Quick fire q's you say? Yes I say!
See, one of the greatest things about Sky Poker for me has always been it's sense of community and in a bid to keep that great community connected I thought it would be nice to do a 'Getting to know you' for the show...
Ten quick fire questions, cut and paste or answer as listed: newbies, regs, mods, let's all get to know each other that little bit better...
1. Name:
2. Location:
3. Occupation:
4. When did you start playing poker?
5. Do you prefer tournaments or cash games?
6. What has been your best result or finest moment?
7. What are your poker strengths?
8. What are your poker weaknesses?
9. What one thing will the community not know about you?
10. And finally... Your embarrassing moment....
*Now this could be anything from mistaking 4's for A's to losing a prop bet at the Sky Poker Tour and having to wear a Mankini in the casino - anything goes!*
Show wise we've got live master cash action from 7 followed by the poker clinic at 8 where we'll be looking at requested hands from our main event, the 12K Sky Sports Bounty Hunter. At 9 it's Top of the Pots before we return to Master Cash at 10 and the highlights of our main event from 11.
GL on the tables and we'll see you from 7
Sarah xx
2. Location: Aberdeen, Scotland
3. Occupation: Document Controller (not nearly as important as it sounds!)
4. When did you start playing poker? In the nineties, when Late Night Poker was on Channel 4.
5. Do you prefer tournaments or cash games? Tournaments
6. What has been your best result or finest moment? Finest moment has been meeting a lot of the friendly faces at the two SPTs I have attended this year. Hopefully there will be many more.
7. What are your poker strengths? I can lay down big hands when I think I may be beaten.
8. What are your poker weaknesses? Aggression in the wrong places, at the wrong time.
9. What one thing will the community not know about you? I’m a short story writer, with many publications in print and online.
10. And finally... Your embarrassing moment.... Telling a particularly attractive female dealer that she smelled good, which sounded like a compliment when I said it in my head, but was probably a little more sinister by the time it came out of my mouth!
I probably should take the opportunity for a shameless plug as well... My website is www.briangrantross.com, and there are many links there to my work.
In SPT Notts Main Event - Getting caught with a 10 high bluff for 1/3 of my chip stack to someones Ace high. That was kinda embarrassing.
Hand is from Mastercash 4.
The plan was I'm happy to continue calling down on most turns and rivers as I think the action pre and on the flop is way more likely to be underpairs 22-88, than overpairs TT+... then I hit the dream card which I probably didn't need lol, so I'm now ahead of everything except quads
Do we continue with our original plan and call turn, then raise the river (or bet if he checks)?
Do we hope the Zeebo's theory holds true, and raise the turn as it's our only hope of getting stacks in?
Hand History #705490998 (23:47 31/10/2013)
1. Name: Paul Lambert
Will come back and edit to complete the rest when I've had a think cos I gotta go now.
Not sure if embarrassing is the right word but the potential was certainly there. Playing against the late snooker player Alex Higgins in a charity game in a local golf club I pulled him up several times on the rules of the game which he didn't appreciate coming from an 18/19 year old. It got a bit tense at times with him throwing a few verbals my way and not backing down from them even after the people running it agreed with me. Anyway few hands later when it was my turn to deal again the guy beside me gives me a nudge to get me to look down. Under my chair was the King of spades and it had definitely been missing for at least one complete orbit "Pick that up quickly and for gods sake don't let alex see" was what he whispered to me. Pretty sure there would have been a full scale meltdown if he'd known this had happened. For the record I hadn't been cheating or anything but he would have jumped on this as he was having a bad night on the tables as it was.
,1 Name patty smith,2 Location some where in the Midlands,3 Occupation Electrician,4 When did you start playing poker 2006,5 dym's 6 What has been your finest moment,winning the top of the posts tourny,7 what are your poker strengths not sure i have any 8 same as 7.9 what one thing will the community not know about you,i am a bloke,10 your embarrassing moment railing HITMANRV AND NOT REALISING I HAD TYPED TITMAN
me too!