I knew you would go for the easy/wrong answer Lolz! THe answer I was after was...When Vito is shot there is a poster of Jake La Motta in the scene...and relax...
711403496 primo I raised expecting fold when I got reraise I thought it was to resteal as I had above average hand I thought I would take a flop then flop came out a dream and when I saw shove I expected to see a pocket pair.
Apart from a certain chap called Ken from Notty Ash, there doesn't appear to be many famous people called similar. The biggest hit is an Australian blogger who specialises in "Doddcasting", whatever that is.
As for my poker name, that brings back a whole different range of hits.
Couldn't catch you out on film trivia James, but I went to see a film today about time travelling Turkeys. Can you match that?
i watched the film LOSER last night for the first time i found it entertaining only because i am a poker player,but what made me chuckle was the spt regs namley the friday lot,i could put names from the the regs to the characters in the film lol
if this gets shown
711403496 primo
I raised expecting fold when I got reraise I thought it was to resteal as I had above average hand I thought I would take a flop then flop came out a dream and when I saw shove I expected to see a pocket pair.
What boat carries young Vito to Ellis Island in The Godfather: Part II?
As for my poker name, that brings back a whole different range of hits.
Couldn't catch you out on film trivia James, but I went to see a film today about time travelling Turkeys. Can you match that?
If not, I guess I get the crown.
Enjoying the show as always