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I am rather annoyed..

ukstormukstorm Member Posts: 5
edited November 2013 in Poker Chat
Let me just start out by saying i love sky poker and i also love the fact that you run regular freerolls.

However i must say that i am rather annoyed at what has happened this evening with the £2500 sunday freeroll!

Usually i have been able to enter it with no problems and i have never had an email from sky with regards to said freeroll.

Last week i couldn't register for hours but then in the last hour i was able to register and if my memory is correct there were about 1000 or so entrants in the end.

Tonight i have found myself unable to enter at any stage and the tournament started with about 150 people!

Basically each person if they just sat out would get about £14 for doing nothing at all as it is a one hour timed tournament.

This is simply ridiculous if you ask me... I can assure you that there were more than 150 people waiting to enter as we all have on previous sundays.

I telephoned skypoker up and they said it was a "private invite" only gig.

Could you simply not update the description to reflect such criteria?

You used the same tourney name and description as last sundays freeroll making alot of us think we would be able to get in at some point.

This is totally confusing one week allowing anyone in and the next "sorry its invite only".

Atleast update the description and the name of the freeroll, I and a few of my fellow players have wasted over an hour or so this evening waiting to get in when we could have been playing poker!

I would be interested to know what the criteria is to be invited to such a freeroll, I top up on a regular basis and play a few times a week and expect to be allowed in to the reular freerolls as do many other i have spoken to this evening.

The fact is around 150 people had the chance to just sit there and make about £14 for nothing while im guessing a whole lot more of your customers were sitting there scratching their heads trying to enter.

Please do not make it invite only again... 150 entrants seems like a failure to me if you balance it up with all the disgruntled customers expecting the usual freeroll.

Please do chip in with your thoughts if you too were expecting to enter this sundays freeroll.

Kind regards,



  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited November 2013

  • stuarty117stuarty117 Member Posts: 1,395
    edited November 2013

    Use your Poker points to enter the 7 and 7.15 Freerolls

    Thousands were not invited

  • DiminuendoDiminuendo Member Posts: 222
    edited November 2013

    Its a freeroll mate

  • ukstormukstorm Member Posts: 5
    edited November 2013
    The main thing here is the lack of information provided to players.

    Really isn't something i expect from such a well known poker site.
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited November 2013
    lol you didn't get to enter a freeroll, but have been in loads of these before, what a hard life.

    The vast majority of people do not get to enter this freeroll, what makes you think you are special to play it every week.

    Would be as well just abolishing these bigger prize freerolls.
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited November 2013
    The saddest aspect of all this is that you waited an hour in the hope you could enter. 

    It's a big, amazing world! Don't sit around wasting an hour that you'll never get back. Get planning that trip to Australia you've always dreamt about etc etc
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited November 2013
    I also had no idea you can actually, like, ring Sky Poker. Actually give them a bell? This is awesome. 

    Might give them a buzz later when I donk out me tournaments this evening.

  • iGoWaWaiGoWaWa Member Posts: 105
    edited November 2013
    So why werent you allowed to enter??.......................
  • GlenelgGlenelg Member Posts: 6,646
    edited November 2013
    Hi Karl,

    Is your surname Pilkington?  ;-)
  • ukstormukstorm Member Posts: 5
    edited November 2013
    This place reminds me of china.
  • chicknMeltchicknMelt Member Posts: 1,159
    edited November 2013
    Hmmm. Some of the replies are possibly a bit harsh - this is a new poster n all that. 

    I would say though- if sky choose to restrict a freeroll to certain people that have earned the right to enter then why not just try and earn that right next time? As you said, each players starting chip value was £14... A **** of alot more than normal freerolls... When u do get in, u will be glad to start with such a large amount of value no? Most sites have restricted freerolls for lots of reasons

  • a00rocka00rock Member Posts: 832
    edited November 2013
    Hes asked a perfectly reasonable question in a proper manner which deserves a proper reply. It would not hurt Sky to ensure that there was a proper description on freerolls so that all were aware of exactly what the entry criteria was.

    Karl +1
  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited November 2013
    In Response to Re: I am rather annoyed..:
    This place reminds me of china.
    Posted by ukstorm

    you mean almost everyone rolls their sleeves up and grinds a hard days work in the hope to better themselves, with no time for freerollers? i'd agree

    seriously though, we get threads from freerollers all the time complaing about why their chosen freebie is no longer available. and it's the rake paid by the rest of us that supports these things, so you can understand why some peeps patience is wearing thin

    it would be better to try searching the forum for freeroll and read what sky is doing for freerollers, and the huge amount of money being given away on them, rather than just turning up to complain

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,824
    edited November 2013
    In Response to I am rather annoyed..:
    Let me just start out by saying i love sky poker and i also love the fact that you run regular freerolls. However i must say that i am rather annoyed at what has happened this evening with the £2500 sunday freeroll! Usually i have been able to enter it with no problems and i have never had an email from sky with regards to said freeroll. Last week i couldn't register for hours but then in the last hour i was able to register and if my memory is correct there were about 1000 or so entrants in the end. Tonight i have found myself unable to enter at any stage and the tournament started with about 150 people! Basically each person if they just sat out would get about £14 for doing nothing at all as it is a one hour timed tournament. This is simply ridiculous if you ask me... I can assure you that there were more than 150 people waiting to enter as we all have on previous sundays. I telephoned skypoker up and they said it was a "private invite" only gig. Could you simply not update the description to reflect such criteria? You used the same tourney name and description as last sundays freeroll making alot of us think we would be able to get in at some point. This is totally confusing one week allowing anyone in and the next "sorry its invite only". Atleast update the description and the name of the freeroll, I and a few of my fellow players have wasted over an hour or so this evening waiting to get in when we could have been playing poker! I would be interested to know what the criteria is to be invited to such a freeroll, I top up on a regular basis and play a few times a week and expect to be allowed in to the reular freerolls as do many other i have spoken to this evening. The fact is around 150 people had the chance to just sit there and make about £14 for nothing while im guessing a whole lot more of your customers were sitting there scratching their heads trying to enter. Please do not make it invite only again... 150 entrants seems like a failure to me if you balance it up with all the disgruntled customers expecting the usual freeroll. Please do chip in with your thoughts if you too were expecting to enter this sundays freeroll. Kind regards, Karl
    Posted by ukstorm
    Good Morning Karl.
    You've not had the warmest of receptions, & I feel kinda bad about that, as I like people to be made welcome here, so I'll try & explain a few things to you, & perhaps it will help all the other folks who complain about Freerolls here, too.
    More follows.....
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,824
    edited November 2013


    Firstly, the regulars here get a little tired of people who ONLY use this Community to complain about Freerolls.
    You have made 4 Posts here. 3 on this thread, & 1 on another Freeroll thread in which you commented "£20 Freerolls are useless".

    So whilst I abhor rudeness, I hope you can at least understand why you were met with less than a warm enbrace.
    You may consider some Freerolls "useless", but Sky Poker spend around £220,000 per annum on scheduled Freerolls, & on top of that, including targeted Freerolls, it must be north of £300,000. See this thread, HERE

    That is a serious amount of money, especially so when this Community sees more criticism over Freerolls than almost anything else.

    Sky Poker do not give all that money away because they are nice people. It is a Business, & they do so for a myriad of reasons - these include, but are not exclusive to - encouraging new players to join, lapsed customers, rewarding loyalty, and a whole host of other business related reasons. Not all of them are up for discussion, & the Business is entitled to spend it's money exactly as it sees fit. You did ask for an explanation of why some people are "targeted" for various Freerolls. Really, that is a matter which is not going to be discussed in depth. The Business can give away that £300,000 in any way they so desire, in truth.  

    So, when someone who has never contributed to the Community just comes on & has a "Freeroll chunter", I hope you can understand why you were met with a little resistance.
    You were, I might add, a glorious exception to the general rule of these sort of complaints, in that your Post was polite, & very well put together. People are often extremely rude, safe in the knowledge that nobody from the Business is allowed to respond in kind, which always strikes me as a rather low class tactic.

  • rainman397rainman397 Member Posts: 1,394
    edited November 2013
    Good morning Tikay
    Are you available for the 2.20 deepstack this afternoon.
    all the best
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,824
    edited November 2013

    Finally, & for balance......

    "....I telephoned skypoker up and they said it was a "private invite" only gig.

    Could you simply not update the description to reflect such criteria?

    You used the same tourney name and description as last sundays freeroll making alot of us think we would be able to get in at some point.

    This is totally confusing one week allowing anyone in and the next "sorry its invite only".

    Atleast update the description and the name of the freeroll, I and a few of my fellow players have wasted over an hour or so this evening waiting to get in when we could have been playing poker!....."

    For what it is worth - nothing! - I agree with that, assuming you state the facts correctly. The Lobby Description out to be more clear.

    I am in Head Office in Leeds tomorrow, & will mention this to them. Whether they'll welcome my input is another matter, but it's the least I can do.

    There you go, you've had a balanced reply, if nothing else.
    Be really good if you contributed to the Community on a more regular basis, & not just to complain. You'd be made very welcome by most folks here, who really are a lovely community of like-minded people. Go on, give it a go.
    Good luck at the tables, run well.   
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,824
    edited November 2013
    In Response to Re: I am rather annoyed..:
    Good morning Tikay Are you available for the 2.20 deepstack this afternoon. all the best Rainman397
    Posted by rainman397

    Hi rainman,

    I doubt it, but if I am, I will let you know.

    I will definitely play it one afternoon this week - probably Friday - & I'll try & give you plenty of notice, & make a little noise. Went rather wll last time, as I recall. Probably the last Tourney I cashed in, too.......
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,824
    edited November 2013
    In Response to Re: I am rather annoyed..:
    Hes asked a perfectly reasonable question in a proper manner which deserves a proper reply. It would not hurt Sky to ensure that there was a proper description on freerolls so that all were aware of exactly what the entry criteria was. Karl +1
    Posted by a00rock
    I think he has had a proper reply now, & I agree that if the Lobby never properly explained it was "Invite Only", which was not ideal, though that is none of my Business, & I'm sure the Suits will remind me of that. ;)

    I doubt any other Poker Site takes as much time & trouble to explain stuff to it's regulars as Sky Poker, incidentally.
  • a00rocka00rock Member Posts: 832
    edited November 2013
    In Response to Re: I am rather annoyed..:
    In Response to Re: I am rather annoyed.. : I think he has had a proper reply now, & I agree that is the Lobby never properly explained it was "Invite Only", which was not ideal, though that is none of my Business, & I'm sure the Suits will remind me of that. ;) I doubt any other Poker Site takes as much time & trouble to explain stuff to it's regulars as Sky Poker, incidentally.
    Posted by Tikay10
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