Sigh, back to the drawing board for me, I got up to about £19 @ 20NL then went for gold 4bet jamming JJ into KK. That left me with about £6 which I got in pre 66 v A9o and couldn't hold.
Sure I'll be back at 10NL later to donate more fivers but going deep in the £5 BH so focussing on that for now.
i might just be the worst spent 3hrs last night trying to get out of the blocks in NL10 5 or 6 buy-ins later, every MTT busto'd, I quit attempt no.2 commences at 8pm tomorrow! Posted by yoyo
Attempt number 2 began this afternoon, got through level 1 in 4 hands, called a 4-bet shove with 88, happy to see AK and win the race. Just through level 2 with this little cracker, back later on for the next step. Player Action Cards Amount Pot Balance bbMike Small blind £0.10 £0.10 £17.24 mockus Big blind £0.20 £0.30 £14.84 Your hole cards 7 7 Ghost7 Fold lien22 Fold jordz16 Raise £0.60 £0.90 £39.40 catflap66 Call £0.60 £1.50 £10.76 bbMike Call £0.50 £2.00 £16.74 mockus Call £0.40 £2.40 £14.44 Flop 4 A 7 bbMike Check mockus Bet £1.20 £3.60 £13.24 jordz16 Call £1.20 £4.80 £38.20 catflap66 Fold bbMike Call £1.20 £6.00 £15.54 Turn Q bbMike Check mockus Check jordz16 Bet £3.00 £9.00 £35.20 bbMike Raise £7.00 £16.00 £8.54 mockus Fold jordz16 All-in £35.20 £51.20 £0.00 bbMike All-in £8.54 £59.74 £0.00 jordz16 Unmatched bet £22.66 £37.08 £22.66 bbMike Show 7 7 jordz16 Show A Q River 7 bbMike Win Four 7s £35.28 Posted by bbMike
you might have got away with the slight exageration if you didnt post the HH :P
In Response to Re: Spin £5 into £200 at Mastercash - Can You Do It? 6pm Kick-off Tonight!! : you might have got away with the slight exageration if you didnt post the HH :P Posted by chicknMelt
Turns out I misremembered, the race was in level 2, just not big enough to get through the level.
Looking back, Level 1 I 3-bet AQ from SB then just stuck the rest in (just over pot sized bet) on 9s9d10s, got looked up by KsQs, don't think he'd have been happy I held!
Closed it out with this one, a tricky one with stack sizes and not being able to reload in the comp.
Sure I'll be back at 10NL later to donate more fivers but going deep in the £5 BH so focussing on that for now.
Just through level 2 with this little cracker, back later on for the next step.
Closed it out with this one, a tricky one with stack sizes and not being able to reload in the comp.
Off to 100nl now!
Then this sealed it:
final hand level 1
I'd play him, but would be a bit rude hit and running him for £100 !
Back later methinks.