I'd say it's roughly the same but *slightly* easier to teach someone from scratch. Why? Because old habits die hard and to change the way you've been playing (badly) for a while takes a lot of self discipline. The disadvantage the new player has is that they don't have the 'points of reference' from their poker experience. Posted by Sky_Dave
Teaching a losing player is MUCH more of a challenge, but an enjoyable one. Many of them blame other problems for their results. The challenging part is getting them to accept that they need to look at themselves, their own game, & not worry about what other people do, bad luck, outdraws, etc. Teaching a new player to play, assuming they have the ability to listen, & learn, is one of THE most satisfying things ever. They learn, then off they go, & you know they will have, literally, a lifetime of fun ahead of them, at little or no cost. Very satisfying. In fact, both options are intensely satisfying. What is not to like about helping others, or at least trying to? Posted by Tikay10
Teaching a losing player is MUCH more of a challenge, but an enjoyable one. Many of them blame other problems for their results. The challenging part is getting them to accept that they need to look at themselves, their own game, & not worry about what other people do, bad luck, outdraws, etc. Teaching a new player to play, assuming they have the ability to listen, & learn, is one of THE most satisfying things ever. They learn, then off they go, & you know they will have, literally, a lifetime of fun ahead of them, at little or no cost. Very satisfying. In fact, both options are intensely satisfying. What is not to like about helping others, or at least trying to? Posted by Tikay10
In Response to Re: Question of the day... : This. Helping a poor player with a good mental game/attitude become a break even or small winning player has to be very easy. Helping a good player with a lot of ability but a poor attitude is nigh on impossible. Unless you're a psychologist maybe. Even they'd struggle with Don! Posted by DOHHHHHHH
The One Thing i Would Like To No is.will it snow on christmas day
Must easier to fix someones game, anonther matter if they actually bother to take on board and implement change.
people don't like change !