As a new player I was looking at the promotions of the site and I found out that there are Happy hours in cash games when you get a 50% bonus on points earned.
I started playing here DYMs (I have tried some cash but I didn't work for me) so I was wondering why don't SNGs benefit from the happy hours promo? Why exclude SNG players from this promotion?
Also from what I have seen in the promotions run by sky there is not a single promotion for SNGs. Cash players benefit from both happy hours and early bird and for MTT players there are the Final Table Jackpot and the magnificent seven.
So my question is can sky run a promotion for SNGs? Why not extend the happy hours for SNGs or think of an alternative promotion?
What are people's thoughts on this subject?
Hi Mr DimTzar.
I don't believe it is unfair.
All Promos are open to everyone, but it's not possible to please everyone. There, you said we'd say that.....
There was a DOUBLE REWARDS week for SNG's only last month, & I expect there'll be another soon. It worked well, I gather, but so did the Cash & MTT "Doubles" Weeks.
The fact is, the majority of Promos here, & on every other Online Poker Site are directed towards those who mainly play cash. The reason is obvious, there are far, far more cash game players than any other format, & by a very considerable margin. On a typical site, if you added MTT & SNG traffic together, it would barely be half of Cash Game traffic. That's an industry-wide standard, almost the same on any & all Online Poker Sites, so it stands to reason that the majority of the Promos are aimed to the biggest market. It would make no sense to do otherwise.
Personally, I mainly play DYM's, so yes, I'd love it, but that does not mean it is unfair if we don't get more Promos. The bulk of the Promos have to be directed towards where the bulk of the traffic is.
I hope you continue to enjoy the DYM's, with or without Promos. Fun is the name of the game.
The depth and frequency of promotions geared towards sngs are a complete disgrace on this site. That is a fact not an opinion.
Having said that, I can totally understand why players would want 9max games - it's just not of personal interest to me
In Response to Re: Promotion in SNGs: This may be a dumb question, but why? Isn't there an argument that promos should be directed more towards less popular forms of poker in order to increase the numbers there?
The "double week" was great, but I think that the original post was aimed more at the majority of weeks in the year. MTT's have the jackpot matrix, cash games have the happy hours and currently SNG's have nothing. I may be missing something really obvious, but I don't see why more popular forms of poker should get more promotions.
I have never seen a 'regular' sng 6 max table running. Only DYMs seem to run so perhaps they should try to run some kind of promotion for 'regular' sngs?
No, it's not a "dumb"question ("dumb" has suddenly become a fashionable word here...),. & yes, there is an argument for it. In my personal opinion, it is a flawed argument though.
I have not asked the question, but I would assume reasoned business logic would work like this. (All numbers hypothetical).
Assume a Promo increases traffic by 10%.
Assume Cash Traffic = 70% of site volume.
Assume SNG traffic = 15% of site volume.
Which Promo generates most extra volume?
Which Promo generates most return on the cost of the Promo?
Note also a goodly amount (not unreasonably) of self-interest in the thread, those who mainly play DYM's are bound to ask for more DYM Promos.......
Now do the Charlie Munger thing, & turn the problem upside down, to see if the proposed changes would work.
Going forward, ALL the Promos are for SNG's ONLY, & there are no Cash or MTT Promos. How well would that be received, & how cost-effective would it be?
[QUOTE]@Tikay So if we were to assume that SNG traffic was 15% of site volume and Sky wanted it to start performing better would it not be a good idea to also run a happy hour for sngs to increase it's sng traffic? I for one agree that it should be more weighted towards cash players because like you say, that is where the larger portion of the site volume is at but this does not give arguement for not giving a 'happy hour' to sng players unless of course it's been done in the past and it hardly increased it's traffic.
Posted by DoubleAAA
Possibly, yes, but note my figures were hypothetical.
Care needs to be taken not to create blurred Message, & Promo Overload, though. Lets do the Munger thing again.
1) Happy Hours for Cash players. Outrage (!x21) may ensue if they were removed.
2) Happy Hours for SNG's.
Everyone happy now?
No, because the MTT guys get uppity, what about us.
Confusion may well reign in the Marketing Message, too, trying to promote both at the same time would be a right nightmare.
I'm not being deliberately obdurate with you & others here (it comes naturally to me, obv...), but I'm trying to be Devil's advocate in these things, where, so often, only half the picture is painted, partly because of self-interest. No debate is complete without balance.
All suggestions are good, some more than others.
You never know, they had DOUBLE GUARANTEES for a week on Main Events last month, which was pretty neat, I thought. They also had a DOUBLE REWARDS week for cash, (may have been 2, I've forgotten) and a DOUBLE REWARDS week for SNG's.
People do have a chunter, it's natural, but if nothing else, Sky Poker must get at least some credit for trying different things, & keeping it fresh.
Who knows what they may come up with for December?
I could do with one on SNG's, too........
However let's take your hypothetical figure that a "promo increases traffic by 10%", why not just do that for all forms of poker to increase traffic across the board?
A few times on this thread it has been said that one set of poker players will always be annoyed if a new promo is brought out - but is that actually the case? If all three forms of poker had a promotion (possibly under the same promotion title such as "permanent promotion"), then it would be fair?
As part of the "permanent promotion", MTT's get the jackpot matrix, cash games get happy hours - just need something for STT's and then I don't see how anybody could argue it is unfair.