Hello skypoker community.
I have just started my online poker journey and sky will be my first stop.
I have been playing poker with friends and I always enjoyed the occassional home game with some beers on the side.
I am thinking to start playing some DYMs for a start until I get a grisp of the software.
Can anyone give me any advice on how to play DYMs?

Hi DimTzar.
Welcome to the Sky Community.
Im not a DYM player so there will be many others who are in a better position to offer advice. What I would say is you should be playing quite tight. No need to be playing for stacks, especially in the first few levels unless you are holding a nutted hand. Keep an eye out on other stack sizes at all times, being wary that you dont have to win it to cash... just finish in the top 3. Play in position if you can so you are last to act in each series of betting. Theres nothing worse than calling a mediocre hand out of position, hitting the board sideways and guessing where you are in the hand.
Good luck
Good Luck DimTzar,
Any questions, fire away.
Simply Profit/Investment * 100 = ROI %
So the higher your ROI the better
Welcome and good luck!
May I ask you a question?