Sorry this is a bit late, but I've just this minute been asked to make you aware of tonight's Show, & some other bits & pieces.
First up, the Show. It's DP "I won the tikay Sleepstack" Fitzgerald & Ed "Beefacake" Giddens in the Studio.
They will be following tonight's £15,000 Guaranteed Primo, & they have 3 or 4 Spot-Prizes to give away, these being FREE ENTRIES to the Santa Sack Tourney on 27th December. (Next Sunday). They may give them away for good plays, or e-Mails read out. The e-Mail address is.....
Handy Hint # 1 - Write in & tell DP how well he played to win the tikay Sleepie last Wednesday & you are halfway there.
Handy Hint # 2 - Write in & say how handsome Ed looked on Total Player last night, & congragulate him on his first 3 picks, & you are almost home & hosed.
There are also THREE BOUNTIES in the Tourney - Lisa Marie, James Hartigan, & myself. Bust any one of us, & you are in the Santa Sack Tourney, as well as geting our chip & the regular Bounty money on our head. The Phone-in to the Show will be by me - I think. (I get confused). 8pm, Channel 865. Don't forget that e-addy - "" And you know what to put in the e-Mail, right? Good Luck. PS - Bust James Hartigan & Lisa first, before you start on me, I've had a hard life. Posted by Tikay10
There are also THREE BOUNTIES in the Tourney - Lisa Marie, James Hartigan, & myself. Bust any one of us, & you are in the Santa Sack Tourney, as well as geting our chip & the regular Bounty money on our head. The Phone-in to the Show will be by me - I think. (I get confused). 8pm, Channel 865. Don't forget that e-addy - And you know what to put in the e-Mail, right? Good Luck. PS - Bust James Hartigan & Lisa first, before you start on me, I've had a hard life. Posted by Tikay10
My emails not working .."I forgot the new password" doh so can i say here that DP has always been my hero .. he has the same hair-do as me (what) !!.. I'd like to say how smart ED looked but he knows he didn't and wouldn't like to me to patronise him ) .. but DP your a star well played , it looks like you've listened to all ive been teaching you glk well played.. benny
There are also THREE BOUNTIES in the Tourney - Lisa Marie, James Hartigan, & myself.
Bust any one of us, & you are in the Santa Sack Tourney, as well as geting our chip & the regular Bounty money on our head.
The Phone-in to the Show will be by me - I think. (I get confused).
8pm, Channel 865.
Don't forget that e-addy -
And you know what to put in the e-Mail, right?
Good Luck.
PS - Bust James Hartigan & Lisa first, before you start on me, I've had a hard life.
Join us on the dark side now! You know it makes sense!!
so can i say here that DP has always been my hero .. he has the same hair-do as me (what) !!..
I'd like to say how smart ED looked but he knows he didn't and wouldn't like to me to patronise him
but DP your a star well played , it looks like you've listened to all ive been teaching you glk well played.. benny