Just started playing with the new software and a player was obv away because his time bar was going down quick but there was no way telling if he had come back or not during a hand.
This is an important thing to know and I hope I am missing something obvious that tells you so if I am can someone let me know .
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Thanks belsibub. Never been to thats section of the forum before so missed it.
Must admit I didn't notice any colour change but now I know I guess I will .
I am pretty sure the players are "greyed out" when Away, or that was how I noticed Away players yesterday. I could definitely see they were absent. The time bar circle thingie whizzes round @ 100mph, too.
Best to go to the Feedback Section though, the Suits are monitoring that.
I must say, I do agree, it is not immediately obvious someone is AWAY.
I would imagine it is something they can tweak though, or I hope it is. If that's the biggest fault so far, that's not a bad result really, imo of course.