Hi to anyone who will be kind enough to offer advice to my dilemma.i suffered an undiagnosed perforated ulcer 5 years ago and was in hospital for about a month in recovery after the op, and had about 10 weeks off work which was a huge thing to me and my family as I had always worked through any man flu etc;)I since have very little faith in doctors as I am a bit of a sceptic in general,and have the opinion rightly or wrongly that the majority of doctors are reps for drug companies. Don't get me wrong, I consider the medical profession hugely understaffed and in the main do a fine job under the circumstances of being under the control of management who are target driven by bean counters.(remember it's just my opinion and I have been known to be wrong sometimes) I have been recently suffering similar pains in my stomach and reflux which I have not had for years, I see my options as a- suffer in silence and take paracetamol hoping it's just a bug or summat.b- swallow my pride and go to the docs who will either tell me to drink more water and less coffee and give me gaviscon(his original advice before the perforated ulcer) c - take the wife's ranitidine type medicine . D- do nowt and live on the edge

any advice/opinion welcomed.The original ulcer was caused by helica bacteria(I think that's the name)
dont let them fob you off tom theres nothing more than the need too live