It's the sixth day of the festival. And the main event tonight is a...
So, fill your boots. Register now, or satellite into this...
Plus, there's the Mini and a couple of side events. We'll be covering the action on channel 861 from 7pm. Joining me in the studio...
Ross Jarvis
Simon Hemsworth
Simon's a pro who plays on Sky Poker as 'SenorBegs'. He's also a regular on the UK tournament circuit, and can be seen (along with Ross) in the new series of the Sky Poker Cash Game, which premieres on Sky Sports on Monday 18th November.
We want your questions, comments and Hand IDs. Good contributions may be rewarded with spot prizes (free entry into Saturday's UKOPS Mini). And I'm sure there'll be at least one impromptu quiz!
Twitter: #SkyPokerTV
Never mind - see it's been raised twice already
Fitting for me. The horror.
Check out Rounders (of course all references to poker films should be referred back to Rounders)
The line "You Cops? - You look like cops" predicted the name of the Sky "You Cops" series 15 years ago!