i play mainly DYM'S low stakes, so for a change i started a heads up game while my DYM is running,
second hand in my oponant goes all in..... im looking down at 55. too me this is strong heads up.. very strong, im thinking im against 2 overs. i call and look at KJo im happy too see this even happier when it comes AA5.
HE SAIS IN THE BOX 55???? and wants a rematch, so before i explain my reason in the next game, im called a (C U Next Tuesday) And some abuse about my call.
he shoves again very first hand and WHO AM I TOO SAY NO WHEN I LOOK AT ACES THIS TIME.
i enjoy poker and not a heads up player was my first call wrong???????
also why moan about this pre flop, u go all in for 980 to steal my 10... im guessing u want a call and this is not a steal.
But turn the chat off next time !
Hyper = easssy call