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Rancid writes ridic diary just in time for xmas



  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited November 2013
    In Response to Re: Rancid writes ridic diary just in time for xmas:
    I was the dude don`t mind being named and shamed tbh. yeah sik hand for you but defo a change from yourself running awesome vs me lol. gl at the tables
    Posted by liamboi11

    Can't run good forever!


  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited November 2013
    update time

    Nothing much to report, when I have played it's been cash - mostly break even or losing over the weekend.
    Pretty brutal stuff AAvKK flop = K5K - gg massive AIPR pot - general bad horrible stuff. Rivered nut flush v house, flopped trips v bigger kicker - various other stories I won't bore you to death with.

    Bit of shame really cause I just started to play nl100 on another site and got ripped apart this weekend so....have to step back a little. Always nut worst time to have a mini downer when you step up. As much as we all like to think we are the best players in the world, your run good will have a massive affect on your sessions. It's the main reason why people think they can acheive the world and win lots of money while on a heater and they normally then talk about going pro like you can keep the heater going forever!

    You need to take a look at your own game and actually realise when you on a heater and when your not.
    If you want to believe it or not luck has a massive say in the short term.
    Just try and ensure your not making bad plays while on a heater as this will comeback to bite you in the bum.
    For example making spewy calls pre and flopping the world is not the way to make money long term even though while on the heater you think your playing fantastic.

    good luck this week at the tables


  • DonttelmumDonttelmum Member Posts: 1,921
    edited November 2013
    Sometimes he does talk some sense!

    Hope it changes in time for crimbo.  Those kids need pressies!
  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited November 2013
    Nearly xmas !

    Hope things turn a little soon, either break even or losing at the moment. Starting out sessions in a hole and clambering out of them is never fun, ok well maybe a little bit fun :D

    Played some TV tables last night and found out that I do actually get unlucky sometimes. I am in the middle of writing a long winded complaint to Sky about it. Arsenal done a win thing, so good news on the footy front.

    On Sky I have played a mixed bag nl20-nl50 with a little nl100/200 so hopefully should hit priority this month.
    But with 4 days to go and needing another 1372, I don't know if I can be asked to push for 350 pts a day !
    I'll see how I feel, I tend not to push myself beyond tiredness now. It was a major leak I used to have playing on even when I couldn't keep my eyes open :( Now I just go to bed.

    Been out shopping with my 6 year old son for:

    1. leapad for him
    2. Birthday present for Mum

    Number 1 easy, numebr 2 not so easy. Me and my son walking around womens clothes shop looking for something, a top maybe. Both clueless as each other :) We picked something eventually, well it was more like "That will do, let's go get a burger"

    Love shopping for me, Hate shopping for others.

    xmas sux

  • YOYOYYOYOY Member Posts: 130
    edited November 2013
    In Response to Re: Rancid writes ridic diary just in time for xmas:
    I've forgotten..did the kids get a dog last xmas? 
    Posted by Glenelg
    I,ve got two girls. One wanted a dog for christmas the other wanted a cat. I didn't want to upset either of them so we just had turkey again!! HO HO HO!

  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited November 2013

    Forget to mention that we have unoffically adopted two kittens. The other weekend they came into our garden and of course the wife lets them in the house to play with the kids - obviously! So I come home from work and find we have two kittens, wtf! Anyway these two kittens have been coming into our garden every day playing with the kids, coming into our house and keepng warm!

    So now everytime I open the front door they try and make a dart into the house, be it 7am or 7pm meowing for food.
    We have never feed them but all the same, they think it's their 2nd home. So now I have to fight to keep the kittens out of the house every morning and evening.

    But you see these kittens are clever cause when I open the door I normally give em a kick! and they go away and I can shut the door. But lately they been hiding in the bushes so I think no problem no kittens about I'll just go inside, open door and turn round and bang they run past me into the house! So they hide and wait until I am weak!

    One day the neighbour may find a coupld of flattened kittens in the road outside as I may just run em over, I mean they are small - I could never see them, bump,bump, splat!

  • YOYOYYOYOY Member Posts: 130
    edited November 2013
    In Response to Re: Rancid writes ridic diary just in time for xmas:
    ^lol Forget to mention that we have unoffically adopted two kittens. The other weekend they came into our garden and of course the wife lets them in the house to play with the kids - obviously! So I come home from work and find we have two kittens, wtf! Anyway these two kittens have been coming into our garden every day playing with the kids, coming into our house and keepng warm! So now everytime I open the front door they try and make a dart into the house, be it 7am or 7pm meowing for food. We have never feed them but all the same, they think it's their 2nd home. So now I have to fight to keep the kittens out of the house every morning and evening. But you see these kittens are clever cause when I open the door I normally give em a kick! and they go away and I can shut the door. But lately they been hiding in the bushes so I think no problem no kittens about I'll just go inside, open door and turn round and bang they run past me into the house! So they hide and wait until I am weak! One day the neighbour may find a coupld of flattened kittens in the road outside as I may just run em over, I mean they are small - I could never see them, bump,bump, splat!
    Posted by rancid
    I'ts like a zoo in our house. 3 cats,3 ducks, a guinea pig,rabbit and a old fat and cantankerous golden retriever(just like his master).
     Think yourself lucky with kittens,i spent all summer trying to keep a f.....g shitehawk out of the house(that,'s a seagull to those of you who don't live in Devon).Kept coming in to nick the cats food. they're like rats with wings. Can,t believe they are a protcted species.
  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited November 2013
    me again....

    Ok to start, moving on the Kittens have now turned into Disco cats. They now have new collars with flashing lights and a bell.
    So you can now see them and hear them in the bushes. It wasn't my idea btw, but I have to thank the neighbours for doing this cause it makes my life a bit easier. Now I can hear and see the **** :)

    FT'd the main last night, which was nice. Took my winnings and played some nl50-nl200 cash and smashed it.
    I run pretty good all night to be fair, +1k day so mbn to be me.
    O yeah forget to add, poker is full milestones and done one last night, my biggest cash pot on Sky to date - £404 AIPR v Style :) I find that kinda humorous because I started at 4nl and now playing this kinda level is so lol for a part time de gen LIKE ME :D
    Hoepfully can keep this going now till xmas.

    A touch nearer priotity, have not acheived since June/July so I guess would be good to just make it this month with being so close - 342 pts a day to make it - - it may be a problem.
  • chicknMeltchicknMelt Member Posts: 1,159
    edited November 2013
    nice work - in true degen style lol

  • GlenelgGlenelg Member Posts: 6,646
    edited November 2013
    NIce 1 
  • DonttelmumDonttelmum Member Posts: 1,921
    edited November 2013
    I to have just adopted one of the neighbours cats.  The **** thing has 3 legs so how can I not let it in.  It also does the hide in bushes trick after I've been trying to keep him out recently.  However, its all gone Pete Tong now that I bought some 'dreamies' treats.  He runs in and stands staring at the cupboard where I keep them.

    I do all that as a good deed and then the missus comes home and goes mental about cat hair being everywhere.  So now not only do I let him in, feed him, I now have to get the hoover out when hes gone.  Marv!
  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited November 2013
    In Response to Re: Rancid writes ridic diary just in time for xmas:
    I to have just adopted one of the neighbours cats.  The **** thing has 3 legs so how can I not let it in.  It also does the hide in bushes trick after I've been trying to keep him out recently.  However, its all gone Pete Tong now that I bought some 'dreamies' treats.  He runs in and stands staring at the cupboard where I keep them. I do all that as a good deed and then the missus comes home and goes mental about cat hair being everywhere.  So now not only do I let him in, feed him, I now have to get the hoover out when hes gone.  Marv!
    Posted by Donttelmum
    DTM is this you ? I swear this is how I picture you sitting behind your massive console of 24 tables :)
    hahahahahahahahahaha 1 million dollars!!!!!!!

  • ek-scottek-scott Member Posts: 40
    edited November 2013
    In Response to Re: Rancid writes ridic diary just in time for xmas:
    In Response to Re: Rancid writes ridic diary just in time for xmas : Hide n seek is a fav with my two sons Fighting for the remote control with my two sons is also good, espcially when the younger one jumps off the arm of the sofa into my ribs, that's a lot fun ! Sometimes I play hide the sausage with the missus! Apart from that I play anything from nl20 to nl200. I normally just start tables and wait for sharks to come and then I punish them for being so foolish ! If I am not trying to play some cash against players that would rarther sit on waiting lists then maybe I'll play an MTT untill I have either no chips or all the chips.
    Posted by rancid


    Where does the Wife hide HER sausage me wonders.
  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited November 2013

    what goes up must comedown, took a bit of beating on the cash tables last night - lost a few buy in's at nl50.
    Don't think I managed to profit on any tables, if so only by a few quid. Total contrast to last night but sometimes that's just what happens, set over set, KK8 flop holding KQ - holding toptop for vill to river 2 pr - stuff like that - plus I was playing quite aggro - shock ! Leading to a swingy session - a couple spots I spewed a bit but overall it was just a bit sigh.

    only 590 points to go to priority, two days left should just bink it.

  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited November 2013
    Ok so today Tikay posts up something about Sharkscope and i go off on one.

    I have very stroung views now regarding HUD's/software etc.. and the state of online poker.

    If you look into the history of online poker and how it's evolved it's clear to see that everything is driven by money in the poker world. Poker sites are only concered about rake! Keeping customers, attracting new customers and ensuring the rake is rolling in.

    For years and years poker sites do not care about the game. They are now coming to a point of realisation that an industry as big as it is - is in decline.

    Now for the lol, they are trying to improve the state of online poker.

    If we look at the example of black Friday, this in itself idetntifies the pure take all the money and run short term view poker sites and the people that run them have. Do they really care about the longevity of the game online.

    Has poker really come a long way from the pool hall ? While playing live, there was a fear of being mugged or the dodgy dealing by some card sharks. Now you step online and you fear what software are they using to use against you and take your money. Am I playing against a bot, a shared account or someone with all the information regarding how I play that I stand no chance. All this perception of online poker is terrible, cause people just lose faith.

    Everyone in poker is looking for an edge. Where poker is concerned where do we draw the line.
    At what point do we say eneough is enough with the computer programs ?

    I feel if every site banned all 3rd party programs and tried to stop data mining. Online poker would flourish again and you would see so many people coming back online.

    What else do we need, a women to win the WSOP main event for the next boom.
    If we ever get another boom, then why would they want to play online ?

  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited December 2013

     Ok so made priority.... now plan B - thing is I don't really have a plan, I switch on laptop and just play whatever I feel like.
    Normally ends up with me loading up cash tables at whatever limit I feel like playing at that time and seeing what comes out in the wash.

    I been playing anything from nl20 - nl100 latley here and on 2 other sites and poker at the moment is a sick game.
    Had a royal and a straight flush but then again flopping set and villian flopping a straight so..... very swingy at the moment.

    So with one month to go 2014, and I am really looking forward to 2014 - It's been 2 years since I started to get out of nl4 and I feel the progress I have made in my poker brain and also on the felt have been huge.
    So hopefully into 2014 I should be playing nl50+ and buying into bigger MTT's, so cross fingers 2014 should see some big leaps. But I don't ever see things in black and white cause I ain't no pro and if something comes up where I need to withdraw some £'s for holiday or emergency then so be it.

    End of the day I am playing poker for fun, any money is for spends.
    Just hope I can push forward though and increase my spends :)
    You see cause if you have a job, winning poker is just a life bonus.

    Never go pro imo, 2nd job is so nice with no stress :)

    good luck at the tables

  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited December 2013
    In Response to Re: Rancid writes ridic diary just in time for xmas:
    yo!  Ok so made priority.... now plan B - thing is I don't really have a plan, I switch on laptop and just play whatever I feel like. Normally ends up with me loading up cash tables at whatever limit I feel like playing at that time and seeing what comes out in the wash. I been playing anything from nl20 - nl100 latley here and on 2 other sites and poker at the moment is a sick game. Had a royal and a straight flush but then again flopping set and villian flopping a straight so..... very swingy at the moment. So with one month to go 2014, and I am really looking forward to 2014 - It's been 2 years since I started to get out of nl4 and I feel the progress I have made in my poker brain and also on the felt have been huge. So hopefully into 2014 I should be playing nl50+ and buying into bigger MTT's, so cross fingers 2014 should see some big leaps. But I don't ever see things in black and white cause I ain't no pro and if something comes up where I need to withdraw some £'s for holiday or emergency then so be it. End of the day I am playing poker for fun, any money is for spends. Just hope I can push forward though and increase my spends :)You see cause if you have a job, winning poker is just a life bonus. Never go pro imo, 2nd job is so nice with no stress :) good luck at the tables
    Posted by rancid

    Amen to that. And to the pro bit too.

  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited December 2013
    ok so into December and I promised myself I was going to play more MTT's.
    I played one last night so tonight I am going to increase the number to two.
    By wednesday I play three and if I have not won anything by Thursday then I am going to be cross.

    I may just increase the number everyday untill I get bored.

    Can you guess what I have been doing, yep that's right playing cash poker.
    Played on three sites with Sky being one of them, glad to say I won on all three :)
    I played this game called zoom, so much fun.
    The I played a game of look I have AA, that game is soooo much fun.

    that is it

    the end

    o wait the white cat went missing but the owner found it, we was a bit worried last night.
    Also my son has a hearing problem, WHAT! I said a hearing problem.
    He needs grommets, so needs an operation and he is going to be put under so......he only 3 so poor little soul - me thinks it's going to an emotional day for us parents.

    Nothing else to report really, poker is a bit dull init.

    O wait I got something to share for the lol
    Was messing about doing the £5 spin, see Lamberts thread and this bit of poker happened.

    redsl1970 Small blind   £0.10 £0.10 £24.14
    rancid Big blind   £0.20 £0.30 £14.00
      Your hole cards
    • Q
    • Q
    cwurep1 Fold        
    x Raise   £0.80 £1.10 £18.18
    skymac47 Fold        
    redsl1970 Fold        
    rancid Raise   £2.30 £3.40 £11.70
    x Call   £1.70 £5.10 £16.48
    • A
    • Q
    • K
    rancid Bet   £3.83 £8.93 £7.87
    x Call   £3.83 £12.76 £12.65
    • 9
    rancid All-in   £7.87 £20.63 £0.00
    x Call   £7.87 £28.50 £4.78
    rancid Show
    • Q
    • Q
    x Show
    • 10
    • 10
    • 6
    x Win Flush to the Ace £27.07   £31.85

  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited December 2013

     Not updated for a bit cause everything is a bit stale.
    Not much has happened, a couple of deep runs in MTT's - cash been plodding along playing nl20-50.
    Did try the £5 spin into £200, I am up to level nl200 - just gotta find the right time to give it a last spin.

    Still can't motovate myself to play more MTT's. I don't know why cause I am sure I can bink some but it's the thought of spending 4-5 hours and walking away with a min cash would be just lol whole evening +£20 or whatever.

    I can't remember which but maybe the £55 BH I sat into , got down to last 20 or something and went out holding AKvAQ.
    It always makes me feel like I jsut watsed 3-4 hours of my life :) It's pretty common for MTT's though to go 3-4 hours and get it in good and lose. To be honest I find it really hard to handle, in cash I would just say long term +EV all is good.
    For MTT's it's like how do you see the long term when varaince just destroys you in the short term. Everyone just waiting to hit a nice heater and bink some nice monies. Let's face it you really gotta play and run well to get a stack to avoid the high varaince towards the end of MTT's.

    Maybe one day I'll sort out my MTT head and go play  some volume and crush some donkaments.

    good luck at the tables

  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited December 2013
    Sorry to hear about the grommets

    but go re read your original diary to get re focused on mtts
    or stock to cash if you cannot be ****ed
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