Same plan as last night. Stuck to just DYMs. Another good result.
Played 5 £5.50 games and 4 £11 games. won 3 of the £5.50 games and 3 of the £11's. That comes to £18.50 profit.
It's good to give these a go, as next week when the double points start, I feel much more comfortable playing DYMs than I do cash, so will be pushing my reward points up with those as well as hopefully getting to the top level in the December prize draw promo.
Just squeezed in a few DYMs before I have to do the school run. Didn't go so well today, got a few outdraws. It's amazing how quick profits can disapear with DYMs. Hey ho that's the game. Played 3 £5 games and 3 £11 games. Only won 1 of each, resulted in a £19.50 loss
It won't surprise you that yet again I had a losing day!
Gave the MTTs another go. Played the main, mini, 1k BH and £400 bh. Ran terrible again as usual. AA being beaten by 4,2 after getting it in on a Q,10,4 flop. AK losing to AJ. etc etc, the usual boring annoying stuff!
I managed to get 3 bounties in the £1k bounty hunter, which gave me an eye watering £1.19 profit in that one, but no bounties in the other. Result - -£48.39
I didn't want to just give up, I was still fairly awake and felt I was playing OK, so loaded up some DYMs. 5x £5.50 and 4x £11. I won 3 of the £11 and 2 of the £5.50 so a profit of £8.50.
MTT - -£179.29
Cash - -£61
DYM - +£16
Overall - -£224.29
I wasn't too fussed before, because I knew I had just had some poor results, and a decent night would turn it right around. It's now getting to the point it has to be a VERY good cash to turn it around. With me playing £5 and £11 DYMs next week, I can't see me making much of an impact on that loss. It would be pretty rubbish if I get to Christmas and I am still in the red!
Much better night tonight! I wanted to give MTTs one last go before I play a load of DYMs next week, and I'm glad I did now!
I played 6 in total. Mini, 1kBH, £350 bh, £400 bh, £200 f/o, and the £100 Omaha.
I won the Omaha for £65. That really pleased me (of course) but lately when I've played it I feel like I've just been donating to the pot and never really had a chance. Tonight though I felt different and much more in control.
I got a min cash in the £400 BH which bar 38p just gave me my money back. I took 1 bounty in the £1k BH. Then by far the best result was coming 2nd in the mini for £294. I was chip leader for a long time in the late stages. I then got into one big pot on the final table, I flopped the nuts with A6dd. The flop was K,Q,X (all diamonds) It turned out the villain had slow played KK, he turned a Q for a full house so the pot went the other way. I was still well stacked, but if that board hadn't of paired I would of been out of sight... It was actually theKK man that won overall, and fair play to him, he played well. I took a lot of chips off him on the final table, but looks like he got the last laugh.
MTT - +£329.12
MTT - +£149.83
Cash - -£61
DYM - +£16
Total - +£104.83
Only little downside to what was a very good evening, was I noticed after I finished my session and went to close down, I had only made 48 reward points, so fell annoyingly 2 points short of notching up my first day for the giveaway.
Understandably hard to get motivated when there's only the mini primo for you to go at after winning the biggie twice in a month. Probably explains the drop off in performance level and you only managing 2nd
Nice turn around for the stats heading in to December, gl !
Tournaments are tournaments and I have a very competitive nature, although the value of first prize may alter HOW happy I am when I win one, I still get a buzz from doing well what ever the returns are. In fact I would probably say I was happier winning the Omaha tournament last night than coming 2nd in the mini, because I didn't finish the job.
I have learnt from this, not to withdraw too much of my winnings. I was getting close to having to deposit again to stop myself going into the low DYMs and as you said, considering I won the Primo twice only 2-3 months ago that would be crazy!
I realised I said I would put graphs and things up so it's not all writing. So here is my MTT and STT combined since the day I started the diary. Just confirms everything I've put on here really...
Took advantage of the double points tonight and just played DYMs. I can't do long sessions like some people do, I played for about 2.5 hours tonight and that was more than enough. I played 4 tables at a time, both £11 and £16.50 games.
Played a total of 7 £11 games and 6 £16.50 games. A lot of regs on all the tables as you would expect with this promo running, so I was happy to make a decent profit. One of the games got to level 9 before we even lost a player!
Total staked - £176 - Which totalled 320 points
Total Returns - ££210
Profit - £34
I noticed looking back I won 5 out of the 6 £16.50 games, so that's a good confidence booster.
Mixed bag tonight. Strangely enough, I played exactly the same amount of games as last night without meaning to, - 6x £16.50 and 7x£11. As was the case last night, my results seem to dip with the last set of games I play. Maybe I'm playing a few more than I should, or maybe I just have the wrong mindset about getting the session finished, if that makes sense? I used to find the same thing in cash session, I would quite often have a bad finish and it would undo all the hard work I'd done... Something I need to work on.
I won 5 of the 6 £16.50 games but only 2 of the 7 £11 games. I'm not really reading too much into that, I play them exactly the same, and a lot of the time I'm playing against the same players. I also played the main event on the side hoping for a big score, but that didn't happen. It's a bad tactic for me. DYMs are all about chip preservation and not taking risks, so to play a bounty hunter MTT at the same time isn't a good idea!
Played a bit of cash for 40 minutes before the school run. I think it just goes to show cash really isn't my game, or I need help with it (probably both). I played 6 tables of 20nl, I got an early double while HU as they decided to get it all in with A7 vs my AK, but apart from that I got a lot of premium hands and still didn't really make much. In fact if it wasn't for that double up at the start it would of still been a losing session.
Not the best night, but I've had worse! I tried to give the main event another go at the same time as DYMs. Total fail again, so maybe next time I'll just try loading another 2 DYMs, that's probably more +EV.
In short:
Played 9x£11 won only 3
Played 4x £16.50 - Won 3
Played the main - Massive fail!
DYMs -£15
MTT -£33
MTT - +£83.83
Cash - -£45.42
DYM - +£49
Total - +£87.41
Not started any Christmas shopping yet, but I got the kids to write their lists today. Some pretty strange things, like a toy garden..? Also a very specific "Camper van with toy rabbits, tables and chairs"... Could be fun finding that one!
Not the best night, but I've had worse! I tried to give the main event another go at the same time as DYMs. Total fail again, so maybe next time I'll just try loading another 2 DYMs, that's probably more +EV. In short: Played 9x£11 won only 3 Played 4x £16.50 - Won 3 Played the main - Massive fail! DYMs -£15 MTT -£33 Overall MTT - +£83.83 Cash - -£45.42 DYM - +£49 Total - +£87.41 Not started any Christmas shopping yet, but I got the kids to write their lists today. Some pretty strange things, like a toy garden..? Also a very specific "Camper van with toy rabbits, tables and chairs"... Could be fun finding that one! Posted by FlashFlush
Is that a poker table and chairs ?..reading your blog, and it made me think, havn't played DYMs for ages but with double points i thought why not. And i found for the first few games i was playing the same way as if a MTT, and struggled, then thought back to when i played them all the time, and when i played MTT i was well to tight. So adjusting you game is vital.
Played MTT's tonight. I wanted to play the Primo as I think I read it was going to be the last one for a while and the super roller would be every week? I may of read that wrong. Wish I had just stuck to DYMs, would of probably been less damaging!.
Played 8 tournies in all. Total buy ins of £105.
I picked up a couple of bounties in the £400 BH, before going out just before the cash. Everything else was a blank apart from the £350 BH, I managed to get 4th and get 4 bounties which totalled around £35, but nowhere near enough to cover my outlay. I needed to win it to make profit. .
MTT - -£62.24
MTT - +£21.59
Cash - -£45.42
DYM - +£49
Overall - +£25.17
Well it's profit I suppose, but it's hardly going to pay for Christmas!
First time I've played since Sunday. Had our works Christmas do last night, so pretty tired today. Went straight to sleep for 2 hours when I got home from work so I could be fresh to play tonight and have a go at the double guarantee...
Played 6 comps, the usual ones, 1x freezeout, 1x Omaha, the main, mini and the £400 B Hand £1k BH...
Did very well in the £400 BH, half way through I had double 2nd place and 6 bounties. Most of that came from getting it all in 4 way! It was the classic where a short stack shoved early position, someone calls wanting the bounty, then i was sat further on with JJ, got it all in as well and then some1 else decided they would join the fun! I think the hands were something like AK, AQ and KQ. So as long as nothing over a J came down I was fine, I think it was 9 high in the end, so happy days! Made £14 there in one hand. I ended up coming 3rdin that for around £72. My total buy ins were £71.50 so that guaranteed profit. I also cashed the mini with a bounty as well, and that added an extra £12. So although I felt I did well overall, it was only the smaller games I did well in, so was only a small profit...
Both exit hands were pretty harsh, I had AA on both. In the BH, I got it in on a flop of 3,3,7 vs 67, only for the turn to then come another 7. In the mini I got them in pre vs 99, and the flop came 9,J,9, so that ended that pretty quickly!
I went out Saturday night, but I wanted to tick off one of the winter wonderland days, so quickly sat at 3x £11DYMS and 1x £22. I cashed in them all so that's always nice! So £45 profit there...
Tonight I played the same games as Friday. I won the Omaha again for the 2nd time running :-). I also came 4th in the £200 freezeout for £30. Just bust in the primo for a respectable 37th for £144. All in all very happy with my weekends work.
Tonight was probably the first time in a long time I've actually felt 100% focused on poker. I really struggle with my concentration, and I get bored very easily. Tonight I really felt into the game, and felt in control on every tournament, and the results show that. If only I could be like that every night!
Great night at the tables tonight. I think overall it's probably the best night I've ever had for tournaments. Not profit wise as I flopped in the main, but for consistent good results.
I played 7 tournaments. The usual 6 I play and also the 7pm £500 BH (£22 buy in) as I started early...
I didn't cash in the main, but apart from that I made the final table on 5 of the other 6, 2 of those were wins!
I won the £100 Omaha again for the 3rd time in a row! I also won the new tournament to my list the £500 BH for £250.
Understandably hard to get motivated when there's only the mini primo for you to go at after winning the biggie twice in a month. Probably explains the drop off in performance level and you only managing 2nd
Nice turn around for the stats heading in to December, gl !
Keep it up, good luck!!