and place a drop of blood somewhere in the maze it'll find it.
Then drop the leech back in the same starting place and it'll go straight to that same point.
Then put that leech in a blender, feed it to another leech, and because of chemical memory, that leech will straight away find its way to that same point
^^^ This You'll be losing money at most levels getting it in just QQ v AKs all day but obv it doesn't go 'open ship 100xBB /> />> call'. So once you 3/4bet QQ it's obv not losing money to get it in. Posted by Lambert180
Ivan was open shipping 10 3 for 100bb last night! I caught him though
.............ways to shuffle/arrange a standard deck of 52 cards.
To put this in perspective (at the time of writing) a mere 705,558,066 hands have been dealt on Sky Poker since it launched. Each random shuffle is essentially unique, there are so many possible combinations it is extremely unlikely any deck of 52 cards has ever, or will ever, be arranged in exactly the same sequence again.
Did you know there are......... 80,658,175,170,943,878,571,660,636,856,403,766,975,289,505,440,883,277,824,000,000,000,000 .............ways to shuffle/arrange a standard deck of 52 cards. To put this in perspective (at the time of writing) a mere 705,558,066 hands have been dealt on Sky Poker since it launched. Each random shuffle is essentially unique, there are so many possible combinations it is extremely unlikely any deck of 52 cards has ever, or will ever, be arranged in exactly the same sequence again.
Posted by GaryQQQ
^^^ This
You'll be losing money at most levels getting it in just QQ v AKs all day but obv it doesn't go 'open ship 100xBB />>> call'. So once you 3/4bet QQ it's obv not losing money to get it in.
If you put a leech into a maze and place a drop of blood somewhere in the maze it'll find it.
Then drop the leech back in the same starting place and it'll go straight to that same point.
Then put that leech in a blender, feed it to another leech, and because of chemical memory, that leech will straight away find its way to that same point
If you could shuffle those 17 cards 100 times per second it would take you 112,787 years to create that number of combinations.
The numbers are huge, beyond imagination, each deal even from only 17 cards is still essentially unique.