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Sunday's £15k Primo - with James & Stuart (***OFFICIAL LIVE SHOW THREAD***)



  • gazza127gazza127 Member Posts: 2,156
    edited November 2013
    * What would be your nickname? The incredible dynamic super-sonic handsome gazza - American enough for you?
    * What would you wear? Burgundy Tux
    * How would you dress your railing crew?  Burgundy dresses...
    * What would be your official anthem? We Will Rock You
    * What would you choose as your mascot? A Burgundy Scorpion.

    Yeah I like burgundy... so what?  :)
    edited November 2013
    hi guys great show,I wondered if u could look at a hand for me . I think I made the right move but it bothers me why my opponent made such a big bet at the end , even if it was a bluff do u think it was the right fold ? I am a fairly new player and any feedback would be appreciated
                                                            Thanks and goodluck Harrygundo
      Hand I d 707499451 from session 3283719244 on 2013/11/06 1830 on ukpc freeroll

    ps your question  Nickname - Harrygundo
                                wear - Gunslingers outfit
                               Railing crew - Black and white stripes with swag bags and masks
                              Anthem - Stand and Deliver ( adam and the ants )
                               Mascot - Pair of six guns
                          Yee Haa
  • lol_i_calllol_i_call Member Posts: 208
    edited November 2013
    hello james and stuart.
    great show so far :) 

    * What would be your nickname? Amazing Mel 
    * What would you wear? bright pink things i.e bright pink leggings, bright pink top, bright pink leg warmers, bright pink hand band with sticky up bits, bright pink make up and also bright pink tutu.
    * How would you dress your railing crew? same sort of outfit as me bit multi colours
    * What would be your official anthem? its the final countdown song
    * What would you choose as your mascot? a giraffe 

    lol_i_call aka mel 

  • SoLackSoLack Member Posts: 2,737
    edited November 2013
    From Primo
    did i get max on river

  • carducardu Member Posts: 147
    edited November 2013
    from  cardu
    good evening,enjoying the show

     What would be your nickname? big bad wolf (blow down your house) * What would you wear? tasty suit (brat pack style)* How would you dress your railing crew? top hat and tails* What would be your official anthem? whoop there it is* What would be your mascot? Kelly brooke (to distract other players)
  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited November 2013
    hi guys,
    thanks for the analysis on the hand earlier - sorry Lambert for the exposure

    name: the Glitzy GELDY
    outfit: suit adorned by coins from around the world
    railers: anything gold coloured 
    anthem: money for nothing (and your chicks for free) - Dire Straights
    mascot: a GOLD BAR
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,963
    edited November 2013
    help please I want to get out of tilt after the stress I got from this hand
    709022723 from the primo
  • bbMikebbMike Member Posts: 3,728
    edited November 2013
    Thoughts on this hand from the Primo please.

    Pre-flop I think is a good squeeze spot for the SB, but I don't want to 4-bet to get shoved on.

    Flop is a good board, bit of a relief going 3-way. Pre-flop aggressor leads out, how to proceed? Don't like flat calling in case button squeezes or a big card comes on turn, but raising I think only gets action from better hands?

    Primo, #709017996
  • nad1mnad1m Member Posts: 1
    edited November 2013
    alright guys,

    just joined up yesterday with the free £20 and already had a royal flush and two sets of quads !!

    been a terrible year and remarkably your channels chatter has kept me sane so thanks and wish me luck

  • watto84watto84 Member Posts: 172
    edited November 2013
    Out of the Final already... guy flops a fullhouse and i turn a straight!!

    GG i guess.... theres always next week..... sigh!
  • bbMikebbMike Member Posts: 3,728
    edited November 2013
    Hi guys, thanks for the analysis. The min raise on flop was me trying my best to look even stronger than Jacks (set), and potentially that got rid of my action from the 10s.

    Great point that 900 in the middle is great to pick up uncontested pre when I only have 3k, or we can flip for the lot or risk being picked off by worse (probably offset a little by TT 99 that might call?).  Taken on board.
    edited November 2013
    Hand Request, 
    wasnt a main tournament but im a fairly new player and know in this hand i really rushed in but the player i bet against had only been playing picture cards throughout the whole tourney so was trying to either push him off hand or him to call expecting AK AQ AJ KJ 
    Question is on a flop like this is and being short stacked is it worth just safe playing this hand after flop cos the guy later said he would have called my all in bet had i pushed pre flop? bad play from both of us i believe but still felt like i was ahead.

  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,667
    edited November 2013

    Evening guys. Good show tonight. Please keep us informed of that UKPC game.

    I am just a MTT player but I am struggling to even min cash ATM in quite a few tournies  and carnt put my finger on what is going wrong. I understand variance and downswings but need some advice on how to turn it around.

    Just finished 49th in main and 101st in mini. I have gone back to mainly playing 'abc' poker to try and overcome it, but that is not working so should I just go 'aggro' from the start of tournies or just keep playing how I am and hope it turns?

    My MTT tick list is as follows.

    Make late reg period.
    Make 50% of field.
    Make min cash.
    Make FT.
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,963
    edited November 2013

    evening gents
    well thanks to the way things are going in the mini. my little moment of tilt from the horror I had in the main event was gone in no time.

  • aussie09aussie09 Member Posts: 8,033
    edited November 2013
    11:02 PM main mini both % main in mini  
    entered 299 436 126 42  
    left 36 61 2    
    shawsok 12 23      
    ryan83 31 45      
    edited November 2013
    Hand Request
    Mini Main yesterday
    i know this was a yesterday tournament but was wondering have i done the right thing here? like i said quite new playing on sky and it was just after the bubble and i probably did have enough chips here to try and force way into top 10? main question to you guys is would you play this hand any different no matter how much your playing for in tournament play? any tips always going to be helpful as i want to start finishing top 10's in mini events so that i can build bank roll and then play main events. really good show tonight and really helpful talking through some of the hands.
    this is a generla question just thought this hand is a good example of what im trying to ask.

  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,667
    edited November 2013

    Cheers guys....great answers and advice from both.
  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,667
    edited November 2013
    In Response to Re: Sunday's £15k Primo - with James & Stuart (***OFFICIAL LIVE SHOW THREAD***):
    In Response to Re: Sunday's £15k Primo - with James & Stuart (***OFFICIAL LIVE SHOW THREAD***) : Dont change a thing mate Ive been at your table a couple of times and from what i remember there is nothing at all wrong with your game and things will put themselves right with time. GL
    Posted by Diminuendo

    Cheers mate.

    **Message to Stuart**.....WOTEVA is a big burly (but friendly) BLOKE!!!
  • aussie09aussie09 Member Posts: 8,033
    edited November 2013
    11:40 PM main mini both % main in mini  
    entered 299 436 126 42  
    left 18 26 1    
    shawsok 5 16      
  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,667
    edited November 2013

    At last! 1st MTT cash/win for ages.....must of been the panels expert advice!
    9.15 deepy (£2.20)....72 runners. 

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