A discussion topic...
We've seen some great results from people keeping diaries on the Sky Poker forum with many getting good profits. So, does keeping a diary help to improve your profitablilty or is it just that good players are more likely to keep a diary?
It will be interesting to hear from those who have kept diaries to hear the benefits they have gained from doing them.
Sky Poker
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It has definitely motivated me to play more, & better. Facing the music the next morning is a great motivator!
I don't think having a bad time would stop me, or I hope it would not. When I started mine, 2nd September, I started with £200, & day by day it dribbled down to £134, which I had to keep reporting, & it was the Diary that made me critically self-examine, & help find a way of turning it round. Without the daily Update to do, I'd have probably just said "too bad", but the Diary gave me the discipline. I did not much enjoy reporting those losses day safter day, so it made me find a solution.
I think they are great for the Community, too, such a mix of styles & people. I read every single one, obviously I enjoy some more than others - I'm not big on serial chunterers - but it's good to get an insight into people's minds.
There are no short cuts, you just have to apply yourself, or give best. A diary, log or chronicle definitely aids the self-discipline. IMO, of course.
I love reading them and it would make navigating to them a whole lot easier.
Diaries come & go, sometimes loads of them, they they go quiet.
The whole Forum, or Community, has "moods", good & bad, this & that. Diaries are part of that.
I genuinely think this Community needed some change of tempo & mood, it had become a bit moany-minnie, & the Diaries have helped change that. The place for complaints is Customer Care, not the Community, but CC don't handle Diary questions. Hopeless.
cause poker in the main is really boring
but.... they do focus the mind.....
That's probably why mine is v much results based.
Garys diary was probably the most successful, and it was very 'matter of fact'. Every day his results would go up, win or lose, occasionally a hand history and some thought processes, and very little else aside from poker.
Suppose that was more of a challenge thread than a 'diary', so maybe abit different.
Not really a fan of too much life stuff, although there are exceptions, and that style does seem very popular.
Think mine was one of the first diaries to come in, Sky asked me to start it to promote the hyper HU sngs which I asked to be introduced. (they're 1 of the few innovations that have stood the test of time btw!)
I've retired and re-started it on multiple occasions since then as my volume has fluctuated, seems to work well that way.
Done 6 weeks updating it every other day, will prob give it a break again soon.
Do 1 till xmas then re-assess, can always come back to it!
+1 to a diary section btw.