Firstly, hello.
I have been playing poker on and off for four years now. Basically, started on Facebook poker whcih gave me the bug. I then played with friends only three times/ five times a year approx' and kept the facbook play up whic I did well on.
I discovered the online world of poker and and have been playing on sky for two weeks now. First week I put 10 pounds in my account and lost that, this week I put 5 pounds in and now am up to 20 pounds, not much I know but playing small to find my feet.
I was just wondering if what the best free guides are to read and also any advice would be appreciated. I am struggling a bit with percentages, as maths was never my strong but i'm working on that.
Thanks for any tips in advance.
This is also a good link for odds etc
I think one of the best sources of free information you can get is this forum. Ask away and people will give you some very good replies. The main thing is to be specific in your questions so as to find out what you want to know. The more general the question the bigger and longer the replies which will include a lot you dont want to know. So just ask away either here or in the clinic