Dear Mr and Mrs SKY planning,
I appreciate Satellite planning for big events is complicated
But as a low stakes punter I like to punt on the all in Satellites
Best i've managed is 2nd, but its the taking part that counts.
The frustration is they only seem to run just before the tournaments begin.
Would it be possible to run a weekly session for forthcoming big tournaments?
choose a day of the week and time, advertise it on the live shows and i'm sure you'd get a good response from your regulars.
You could even run them in the early hours of the morning and cancel if they dont meet the player requirement.
I ask because it would greater opportunity to organise a trip to DTD and could be spread across more than one monthly Bankroll.
I apologise if my suggeastion is unworkable but if you don't ask,you dont get!
To ensure you get the numbers you could change the prize structure of daily freerolls from cash to all in satellite entries perhaps.
Thoughts anyone?
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I hope you don't mind, but Mr & Mrs Sky Planning are busy right now, so I'll reply for the moment.
The satellite structure for the Sky Poker UK Poker Championships will commence very shortly, & will be varied, & try to cater for all bankrolls.
It will be over a 3 month period, too, so there'll be plenty of opportunities for everyone to try & qualify.
I'll be Posting some stuff on the "official" UK Poker Championship thread later today.