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Regular Freerolls - your thoughts please...

Sky_PokerSky_Poker Member Posts: 2,715
edited November 2013 in Poker Chat
Hi all

One of the things we do each day is have freerolls. In recent times, the value from this has been in the region of £600 per day, which is around £4,200 per week, £18,000 per month and £219,000 per year! (excluding other freeroll promotions we do).

So why do we 'give away' this money?

In a way it's like a promotion which has benefits like:
- Rewarding loyal players (hence some recent changes) - a big reason for them
- Giving people the chance to build a bankroll (potentially from nothing)
- Give people the chance to satellite into events for free
- Giving people the chance to try Sky Poker for free
- It can attract new players, keep existing ones and get others back with us
- Gets more people onsite to help liquidity once they move onto other games
- etc....

In a way it’s like promotions that other companies do, so for example when you are shopping in the supermarket and someone gives you a free sample, they hope you will like it, buy some and become a regular customer. Or, it’s like a magazine giving you a free issue (or a much reduced price), hoping you like it and subscribe. You get the point.

So, thinking about the above, especially about rewarding loyal customers and attracting more players -
how would you spend those amounts of money if you were us?

So, something that might be considered a good idea would be - "make the free cash freeroll £250 every day and use the other £250s to have a big freeroll once a week or month which is 100 points to enter". We’re sure you can do better!

In our view, a 'bad' idea would be - "have one massive freeroll for the whole £219,000 that anyone can enter". Why is this not good? Well basically because (a) 'anyone' means lots and lots of runners for it (b) this dilutes the value for others (c) there's no sense of earning it / rewarding people (d) it's only a short-term promotion putting all your eggs in one basket, once it's over that's it.

Also think about the format for this – Should it be timed? Should it be cash or satellites? (or both) Should it be other prizes?

As you can imagine, it's hard to please everyone on this. There will be differences of opinion and people will probably want things that suit them personally but let's keep this open and friendly please.

It will be interesting to hear your thoughts and ideas.

Sky Poker


  • DoubleAAADoubleAAA Member Posts: 954
    edited November 2013
    Why not have a weekly £3k Freezeout Tournament total £12k, costs 50pts to enter then that leaves £6k for daily tournaments around £230 per day costing 25pts to enter? Or perhaps have a once a fortnight £6k freezeout instead of the weekly £3k one.
  • GaryQQQGaryQQQ Member Posts: 6,804
    edited November 2013
    In my opinion the bulk of the money should be used to attract and/or retain newbies and recreational players. Without those guys the games would dry up for everybody.
  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
    edited November 2013
    I would like to see some Freerolls for Omaha & Omaha Hi-Lo
    May attract more players to these formats?
  • chicknMeltchicknMelt Member Posts: 1,159
    edited November 2013
    i like the idea of a bigger weekly/monthly freeroll too... would be inclined to do something like £100 daily freeroll, daily qualifiers to big weekly/monthly freerolls.

    daily freerolls = £3k pm
    weekly big frerolls = £10k pm
    BIG Monthly freeroll = £5k
  • chicknMeltchicknMelt Member Posts: 1,159
    edited November 2013
    In Response to Re: Regular Freerolls - your thoughts please...:
    i like the idea of a bigger weekly/monthly freeroll too... would be inclined to do something like £100 daily freeroll, daily qualifiers to big weekly/monthly freerolls. daily freerolls = £3k pm weekly big frerolls = £10k pm BIG Monthly freeroll = £5k
    Posted by chicknMelt

    ...and new players dont need to qualify for any of the months big freerolls.
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited November 2013
    This thread is brave Sky.

    Very brave.
  • churchy18churchy18 Member Posts: 1,850
    edited November 2013
    In Response to Re: Regular Freerolls - your thoughts please...:
    I would like to see some Freerolls for Omaha & Omaha Hi-Lo May attract more players to these formats? Cheers
    Posted by VespaPX
    A BIG +1
  • churchy18churchy18 Member Posts: 1,850
    edited November 2013
    what about doing like you say £200 freerolls daily and say the top 50(if someone has already qualified just give they,re seat too next person who has not already gained entry as they will still get the money they won)
     win a seat into the weekly/monthly tournament. maybe even do 2 tournaments 1 for the top 50 finishers and 1 for 50-100

    but i would say lower the points entry too say 25 points as when you are a dym player it is not that easy too make the points required too be able too play these freerolls dailly even although most days i play for about 4/5 hours but am getting priced out of these tournaments as i dont make enough points .i only make 700/800 points a month from the dyms

    or how about making it that you have too have played at least 3 dyms or at cash tables three times around the table and say 2 mtts too gain entry too the daily freerolls

    there will probably be better ideas by others but just throwing it out there.

    and as vespa has said what about us hi/lo players could there not be a weekly freeroll for that as i know there is not enough demand for a daily 1
  • DUNMIDOSHDUNMIDOSH Member Posts: 1,473
    edited November 2013
    To be honest discussions on freerolls have got out of hand lately.
    If their incentive to encourage more participation on the site, isnt working.
    To be honest get shot of them!
    instead of numerous tournaments, have as suggested earlier. One massive tournament either weekly or monthly,
    Another site I use. Instead of multiple freerolls, awards tournament tokens in relation to my contributions to the site.
    Im pretty sure many players would prefer a token ranging from a 30p DYM up to a main event based upon their play. Which they could then use when it suits them.
    Rather than than take part in a tournament with 1500 opponents where the majority of cashes are less than a fiver for thee or four hours at the table.
    I do believe the Facebook/Twitter/Fantasy league should continue as they are most likely to recruit new players

    Thats my six penneth I dont expect anyone to agree but you did ask for comment
  • FCHDFCHD Member Posts: 3,178
    edited November 2013
    I think the 50 points to play has hit the "Free Cash" freeroll quite badly, it is now virtually only made up of new customers using their free poker points playing in it. Small stakes players aren't earning enough multiples of 50 points to play it regularly, and those who do earn large numbers of points aren't (mostly) going to bother with an hour of a freeroll to earn a pound or two.

    If you have to have a cost to play a freeroll, drop it to about 10 points, make it a Hold'em 5 days a week. Omaha 1 day and Omaha Hi-Lo the other day.

    I also like the qualifier idea. daily freeroll qualifiers for an end-of-week tournament
  • Sky_PokerSky_Poker Member Posts: 2,715
    edited November 2013

    Some interesting (and fair) ideas, thank you.
  • jdsallstarjdsallstar Member Posts: 1,675
    edited November 2013
    take £200 off each days free roll budget then give away £400 daily (4 x £100 freerolls?!) and use the £200 you save each day for a £6k freeroll at the end of the month or 2 £3k freeroll's each month.

    Could give entries for the bigger freerolls based on points earned or finishing position in smaller freerolls. Keeps newbies coming back for more and keeps the regulars happy at the same time! Also gets newbies coming back for more.

    Surely much easier to market 2 x £3k free rolls every month than loads of little ones!
  • gixxerk4gixxerk4 Member Posts: 225
    edited November 2013
    Hi guys
    What would be nice is to be able to use your points for some bigger events with higher point buy ins as there is a lot of players with a lot of virtually unusable points eg I have 23000 so entering a 50 point freeroll to win a few quid doesn't really work for me but would love to play some at say 1000 points eg with UKPC semi or final tickets available or 8 pm tourney tickets and add some of the available freeroll cash into these to put some extra seats in.
    Also could players use their points earned in the month for these instead of getting the cash for them  as the money would stay on the site
    But keep some small freerolls as well for a balance.
  • churchy18churchy18 Member Posts: 1,850
    edited November 2013
    In Response to Re: Regular Freerolls - your thoughts please...:
    Hi guys What would be nice is to be able to use your points for some bigger events with higher point buy ins as there is a lot of players with a lot of virtually unusable points eg I have 23000 so entering a 50 point freeroll to win a few quid doesn't really work for me but would love to play some at say 1000 points eg with UKPC semi or final tickets available or 8 pm tourney tickets and add some of the available freeroll cash into these to put some extra seats in. Also could players use their points earned in the month for these instead of getting the cash for them  as the money would stay on the site But keep some small freerolls as well for a balance.
    Posted by gixxerk4
    you can use your points through the month and it wont affect your priority level posted about it on another thread
  • GaryQQQGaryQQQ Member Posts: 6,804
    edited November 2013
    Giving the money to players who have thousands of poker points is just preaching to the converted. You guys are probably already making a pretty penny in Rewards payments and doing well on the tables too.

    In my opinion the money is better spent attracting newbies to the tables and retaining recreational players who are net depositors.

    Most grinders who run up thousands of points seem blind to it, but a big part of the freeroll money trickles up to them ultimately, even if they don't play in the freerolls themselves.

    The recreational players and newbies are the foundation of the poker economy. We need those guys to be happy and and want to keep coming back to the tables. If they don't it's bad news for all of us, even those of you at the top of the pyramid.
  • gixxerk4gixxerk4 Member Posts: 225
    edited November 2013
    Thanks churchy but meant using the points earned so far for the bigger freerolls I was proposing ie if you had earned 1000 points half way through the month you could use them to enter one of the 1000 point freerolls for a seat to something good and then not get the cash at the end of the month but a chance to bink a seat in an added value freeroll
    does that make sense lol
  • BUFCBUFC Member Posts: 328
    edited November 2013
    I think Timed games are best for freerolls for what Sky want out of them. They give many more players smaller wins which will inevitibly be spent on entering other games on the site or even for playing cash games. If people land a bigger win they are much more likely to withdraw it from the site which is exactly what Sky don't want. Maybe some of the prizepools could be knocked down to create a bigger monthly freeroll but that's probably not going to help Sky meet the criteria they have set, I know I'd like that though as it gives a chance for a good free cash! I also think some of the timings should be looked as some of the freerolls are played at bizarre times!
  • a00rocka00rock Member Posts: 832
    edited November 2013
    If we are being frank freerolls should do what it says on the tin for the smaller ones they should be free no points needed to enter. If you want to retain the rebuy and add on frs then fine (players choice  if they rebuy or add on) but any overlay they generate should be added to the prize pool.
    J Hartigan says in his promotion of SP that freerolls run 24/7 I think that would be good with plenty of £20/30 say every 2/3 hrs. If we have 1 per day of around £300 (the daily fr/pr) then no more than 25pts to enter this would mean that you would have to be spending at least £25 per day in buyins to be able to play it daily (excluding promotions).
    If you have frs for tournament entry fine for points to be used along with new player frs after all they do get 500 free to start with, but call them pointrolls (prs) not freerolls.

  • churchy18churchy18 Member Posts: 1,850
    edited November 2013
    In Response to Re: Regular Freerolls - your thoughts please...:
    I think Timed games are best for freerolls for what Sky want out of them. They give many more players smaller wins which will inevitibly be spent on entering other games on the site or even for playing cash games. If people land a bigger win they are much more likely to withdraw it from the site which is exactly what Sky don't want. Maybe some of the prizepools could be knocked down to create a bigger monthly freeroll but that's probably not going to help Sky meet the criteria they have set, I know I'd like that though as it gives a chance for a good free cash! I also think some of the timings should be looked as some of the freerolls are played at bizarre times!
    Posted by BUFC
    agreed keep them as timed tournaments
  • churchy18churchy18 Member Posts: 1,850
    edited November 2013
    In Response to Re: Regular Freerolls - your thoughts please...:
    Thanks churchy but meant using the points earned so far for the bigger freerolls I was proposing ie if you had earned 1000 points half way through the month you could use them to enter one of the 1000 point freerolls for a seat to something good and then not get the cash at the end of the month but a chance to bink a seat in an added value freeroll does that make sense lol
    Posted by gixxerk4
    yeah i get what u mean at the tables
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