I would imagine it's pretty high.
I see that generally it's accepted that around 90% of people are losing.
I would be very surprised if that's the case with regularish (new word) forum regulars.
Is this due to more interest in the game and learning, for example the clinic?
Are the people who use the forum more into the game and less likely to deposit £50 on a whim and have a bit of fun?
I wonder where money in poker comes from, is it just these players that deposit money for fun and constantly top up. You would think they would get bored of losing all the time though, unless there's loads of people that do this at different times. So at anyone time, theres loads of people depositing that maybe play for a short period, have a break and come back for more.
Of those that do visit the forum I'd guess only about 1/10 post regularly, the other 9/10 mainly lurk, ie read stuff but never or hardly ever contribute.
In my opinion forum posters are far more likely to be winners than random players. By definition we're people who spend more time away from the tables thinking and talking about poker than others. If you did a survey of say the top 30 most active forum members I estimate at least 75% would be winning players.
BTW, according to Sharkscope FAQ 31% of players on Sky are winning plyers.
Cash % winning players (where most of the overall volume is) I would expect to be down around 10-15% max.
I do agree that as a regular poster on the forum especially if you use / comment on the clinic you either are a winning player or you are on your way to be being one.