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A small flash in a big pan.



  • FlashFlushFlashFlush Member Posts: 4,494
    edited November 2013
    Same plan as last night. Stuck to just DYMs. Another good result. :)

    Played 5 £5.50 games and 4 £11 games. won 3 of the £5.50 games and 3 of the £11's. That comes to £18.50 profit.

    It's good to give these a go, as next week when the double points start, I feel much more comfortable playing DYMs than I do cash, so will be pushing my reward points up with those as well as hopefully getting to the top level in the December prize draw promo.


    MTT -  -£130.90
    Cash - -£61
    DYM - +£27

    Total - -£164.90
  • FlashFlushFlashFlush Member Posts: 4,494
    edited November 2013
    Just squeezed in a few DYMs before I have to do the school run. Didn't go so well today, got a few outdraws. It's amazing how quick profits can disapear with DYMs. Hey ho that's the game. Played 3 £5 games and 3 £11 games. Only won 1 of each, resulted in a £19.50 loss


    MTT - -£130.90
    Cash - -£61
    DYM - +£7.50

    Total - -£184.40
  • FlashFlushFlashFlush Member Posts: 4,494
    edited November 2013
    It won't surprise you that yet again I had a losing day! :(

    Gave the MTTs another go. Played the main, mini, 1k BH and £400 bh. Ran terrible again as usual. AA being beaten by 4,2 after getting it in on a Q,10,4 flop. AK losing to AJ. etc etc, the usual boring annoying stuff!
    I managed to get 3 bounties in the £1k bounty hunter, which gave me an eye watering £1.19 profit in that one, but no bounties in the other. Result - -£48.39

    I didn't want to just give up, I was still fairly awake and felt I was playing OK, so loaded up some DYMs. 5x £5.50 and 4x £11. I won 3 of the £11 and 2 of the £5.50 so a profit of £8.50.


    MTT - -£179.29
    Cash - -£61
    DYM - +£16

    Overall - -£224.29

    I wasn't too fussed before, because I knew I had just had some poor results, and a decent night would turn it right around. It's now getting to the point it has to be a VERY good cash to turn it around. With me playing £5 and £11 DYMs next week, I can't see me making much of an impact on that loss. It would be pretty rubbish if I get to Christmas and I am still in the red! :(
  • FlashFlushFlashFlush Member Posts: 4,494
    edited December 2013
    Much better night tonight! I wanted to give MTTs one last go before I play a load of DYMs next week, and I'm glad I did now!

    I played 6 in total. Mini, 1kBH, £350 bh, £400 bh, £200 f/o, and the £100 Omaha.

    I won the Omaha for £65. That really pleased me (of course) but lately when I've played it I feel like I've just been donating to the pot and never really had a chance. Tonight though I felt different and much more in control.

    I got a min cash in the £400 BH which bar 38p just gave me my money back. I took 1 bounty in the £1k BH. Then by far the best result was coming 2nd in the mini for £294. I was chip leader for a long time in the late stages. I then got into one big pot on the final table, I flopped the nuts with A6dd. The flop was K,Q,X (all diamonds) It turned out the villain had slow played KK, he turned a Q for a full house so the pot went the other way. I was still well stacked, but if that board hadn't of paired I would of been out of sight... It was actually theKK man that won overall, and fair play to him, he played well. I took a lot of chips off him on the final table, but looks like he got the last laugh.


    MTT - +£329.12


    MTT - +£149.83
    Cash - -£61
    DYM - +£16

    Total - +£104.83

    Only little downside to what was a very good evening, was I noticed after I finished my session and went to close down, I had only made 48 reward points, so fell annoyingly 2 points short of notching up my first day for the giveaway.
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited December 2013
    WP Flashman.

    Understandably hard to get motivated when there's only the mini primo for you to go at after winning the biggie twice in a month. Probably explains the drop off in performance level and you only managing 2nd ;)

    Nice turn around for the stats heading in to December, gl !
  • FlashFlushFlashFlush Member Posts: 4,494
    edited December 2013
    Cheers Doh

    Tournaments are tournaments and I have a very competitive nature, although the value of first prize may alter HOW happy I am when I win one, I still get a buzz from doing well what ever the returns are. In fact I would probably say I was happier winning the Omaha tournament last night than coming 2nd in the mini, because I didn't finish the job.

    I have learnt from this, not to withdraw too much of my winnings. I was getting close to having to deposit again to stop myself going into the low DYMs and as you said, considering I won the Primo twice only 2-3 months ago that would be crazy!
  • FlashFlushFlashFlush Member Posts: 4,494
    edited December 2013
    I realised I said I would put graphs and things up so it's not all writing. So here is my MTT and STT combined since the day I started the diary. Just confirms everything I've put on here really...

  • FlashFlushFlashFlush Member Posts: 4,494
    edited December 2013
    Took advantage of the double points tonight and just played DYMs. I can't do long sessions like some people do, I played for about 2.5 hours tonight and that was more than enough. I played 4 tables at a time, both £11 and £16.50 games.
    Played a total of 7 £11 games and 6 £16.50 games. A lot of regs on all the tables as you would expect with this promo running, so I was happy to make a decent profit. One of the games got to level 9 before we even lost a player!

    Total staked - £176 - Which totalled 320 points
    Total Returns - ££210
    Profit - £34

    I noticed looking back I won 5 out of the 6 £16.50 games, so that's a good confidence booster.


    MTT - +£149.83
    Cash - -£61
    DYM - +£50

    Total - +£138.83
  • FlashFlushFlashFlush Member Posts: 4,494
    edited December 2013
    Mixed bag tonight. Strangely enough, I played exactly the same amount of games as last night without meaning to, - 6x £16.50 and 7x£11. As was the case last night, my results seem to dip with the last set of games I play. Maybe I'm playing a few more than I should, or maybe I just have the wrong mindset about getting the session finished, if that makes sense? I used to find the same thing in cash session, I would quite often have a bad finish and it would undo all the hard work I'd done... Something I need to work on.

    I won 5 of the 6 £16.50 games but only 2 of the 7 £11 games. I'm not really reading too much into that, I play them exactly the same, and a lot of the time I'm playing against the same players. I also played the main event on the side hoping for a big score, but that didn't happen. It's a bad tactic for me. DYMs are all about chip preservation and not taking risks, so to play a bounty hunter MTT at the same time isn't a good idea! 

    DYM - +£14
    MTT - -£33


    MTT - +£116.83
    Cash - -£61
    DYM - +£64

    Total - +£119.83

  • FlashFlushFlashFlush Member Posts: 4,494
    edited December 2013
    Played a bit of cash for 40 minutes before the school run. I think it just goes to show cash really isn't my game, or I need help with it (probably both). I played 6 tables of 20nl, I got an early double while HU as they decided to get it all in with A7 vs my AK, but apart from that I got a lot of premium hands and still didn't really make much. In fact if it wasn't for that double up at the start it would of still been a losing session.

    Cash - +£15.58


    MTT - +£116.83
    Cash - -£45.42
    DYM - +£64

    Total +£135.41
  • patwalshhpatwalshh Member Posts: 772
    edited December 2013
    Keep it up Flashy. Just try not to crack my QQ too much in the future. Best of luck 
  • FlashFlushFlashFlush Member Posts: 4,494
    edited December 2013
    Not the best night, but I've had worse! I tried to give the main event another go at the same time as DYMs. Total fail again, so maybe next time I'll just try loading another 2 DYMs, that's probably more +EV.

    In short:
    Played 9x£11 won only 3
    Played 4x £16.50 - Won 3
    Played the main - Massive fail!

    DYMs -£15
    MTT -£33


    MTT - +£83.83
    Cash - -£45.42
    DYM - +£49

    Total - +£87.41

    Not started any Christmas shopping yet, but I got the kids to write their lists today. Some pretty strange things, like a toy garden..? Also a very specific "Camper van with toy rabbits, tables and chairs"... Could be fun finding that one!
  • tomo_efctomo_efc Member Posts: 716
    edited December 2013
    In Response to Re: A small flash in a big pan.:
    Not the best night, but I've had worse! I tried to give the main event another go at the same time as DYMs. Total fail again, so maybe next time I'll just try loading another 2 DYMs, that's probably more +EV. In short: Played 9x£11 won only 3 Played 4x £16.50 - Won 3 Played the main - Massive fail! DYMs -£15 MTT -£33 Overall MTT - +£83.83 Cash - -£45.42 DYM - +£49 Total - +£87.41 Not started any Christmas shopping yet, but I got the kids to write their lists today. Some pretty strange things, like a toy garden..? Also a very specific "Camper van with toy rabbits, tables and chairs"... Could be fun finding that one!
    Posted by FlashFlush
     Is that a poker table and chairs ?..reading your blog, and it made me think, havn't played DYMs for ages but with double points i thought why not. And i found for the first few games i was playing the same way as if a MTT, and struggled, then thought back to when i played them all the time, and when i played MTT i was well to tight. So adjusting you game is vital.
    Gl at the tables.
  • FlashFlushFlashFlush Member Posts: 4,494
    edited December 2013
    Played MTT's tonight. I wanted to play the Primo as I think I read it was going to be the last one for a while and the super roller would be every week? I may of read that wrong. Wish I had just stuck to DYMs, would of probably been less damaging!.

    Played 8 tournies in all. Total buy ins of £105.

    I picked up a couple of bounties in the £400 BH, before going out just before the cash. Everything else was a blank apart from the £350 BH, I managed to get 4th and get 4 bounties which totalled around £35, but nowhere near enough to cover my outlay. I needed to win it to make profit. :(.

    MTT - -£62.24


    MTT - +£21.59
    Cash - -£45.42
    DYM - +£49

    Overall - +£25.17

    Well it's profit I suppose, but it's hardly going to pay for Christmas!
  • FlashFlushFlashFlush Member Posts: 4,494
    edited December 2013
    First time I've played since Sunday. Had our works Christmas do last night, so pretty tired today. Went straight to sleep for 2 hours when I got home from work so I could be fresh to play tonight and have a go at the double guarantee...

    Played 6 comps, the usual ones, 1x freezeout, 1x Omaha, the main, mini and the £400 B Hand £1k BH...

    Did very well in the £400 BH, half way through I had double 2nd place and 6 bounties. Most of that came from getting it all in 4 way! It was the classic where a short stack shoved early position, someone calls wanting the bounty, then i was sat further on with JJ, got it all in as well and then some1 else decided they would join the fun! I think the hands were something like AK, AQ and KQ. So as long as nothing over a J came down I was fine, I think it was 9 high in the end, so happy days! Made £14 there in one hand. I ended up coming 3rdin that for around £72. My total buy ins were £71.50 so that guaranteed profit. I also cashed the mini with a bounty as well, and that added an extra £12. So although I felt I did well overall, it was only the smaller games I did well in, so was only a small profit...

    Both exit hands were pretty harsh, I had AA on both. In the BH, I got it in on a flop of 3,3,7 vs 67, only for the turn to then come another 7. In the mini I got them in pre vs 99, and the flop came 9,J,9, so that ended that pretty quickly!

    Today - +£20.05


    MTT - +£41.64
    Cash - -£45.42
    DYM - +£49

    Overall - +£45.22
  • FlashFlushFlashFlush Member Posts: 4,494
    edited December 2013
    Good night tonight! Nothing huge, but a few good results which added up.

    I played the same 6 tournaments again:

    7:30 - £200 freezeout - 31st out of 51 (Obviously not a cash)
    7:40 - £100 Omaha - 1st out of 19 for £50
    7:45 - £400 BH - 2nd out of 68 for £94.44
    8:00 - £20k BH - 105th out of 623 (73 paid) Did get one bounty for £11.25
    8:15 - £1k BH - 58th out of 130 - 1 bounty of £3.75
    8:30 - £2k mini BH - 59th out of 611 - No heads, but £6.42 in cash

    Total Stake - £71.50
    Total return - £165.86
    Profit - £94.36

    To date

    MTT - +£136
    Cash - -£45.42
    DYM - +£49

    Overall - +£139.58

  • FlashFlushFlashFlush Member Posts: 4,494
    edited December 2013
    Didn't update last night so here goes...

    I went out Saturday night, but I wanted to tick off one of the winter wonderland days, so quickly sat at 3x £11DYMS and 1x £22. I cashed in them all so that's always nice! So £45 profit there...

    Tonight I played the same games as Friday. I won the Omaha again for the 2nd time running :-). I also came 4th in the £200 freezeout for £30. Just bust in the primo for a respectable 37th for £144. All in all very happy with my weekends work.

    Tonight was probably the first time in a long time I've actually felt 100% focused on poker. I really struggle with my concentration, and I get bored very easily. Tonight I really felt into the game, and felt in control on every tournament, and the results show that. If only I could be like that every night!


    DYM - +£45
    MTT - +£143


    MTT - +£279
    Cash - -£45.42
    DYM - +£94

    Total - +£327.58
  • SJspanky1SJspanky1 Member Posts: 620
    edited December 2013
    Well done on the last couple of days, starting to show some serious results now. Owning a swingy game like PLO in MTT's takes some doing!!

    Keep it up, good luck!!
  • FlashFlushFlashFlush Member Posts: 4,494
    edited December 2013
    Thanks Mr Spanky :)
  • FlashFlushFlashFlush Member Posts: 4,494
    edited December 2013
    Great night at the tables tonight. I think overall it's probably the best night I've ever had for tournaments. Not profit wise as I flopped in the main, but for consistent good results.

    I played 7 tournaments. The usual 6 I play and also the 7pm £500 BH (£22 buy in) as I started early...

    I didn't cash in the main, but apart from that I made the final table on 5 of the other 6, 2 of those were wins!

    I won the £100 Omaha again for the 3rd time in a row! I also won the new tournament to my list the £500 BH for £250. 

    7:00 £500 BH - 1st / 47 - £261.38
    7:30 £200 freezeout - 4th / 57 - £31.35
    7:40 £100 Omaha - 1st / 25 - £62.50
    7:45 £400 BH - 6th / 66 - £32.94
    8:00 Main - 250th / 383 - 
    8:15 £1k BH - 16th / 150 - £10.40
    8:30 Mini - 5th / 524 - £86.82

    Tonight - +£391.89

    To Date

    MTT - +£670.89
    Cash - -£45.42
    DYM - +£94

    Overall - +£719.47
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