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DOUBLE REWARDS targets - sweat thread.



  • ChallakChallak Member Posts: 23
    edited December 2013

    Daily Target - 300+

    Cash, SNG's or both? Cash

    How many days left to play - 2

    Points achieved after day 5 - 2231
    Behind or ahead target after Day 5 - ahead

    New Target
    - 2500 points in a week
  • stuarty117stuarty117 Member Posts: 1,395
    edited December 2013

    Target for the week - 350

    Daily Target - 50

    Cash, SNG's or both? SNG (DYMS)

    How many days left to play 2

    Points achieved after day FOUR - 240

    Behind or ahead target after Day One - on target - 10

    only got 33 points today couldn't play a lot as I wanted to play a few tourneys (don't tell Sky but I came 4th for $80 on rival site $3 BI)

    So I missed my 50 pts but still made profit in Dyms which are going quite well.

    I have just started to 4 table and things are going well points fairly rack up

  • TimmyRaRaTimmyRaRa Member Posts: 915
    edited December 2013
    Daily Target - 1000

    Weekly Target - 7000

    Cash, SNG's or both - 100nl Cash and £22-£55 Dym's

    How many days left to play - 2

    Points 2nite = 930

    Points achieved after day Five = 3115

    Behind or ahead target after Day Five =  -1885

    Profit or lost 2nite = Lost

    Managed 3 hours 2nite good nite on Dyms but bad nite on Cash. So gonna grind the Dym's 2morrow.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,800
    edited December 2013

    Well  done lads, some great performances here, & most people seem to be doing it profitably, too.

    Just the weekend remains before we revert to "single" Reward Points, so make some hay whilst we can, it'll look like hard work next week when we are on single points.

    Congrats to Pat Walsh, who got there early, then declared!

    I will try & update the overall totals shortly.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,800
    edited December 2013

    Daily Target 140, doubled, = 280

    Target for week, 6 x 280 =1,680

    Cash, SNG's or both? SNG's

    How many days left to play 2

    Points achieved after Day FIVE 1,446

    Behind or ahead ORIGINAL target after Day One - 46 AHEAD

    New Target - INCREASED to 2,000.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,800
    edited December 2013

    Apologies if these are not all correct, or up to date, but it's quite a struggle to keep track of them all.

    TommyD, Target 14,000, should be 6,000 after 3 days, is on 5,,009, so 991 points BEHIND

    wrongjohn1, Target 7,000, should be 4,000 after 4 days, is on 4,260, so 260 points AHEAD

    belsibub, Target 350, should be 250 after 5 days, is on 262, so 12 points AHEAD

    TimmyRaRa, Target 7,000, should be 5,000 after 4 days, is on 3,115, so 1,885 BEHIND

    spinky6108, Target 1,000, should be 560 after 4 days, is on 364, so is 196 BEHIND

    challak, Increased Target 2,500, should be (approx) 1,900 after 5 days, is on 2,231, so is 331 AHEAD

    tikay, Target 1,680, should be 1,400 after 5 days, is on 1,446, so is 46 AHEAD

    PatWalshh, Target 7,000, should be 5,000 after 5 days, is on 7,843, so 2,843 AHEAD & TARGET BEATEN with 2 days to spare!

    Stuarty117, Target 350, should be 250 after 5 days, is on 240, so 10 points BEHIND

    Lambert180, Target 1,050, should be 750 after 5 days, is on 997,so 247 AHEAD

    John Connor, Target 2,000, should be 1,144 after 4 days, is on 1,089, so 55 BEHIND

  • wrongjohn1wrongjohn1 Member Posts: 422
    edited December 2013
                                 played 129 £5 dyms
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,800
    edited December 2013
    In Response to Re: DOUBLE REWARDS targets - sweat thread.:
                                   played 129 £5 dyms
    Posted by wrongjohn1

    How long did that take, & how many tables at a time?

    I play a 4 hour evening session, 4 at a time, & only play about 30, though I'd play more if the liquidity (PLO8) were there.

    Very nice, anyway, 1,290 points, woop woop.
  • wrongjohn1wrongjohn1 Member Posts: 422
    edited December 2013
    In Response to Re: DOUBLE REWARDS targets - sweat thread.:
    In Response to Re: DOUBLE REWARDS targets - sweat thread. : Crikey! How long did that take, & how many tables at a time? I play a 4 hour evening session, 4 at a time, & only play about 30, though I'd play more if the liquidity (PLO8) were there. Very nice, anyway, 1,290 points, woop woop.  
    Posted by Tikay10
                    about 9 hour's playing 8/12 tables
                so far today played 71 table's took 5 hour's going have break for bit start back up about 6.30pm going to have a go playing 12 table's till midnite
  • spinky6108spinky6108 Member Posts: 253
    edited December 2013
    Daily Target 140

    Target for week, 1000

    Cash, SNG's or both? Both

    How many days left to play 2

    Points achieved after day Five 552

    Behind or ahead target after Day 5  -150

    New Target 1000

    Playing £2 DYMs
  • belsibubbelsibub Member Posts: 2,527
    edited December 2013
    Daily Target 50+

    Target for week, 5 x 50+(to make 5k freeroll)

    Cash, SNG's or both? SNG's

    How many days left to play 1

    Points achieved day 1. 54  day 2. 52  day 3. 52 day 4. 52 day 5. 52 day 6. 52

    Points Total  314

    Profit/Loss.  day 1 sml/profit  day 2  sml/loss  day 3 sml/loss day 4 vsml/profit

                     day 5 sml/loss    day 6 sml/loss

    Overall Profit/Loss   Breakeven'ish

    Behind or ahead target. Achieved(probably keep playing to see what i can get for the week)

    New Target N/A

    A good day ruined.
    Started so well cashed 9 of first 11 then could not win a hand and played so bad. 
  • wrongjohn1wrongjohn1 Member Posts: 422
    edited December 2013
                              played 174 £ 5 dym,s
                         just had break will have go at getting 20/30 more   
                         games in be for bed
  • wrongjohn1wrongjohn1 Member Posts: 422
    edited December 2013
    just got in 47 £5 dym,s be for bed so my have go for 200 dym,s today
  • ACEGOONERACEGOONER Member Posts: 1,435
    edited December 2013
    Daily Target: 570

    Target for week: 4000

    Cash, SNG's or both? Both

    How many days left to play: 1

    Points achieved after day six: 2600

    Behind or ahead target after Day Six: behind 800 ish

    New Target: 3000

    Not sure if I will make 3000, off to Arsenal vs Everton later, may get a few hours in this evening. 
  • stuarty117stuarty117 Member Posts: 1,395
    edited December 2013
    Target for the week - 350

    Daily Target - 50

    Cash, SNG's or both? SNG (DYMS)

    How many days left to play 1

    Points achieved after day SIX - 345

    Behind or ahead target after Day One - on target + 45

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,800
    edited December 2013

    Not many of you have reported in yet, but off those who have.....

    wrongjohn1, Target 7,000, should be 6,000 after 4 days, is on 6,370, so 370 points AHEAD

    belsibub, Target 350, should be 300 after 6 days, is on 314, so 14 points AHEAD

    spinky6108, Target 1,000, should be 700 after 6 days, is on 552, so is 148 BEHIND

    tikay, Target 1,680, should be 1,680 after 6 days, is on 1,832 so is 152 AHEAD & TARGET BEATEN

    PatWalshh, Target 7,000, should be 5,000 after 5 days, is on 7,843, so 2,843 AHEAD & TARGET BEATEN with 2 days to spare!

    Stuarty117, Target 350, should be 300 after 6 days, is on 335, so 35 points AHEAD

    AceGooner, Target 3,000, should be 2,570 after 6 days, is on 2,600, so 30 BEHIND

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,800
    edited December 2013
    In Response to Re: DOUBLE REWARDS targets - sweat thread.:
                                                      played 174 £ 5 dym,s                      just had break will have go at getting 20/30 more                         games in be for bed   
    Posted by wrongjohn1

    With the other 47 you played, that's about 2,200 Reward Points in a DAY!

    Well done you.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,800
    edited December 2013

    Reminder, Double Rewards for Cash & SNG's ends at Midnight tonight, so today is the last day of the current Promotion.

    It will feel a lot tougher next week, so fill yer boots.

    All visitors to the PLO8 DYM Tables wil be made extremely welcome, obv. ;)
  • TimmyRaRaTimmyRaRa Member Posts: 915
    edited December 2013
    Daily Target - 1000

    Weekly Target - 7000

    Cash, SNG's or both - 100nl Cash and £22-£55 Dym's

    How many days left to play - 1

    Points 2nite = 550

    Points achieved after day Six = 3669

    Behind or ahead target after Day Six =  -2331

    Profit or lost 2nite = Profit

    Just played dym's yesterday for 4 hours won 8/11.
    Looks like im not gonna hit my 7000 target for month but gonna grid hard 2day while watching footy on the other screen. GL all for the last day!!

  • TommyDTommyD Member Posts: 4,389
    edited December 2013
    This dropped off the Radar a bit for me, life stuff etc.

    Here's the bare facts.  I need 2.4k points tonight between now and midnight to hit the target.

    Game on.
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