Just wondered how people multi-tabled more than 6 tables?
At the moment I can only fit 6 tables up without much overlap.
I tried having 8 tables, so it sprung up the table if there was action on it, but found it confusing cause it was difficult to keep up with which table was which.
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I'll sound a bit silly here!
"It's all about your screen resolution- increase it and you'll fit more on... "
How do you increase screen resolution?
Some one said this before, I don't understand it and am pretty bad with comps, but if I change the screen resolution would the tables (in mini view) not be exactly the same size?
Yes, it is a question of practice, & getting used to it.
I used to stubbornly stick to one table, as I was a bit scared of playing more, & thought I'd play less well. It is also very important to me to be able to have time to ENJOY the game, which I did not think possible if multi-tabling.
With time, though, I found one-tabling caused me to lose concentration, & play hands because I was getting bored. (I'm a nit, very tight, so don't play many hands).
I now play up to 6 tables at a time. I could, physically & mentally, manage more, but its important to me to actually enjoy the experience, so thats plenty for me.
I should add that I'm not a young man, so my dexterity is not what it was, even so, 6 tables is well within my compass.
The "busy" time is when a new table opens, as I'm very fussy about organising my tables, & record-keeping, & I like my tables tiled "just so", in priority order, but once the extra table starts, & I've got it "organised" on screen, it's fine.
Hope you manage to do it, & if you have any questions, fire away.
Good luck.