So I've seen now before these questions being posed to poker players that have been interviewed on skypoker and thought I'd pose the question here for people to answer.
One thing I see happen A LOT which is a big mistake people make is they try and put an opponent on A hand instead of a RANGE of hands. A good example of this might go as follows:
Hero raises it up with 77 and Villain 3-bets. Hero calls. Flop comes down 552.
Now villain is pretty tight and only 3-bets pre-flop with JJ+ and AK. What should we do with our 77?
Well against that range of hands we only have 34% equity. This is because there are 24 combinations of pairs we lose too but only 16 combos of AK hands that we are ahead of. (and even vs AK the AK has outs) So we should fold to any reasonable sized bet. Yes, sometimes we will be bluffed off the best hand but overall we will be making a correct fold.
What people tend to do in this situation though is "put their opponent on AK" and will call down multiple bets as long as an A or K doesn't fall.
Set mining in 3bet HU pots with 77
Nobody else want to offer any advice/offer up what they think are mistakes that a lot of people make?
Unfortunately, these players will leave your table quite quickly so you need to get there cash quickly. If they miss a flop they fold to a decent raise. So that's the mistake some players make, their game is so ABC, So tight to the rules they're easy to bluff off hands.
Remember kids......................
Don't call a 100 chips raise down each street and lose 300 chips, raise 150 on the flop and if you get called you can assume you're beaten (altohugh you may of flopped the nuts) and can fold only losing 150 chips.
Another thing to remember, the villian has had bad beats before, they're in his mind right now, your cards maybe beat but your game can have a 70% lead.
the only hand that should be slow played are top sets on dry boards, full houses on the flop and if still dry on the turn too, quads and finally straight draws on flops that rainbowed
edit: should be nut straights
But even them shouldn't be played too slow as their could be a good chance of connectors especially with the Ahigh straights