Hello all!!
If youve clicked this Thread then i shall apologise first.
It wont be as epic as Lambo or DrRunGood (what a hero - 3 days and £3k+ cleared), it probably wont be as interesting either.
It will contain lots of Gifs and Pics to keep you entertained and maybe some £££ too!
So, who is iGoWaWa??
Hi, my name is Dann and im a Pokerholic
I have ideas of grandure to make my living playing the game, i wish i could but at the ripe age of 29 the boat has sailed and i wasnt on it. Dont confuse me with someone that couldnt as i certainly feel i have the game to do so, and love improving. I just have commitments now, a GF, a house, bills etc.
So why a blog? Well i love the community aspect of poker. So much that i even record and host my own poker podcast on iTunes with a good friend of mine. I wont tell you the name here, im not looking to advertise but if you want to know you can always ask

My friends call me the Jimmy White of poker, lots of "nearlies" but no real highlight reel score and more recently this was seen when coming 28th/5000ish in the DTD Grand Prix with £50k uT. Sadly, i hadnt worn my flipping pants those days and managed to lose 2x 3 million chip flips to bust. Pretty vile eh. Oh, i also had a 50th in it the year before. Yuk
I did vow id never play on Sky, as the software imo was pants, and Lambo did try to get me to after sitting next to him in the APAT Team Championships (i notice his blog TR doesnt mention a hero call vs him

) but after my team (Gambling Network Forums) winning it for the 2nd year running i kinda just forgot.....and then the UKPC Sats started.
Decided id flick in £50 to play some sats and my first £11 investment saw me win through to the £240 Grand Final last night, only to fall a handful of places shy losing a flip to lock a seat (youll notice i run at 30% tops for flips). Pretty gutted, and 2 tabling on other sites, i then lose 3 flips b2b in the Sunday Storm on stars with 700 left from 36k runners and also lose another on IPN 10r FT with 800€ uT. At this point i have a great idea. Why not try and spin up my remaining £100 on Sky (id won some on cash) to get to £240 for another seat....via roulette....
Yeah, that didnt go well either!! Shouldnt have gone Red/Black...we know i flip terribad!!
So, here we are today. Sky have changed my ScreenName from iGoWeeWee to iGoWaWa, i guess wee wee is offensive?
I have decided to deposit again and move a large % of my volume onto Sky, and will be playing lots of NL20 Cash and some Micro Mtts.......Mixed in with lots of sats for the Majors and UKPC.
I have no real aim, bar binking a £1k seat and not going busto, but its always nice to spend poker winnings on finer things (****, who am i kidding, its my 30th in March and i want Vegas!!!)
Buckle up and enjoy the ride!!!