CAN YOU PLEASE POST YOUR TEAM OR WHETHER YOUR INDEPENDENT ON THIS THREAD THANK YOU MONDAY FORUM DTD INCLUDING THE NOVEMBER MONTHLY LEAGUE POST ON THIS THREAD BEFORE MONDAY 7-30pm. Welcome to the Forum DTD we've also got our own Facebook Page which so far has 202 Members, just search for Forum DTD(for sky poker players) your best 2 scores from 3 will count ( YOU MUST PLAY ALL 3 TOURNEYS ) see below. 7-15pm DTD 1 buy-in £2-20 8-30pm DTD 3 buy-in £2-20 7-45pm DTD 2 buy-in £1-10 New Weekly Prize Structure below based on runners playing all 3 Tourneys- - - - - - - Last week we had 78 Runners who played all 3 Sky Adam has put up the Prizes (See below) 50+ runners = Friday's Rebuy OPEN Entry 75+ runners = Saturday's £33 BH Entry 100+ runners = Thursday's £33 BH Entry The structure is 3 Tourneys lowest score wins (see below) to take part simply post on this thread BEFORE Monday 7-30pm. Here's how it is going to work. Your best 2 scores from 3 are added together & the lowest wins the Prize Your score in each tournament will be based on your finishing position. So, if you finish 1st, 25th and 92nd your score will be 1 + 25 = 26 Please note that in the event of a tie the player with the lowest finishing position in a comp will be deemed the winner eg if 2 players both finish on 30 pts and 1 finishes a tourny in 1st & the other 2nd the player finishing in the 1st place will be deemed the winner If you have any questions i will try to answer them on this thread. RIGHT THE NOVEMBER MONTHLY FORUM DTD LEAGUE BIT As a thank you for the excellent support you all continue to show Sky Adam has increased the prizes to award the TOP 3 Places Starting on Monday NOV. 4TH and running for 4 weeks We will be running a Monthly comp alongside the usual weekly one so thats the 4 th / 11 th / 18TH & 25th November . It won't cost any extra it's a bonus Your best 3 scores out of the 4 will be added together and averaged Last Month we had 152 Unique Players The players who finish in the top 3 will win ......................... and this is where it changes 100-149 runners: 1st = £55 Primo Seat, 2nd = £33 BH Seat, 3rd = £11 Rebuy Open Seat _____________ 150-199 runners: 1st = £110 Sky Roller Seat, 2nd = £55 Primo Seat, 3rd = £33 BH Seat ______________ 200 + 1ST= £220 Seat (OR VALUE TO), 2ND=£110 Sky Roller Seat, 3rd £55 Primo SeatT Posted by DTWBANDIT
in please TPT