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SuperRoller Sunday Night Live on Sky Poker TV Ch. 861 with Rich 'n' Ryan ***official show thread***

edited November 2013 in Poker Chat

Get ready folks for a one-two of premium Sunday tournament madness over the next 8 days.

It's the...

£20K Super Roller Double Header....Part 1!




Hosting the first of your back-to-back SuperRollers will be Richard Orford and Ryan Spittles...




And here’s the deal-


7pm-8pm- As we build up to the big off at 8pm for our main event we'll bring you the rest of the action from Thursday night's heads-up situation in the £12K Sky Sports Bounty Hunter, plus live Mastercash coverage.



8pm-midnight- Live full-on coverage of the £20,000 Super Roller!

We'll be needing your hands for that as well- so once you're up and running in the main event, make sure you start pinging hand requests across to us- either on this thread or via

And as well as all your questions, banter and requests- we'll also find time to read out your answers to this question...


Why do you play poker? What's the appeal? Why that and not any other similar hobby or pursuit you could be doing instead? Can you identify exactly what it is about poker that pulls you in?

Have a go at that one and I'll see you all, ready to wage war on the baize- Sunday night at 7!

Heads up for SuperRolls!




  • DiminuendoDiminuendo Member Posts: 222
    edited November 2013
  • RICHORFORDRICHORFORD Member Posts: 5,571
    edited November 2013
    Tonight's the night then.


    Hope you all manage to bink a seat into the SuperRoller, but make sure you're watching even if you don't. Lots of poker to look at and your messages read out on air.

    See you at 7!

  • BorinLonerBorinLoner Member Posts: 3,863
    edited November 2013
    I play poker for the babes. It's amazing how they swarm around when they hear that you play online poker in your bedroom.

    A slightly more realistic explanation would be that it's always interesting to discuss strategy and "getting one over the other guy". Far more of my poker interest revolves around discussing the game than it does in actually playing the game, as many on the forum will know.

    I bet you didn't expect a serious answer from me.

    Well, onto more important matters. My microwave has a button marked "CHAOS Defrost". I'm worried what will happen when I press it and whether the effects will be restricted to within the microwave or will be felt by the wider population.

    The breakdown of society may begin in my kitchen. The world should be warned.

    Have a great show.
  • RICHORFORDRICHORFORD Member Posts: 5,571
    edited November 2013
    Thanks Borin!

    OK, so 3 hours till we go on air. I'll be needing your messages to read out so don't be shy- tell us 'Why Poker?' Why do you play poker, as opposed to bingo, football, stamp-collecting etc etc. What's the appeal for you?
  • gazza127gazza127 Member Posts: 2,156
    edited November 2013
    In Response to Re: SuperRoller Sunday Night Live on Sky Poker TV Ch. 861 with Rich 'n' Ryan ***official show thread***:
    Thanks Borin! OK, so 3 hours till we go on air. I'll be needing your messages to read out so don't be shy- tell us 'Why Poker? ' Why do you play poker, as opposed to bingo, football, stamp-collecting etc etc. What's the appeal for you?
    Posted by RICHORFORD
    I do play football every week.  Although I happen to have the back of a 60 year old and recurring leg injuries which horses would be lucky to have and live...

    Minimal chance of me hurting myself playing poker whilst lying on the sofa! 

    That and the chance to earn some extra money alongside the day job :)
  • iGoWaWaiGoWaWa Member Posts: 105
    edited November 2013
    In Response to Re: SuperRoller Sunday Night Live on Sky Poker TV Ch. 861 with Rich 'n' Ryan ***official show thread***:
    Thanks Borin! OK, so 3 hours till we go on air. I'll be needing your messages to read out so don't be shy- tell us 'Why Poker? ' Why do you play poker, as opposed to bingo, football, stamp-collecting etc etc. What's the appeal for you?
    Posted by RICHORFORD
    What other sport can you play in your pants, and it be ok, other than Sumop Wrestling and Swimming, but they involve moving!
  • 4EVERGREEN4EVERGREEN Member Posts: 244
    edited November 2013
    Why poker? Well, after years of refusing to have anything to do with the internet I had a rush of blood to the head and bought a laptop so I had to find something to do with it that wouldn't turn my brain to jelly. The answer I came up with turned out to be poker. Sadly, as my opponents will testify, it didn't have the desired effect.

    Have a great show guys.
  • RICHORFORDRICHORFORD Member Posts: 5,571
    edited November 2013
    Nice! Good to see the messages starting to come in now.

    Great responses, will read them all out tonight.

    Keep them coming please! :-)
  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
    edited November 2013
    I play poker because the wife wont let me have the remote for the TV :-(
  • BFC4EVER09BFC4EVER09 Member Posts: 158
    edited November 2013
    l play poker cos its fun and exciting and at times so annoyin and Where else do you get rewarded for being the best liar sorry I meat bluffer not that im that good lol
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited November 2013
    In Response to Re: SuperRoller Sunday Night Live on Sky Poker TV Ch. 861 with Rich 'n' Ryan ***official show thread***:
    Thanks Borin! OK, so 3 hours till we go on air. I'll be needing your messages to read out so don't be shy- tell us 'Why Poker? ' Why do you play poker, as opposed to bingo, football, stamp-collecting etc etc. What's the appeal for you?
    Posted by RICHORFORD
    Pretty difficult to spot the difference between the 2 when I play.

    Shall be playing the Roller, and FT jackpot hunting as well. Have a great show guys.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited November 2013
    I'm shocked no-one has said it yet but I play for money. I love the game and have fun playing, especially live but the thing that intially grabbed me and keeps me coming back is the aim of winning money. I certainly don't think I'd have ever put so much work into improving my ability at any other hobbie without the end goal of trying to win lots of £££
  • SlipwaterSlipwater Member Posts: 3,708
    edited November 2013
    Why poker?

    Well, I don't think it was the lure of money. I cut my teeth playing live, long before I got my hands on the online game, and that being the case, it was more about the social aspect for me - the banter and the rubdowns. It was always about the fun.

    I think there are motivational differences between those who started playing 'bricks and mortar' poker and those who started playing on the virtual felt. There are probably no statistics to back this up, but because the person-to-person interaction is severely reduced when playing online, I would wager that a higher percentage of players who started their game with a mouse and keyboard are in it for the money, than those who began in casinos and playing home games. Without dissing Sky Poker (because all online poker falls into this bucket) there is just far less fun to be had playing online - one of the reasons why the SPTs are so good.

    What do you guys think?
  • SlipwaterSlipwater Member Posts: 3,708
    edited November 2013
    Richard, I would be very surprised if you could take Nadal's towel off him, never mind a few games! :)
  • DiminuendoDiminuendo Member Posts: 222
    edited November 2013
    Have a great show guys.

    Started playing poker in about 2002 and have had some very big wins at it along with one massive win around 5-6 years ago.

    I played poker back then because of the challenge of the game along with the cash ofc and all these years later i play it for the same reasons :)

    After all of this time i dont think there is a single day that has gone by without seeing at least 1 thing happen at the tables that amazes or astounds me, who would have thought a pack of cards could make so many things happen and have so many different outcomes.
  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,963
    edited November 2013

    good evening gents goodluck with the show.

    this week my poker has be limited to mostly freerolls.
    today I had qualified for the mini from a freeroll and knowing how careful and cautious I need to be with betting in freerolls, it might be what's needed to help get me some money back into my BR.

  • gazza127gazza127 Member Posts: 2,156
    edited November 2013
    In the roller via a £3 all in sat!  Wish me luck.

    Might as well reg for the mini now...
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited November 2013
    Randomly bash the keyboard for an alias?

    How absurd.
  • iGoWaWaiGoWaWa Member Posts: 105
    edited November 2013
    In Response to Re: SuperRoller Sunday Night Live on Sky Poker TV Ch. 861 with Rich 'n' Ryan ***official show thread***:
    In the roller via a £3 all in sat!  Wish me luck. Might as well reg for the mini now...
    Posted by gazza127
    Bubbled 4!! haha

    Spose am in the £240 final for the second week running, both from £11 sats.

    Get there??!? Missed a seat last week losing a flip to pretty much lock a seat! meh
  • alan1506alan1506 Member Posts: 148
    edited November 2013
     hand id :
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