Does anyone here tilt?
My cousin is a quite well known poker player of recent times and taught me and my fella a few things about poker and tilting in online poker, also the things to look for when you're better of shutting down your laptop and not playing. As a result if I get a "bad beat" I lose all interest in the game and log out for the day, or sometimes 2 or 3 days.
My fella withdraws from the site the gave hm the bad beat and plays a different site. So why would anyone tilt, it actually has a name, you know you're doing it, its going to cost you money, you never win when tilting, so why?
BTW, My cousin won $1.1million in 2011, and over 300'000 in 2012.
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Is there any sites that he hasn't suffered a bad beat on?
Sounds like my wife shoe shopping :-)