I've been playing a lot of sit n gos recently and one thing I sometimes see is the following.
Today for example I was in a 10 seater SNG in the dealer position. It's really early on and nothing much has happened yet. I have AJs and everyone folds to me.
I raise up 3BBs and the small blind goes all in against me.
So I fold, because despite having a good hand, I don't want to risk reducing my tournament life to a coin flip. I'd rather get to the flop if I can, then outplay weaker players there in order to accumulate chips.
Couple of rounds later, the same thing happens again - this time with A10s.
How do you go about dealing with players like this? I know the standard advice is to wait and be patient and he will take himself out of the game eventually. But in the meantime he is pinching chips off me when he probably has a worse hand. He gets himself to the point of being chip leader whilst my stack dwindles, despite me feeling like I didn't do a lot wrong.
Even if had AA I still wouldn't be that keen to call him and go down to the lottery of the next 5 cards.
What do you think?
Are you actually serious with that statement?
Look around and find some pot limit, or limit games where there are restrictions on how much a player can bet.
Not really much else than can be done.
When a player is all in you only have 2 options, call or fold.
You don't like calling, so keep folding?
What else can you do.
Sit out?
I can understand where you are coming from though, being reduced to coinflip situations can be frustrating, especially when you're on a bad run of form. It is important to realise that if you make the "standard plays", you will profit in the long run :-)
Stealing blinds from others will compensate for the aggro player stealing them from you.
Decent players will often try to protect their Big Blinds, identify the ones that won't and use this to your advantage.
As regards to the not liking to call with AA all in pf, you should be jumping to ever get in this situation!