Hi all I just thought I would post and ask for thoughts on sats, I have played countless amounts of sats since I started out at poker but im begining to beleive they are putting a negative spin on my game, sounds strange ino but what I mean is say if you hammer the sats for 2 target events and dont get the seat I feel like my game is effected that night and Im not to botherd about the bread and butter mtts which I am confident of getting results in regularly, also even if I bink a seat to the target event as soon as I bust that event Im not too botherd about the standard mtts and my game must drop by at least 10 percente, any1 else have the same problems ???
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Or say you have a deep run in the main, play for 3/4 hrs & finish 10th - 20th, you will win just over a min cash ?? You have had your eye on 1st prize however of £1500+ & then trying to win say £80 in another MTT is really hard. #nomotivation !!
Have you had a go of any of the live sats for circus' 20k mtt K8LOU?
There's one every Monday and the standard is really bad haha.
There was 2 seats and a cash bubble for about £110
Did you buy in or did you win a seat on Monday, was I playing with you haha?
Probably going to try again this Monday, i'd rather you not come though as you know what your doing haha.
Defo want to play this though, iv'e never really played a live mtt with a decent prizepool and it's local.
I'll give you a shout if I bink a seat anyway an hopefully see ya there next month.